8  Data Overview

flowchart LR
Fil[Observation Filtering] --> Di[Diagram With Insertion<br>Of Computed Counts]
Di --> Con[Consort]
Di --> Mer[Mermaid]
dd[Data about Data] --> mvs[Missing Value Snapshot]
dd --> dc[Data Characteristics]
dc --> dcs["discrete vs. continuous<br>ties<br>information content<br>symmetry<br>rare values<br>common values"]

8.1 Filtering of Observations

When the number of subjects in the final analysis is less than the number of subjects initially entering the study, it is important to detail the observation filtering process. This is often done with a consort diagram, and fortunately R has the consort package by Alim Dayim for drawing data-driven diagrams. To demonstrate its use let’s simulate a two-treatment randomized clinical trial in which 1000 subjects were screened for participation.

hookaddcap()   # make knitr call a function at the end of each chunk
               # to try to automatically add to list of figure
N <- 1000
r <- data.table(
  id    = 1 : N,
  age   = round(rnorm(N, 60, 15)),
  pain  = sample(0 : 5, N, replace=TRUE),
  hxmed = sample(0 : 1, N, replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.95, 0.05))   )
# Set consent status to those not excluded at screening
r[age >= 40 & pain > 0 & hxmed == 0,
  consent := sample(0 : 1, .N, replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.1, 0.9))]
# Set randomization status for those consenting
r[consent == 1,
  randomized := sample(0 : 1, .N, replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.15, 0.85))]
# Add treatment and follow-up time to randomized subjects
r[randomized == 1, tx     := sample(c('A', 'B'), .N, replace=TRUE)]
r[randomized == 1, futime := pmin(runif(.N, 0, 10), 3)]
# Add outcome status for those followed 3 years
# Make a few of those followed 3 years missing
r[futime == 3,
  y := sample(c(0, 1, NA), .N, replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.75, 0.2, 0.05))]
# Print first 15 subjects
kabl(r[1 : 15, ])
id age pain hxmed consent randomized tx futime y
1 51 2 1 NA NA NA NA NA
2 63 2 0 1 1 A 3.0000 0
3 47 1 0 1 1 A 3.0000 NA
4 84 5 0 1 0 NA NA NA
5 65 3 0 1 1 B 3.0000 1
6 48 4 0 1 1 A 3.0000 0
7 67 3 0 1 1 B 2.0566 NA
8 71 0 0 NA NA NA NA NA
9 69 5 0 1 1 B 1.2815 NA
10 55 2 0 1 1 B 1.2388 NA
11 83 4 0 1 1 A 3.0000 1
12 66 5 0 1 1 A 3.0000 0
13 51 1 0 1 1 B 3.0000 0
14 27 2 0 NA NA NA NA NA
15 77 2 0 1 1 A 3.0000 0

Now show the flow of qualifications and exclusions in a consort diagram. consort_plot wants multiple reasons for exclusions to be prioritized in a hierarchy, and NA to be used to denote “no exclusion”. Use the Hmisc function seqFreq that creates a factor variable whose first level is the most common exclusion, second level is the most common exclusion after excluding subjects based on the first exclusion, and so on. seqFreq also returns an attribute obs.per.numcond with a frequency tabulation of the number of observations having a given number of conditions.

Had we wanted a non-data-dependent hierarchy we could have used

r[, exc := factor(fcase(pain  == 0, 1,
                        hxmed == 1, 2,
                        age < 40  , 3,
                  1:3, c('pain-free', 'Hx medication', 'age < 40'))]
r[, exc := seqFreq('pain-free'  = pain  == 0,
                    'Hx med'    = hxmed == 1,
                                  age < 40,
eo  <- attr(r[, exc], 'obs.per.numcond')
mult <- paste0('1, 2, ≥3 exclusions: n=',
                eo[2], ', ',
                eo[3], ', ',
                eo[-(1:3)]  )

r[, .q(qual, consent, fin) :=
      ifelse(consent == 1, 1, NA),
      ifelse(futime  >= 3, 1, NA))]
# consort_plot used to take a coords=c(0.4, 0.6) argument that prevented
# the collision you see here
             orders = c(id      = 'Screened',
                        exc     = 'Excluded',
                        qual    = 'Qualified for Randomization',
                        consent = 'Consented',
                        tx      = 'Randomized',
                        fin     = 'Finished',
                        y       = 'Outcome\nassessed'),
             side_box = 'exc',
             allocation = 'tx',
             labels=c('1'='Screening', '3'='Consent', '4'='Randomization', '6'='Follow-up'))
Figure 8.1: Consort diagram produced with consort_plot

consort provides another way to build the diagram that may be more flexible and intuitive after we define some helper functions. The built-in R pipe operator |> is used.

h <- function(n, label) paste0(label, ' (n=', n, ')')
htab <- function(x, label=NULL, split=! length(label), br='\n') {
  tab <- table(x)
  w <- if(length(label)) paste0(h(sum(tab), label), ':', br)
  f <- if(split) h(tab, names(tab)) 
    paste(paste0('   ', h(tab, names(tab))), collapse=br)
  if(split) return(f)
  paste(w, f, sep=if(length(label))'' else br)
count <- function(x, by=rep(1, length(x)))
  tapply(x, by, sum, na.rm=TRUE)

w <- r[, {
 g <-
   add_box(txt=h(nrow(r),       'Screened'))                    |>
   add_side_box(htab(exc,       'Excluded'))                    |>
   add_box(h(count(is.na(exc)), 'Qualified for Randomization')) |>
   add_box(h(count(consent),    'Consented'))                   |>
   add_box(h(count(randomized), 'Randomized'))                  |>
   add_split(htab(tx))                                          |>
   add_box(h(count(fin, tx),    'Finished'))                    |>
   add_box(h(count(! is.na(y), tx), 'Outcome\nassessed'))       |>
   add_label_box(c('1'='Screening',     '3'='Consent',
                   '4'='Randomization', '6'='Follow-up'))
Figure 8.2: Consort diagram using component functions

The mermaid natural diagramming language can be used to make consort-like flowcharts among many other types of diagrams. Quarto has built-in support for mermaid, and a qreport function makemermaid uses the capabilities of the knit_expand function in the knitr package to allow variable values to easily be inserted into mermaid specifications using the {variablename} notation. Whole diagram elements can be inserted by having {x} in a separate mermaid input line, where x is a character string that R constructs. Any node labels that contain parentheses must be enclosed in quotes. In the first example, exclusions are in one large node and a special output class (used to limited effect here) is used for this node.

addCap('fig-doverview-mermaid1', 'Consort diagram produced by `mermaid`')
x <- 'flowchart TD
  S["Screened (n={{N0}})"] --> E["{{excl}}"]
  S   --> Q["Qualified for Randomization (n={{Nq}})"]
  Q   --> C["Consented (n={{Nc}})"]
  C   --> R["Randomized (n={{Nr}})"]
  R   --> TxA["A (n={{Ntxa}})"]
  R   --> TxB["B (n={{Ntxb}})"]
  TxA --> FA["Finished (n={{Ntxaf}})"]
  TxB --> FB["Finished (n={{Ntxbf}})"]
  FA  --> OA["Outcome assessed (n={{Ntxao}})"]
  FB  --> OB["Outcome assessed (n={{Ntxbo}})"]
classDef largert fill:lightgray,width:1.5in,height:10em,text-align:right,font-size:0.8em;
class E largert;

w <- r[, 
            N0   = nrow(r),
            excl = htab(exc, 'Excluded', br='<br>'),
            Nq   = count(is.na(exc)),
            Nc   = count(consent),
            Nr   = count(randomized),
            Ntxa = count(tx == 'A'),
            Ntxb = count(tx == 'B'),
            Ntxaf= count(tx == 'A' & fin),
            Ntxbf= count(tx == 'B' & fin),
            Ntxao= count(tx == 'A' & ! is.na(y)),
            Ntxbo= count(tx == 'B' & ! is.na(y)),
            file = 'mermaid1.mer'
flowchart TD
  S["Screened (n=1000)"] --> E["Excluded (n=286):<br>   pain-free (n=156)<br>   age < 40 (n=85)<br>   Hx med (n=45)"]
  S   --> Q["Qualified for Randomization (n=714)"]
  Q   --> C["Consented (n=634)"]
  C   --> R["Randomized (n=534)"]
  R   --> TxA["A (n=285)"]
  R   --> TxB["B (n=249)"]
  TxA --> FA["Finished (n=204)"]
  TxB --> FB["Finished (n=175)"]
  FA  --> OA["Outcome assessed (n=196)"]
  FB  --> OB["Outcome assessed (n=165)"]
classDef largert fill:lightgray,width:1.5in,height:10em,text-align:right,font-size:0.8em;
class E largert;
Figure 8.3: Consort diagram produced by mermaid

In the second mermaid example, each exclusion is a subnode to the overall count of exclusions, and a new node is added to inform us about multiple exclusions per subject. To provide fuller information about multiple exclusions, the entire frequency distribution of the number of exclusions per subject appears as a hover text tooltip (thus the new node is not really needed). Let’s also remove the need for more error-prone manual coding of parallel treatment groups by creating a function parNodes to do this.

As of 2022-11-28 mermaid and quarto have withdrawn support for tooltips. This page will be updated if that changes.
# Create some service functions so later it will be easy to change from
# mermaid to graphviz
makenode       <- function(name, label) paste0(name, '["', label, '"]')
makeconnection <- function(from, to)    paste0(from, ' --> ', to)

exclnodes <- function(x, from='E', root='E', seq=FALSE, remain=FALSE) {
  # Create complete node specifications for individual exclusions, each
  # linking to overall exclusion count assumed to be in node root.
  # Set seq=TRUE to make use of the fact that the exclusions were
  # done in frequency priority order so that each exclusion is in
  # addition to the previous one.  Leave seq=FALSE to make all exclusions
  # subservient to root.  Use remain=TRUE to include # obs remaining
    # remain=TRUE assumes noneNA specified to seqFreq
  tab <- table(x)
  i <- 1 : length(tab)
    rem <- if(remain) paste0(', ', length(x) - cumsum(tab), ' remain')
  labels <- paste0(names(tab), ' (n=', tab, rem, ')')
  nodes  <- if(seq) makenode(ifelse(i == 1, paste0(root, '1'), paste0(root, i)),
            else    makenode(paste0(root, i), labels)
  connects <- if(seq) makeconnection(ifelse(i == 1, from, paste0(root, i - 1)),
                                     paste0(root, i))
              else makeconnection(from, paste0(root, i))
   paste(c(nodes, connects), collapse='\n')

# Create parallel treatment nodes
# Treatments are assumed to be in order by the tx variable
# and will appear left to right in the diagram
# Treatment node names correspond to that and are Tx1, Tx2, ...
# root: root of new nodes, from: single node name to connect from
# fromparallel: root of connected-from node name which is to be
# expanded by adding the integers 1, 2, ... number of treatments.

Txs <- r[, if(is.factor(tx)) levels(tx) else sort(unique(tx))]

parNodes <- function(counts, root, from=NULL, fromparallel=NULL,
                      label=Txs) {
  if(! identical(names(counts), Txs)) stop('Txs not consistent')
  k <- length(Txs)
  ns <- paste0(' (n=', counts, ')')
   nodenames <- paste0(root, 1 : k)
  nodes <- makenode(nodenames, paste0(label, ns))
  connects <- if(length(fromparallel)) makeconnection(paste0(fromparallel, 1 : k), nodenames)
              else                     makeconnection(from,                        nodenames)
  paste(c(nodes, connects), collapse='\n')

# Create tooltip text from tabulation created by seqFreq earlier
efreq <- data.frame('# Exclusions'= (1 : length(eo)) - 1,
                    '# Subjects'  = eo, check.names=FALSE)
efreq <- subset(efreq, `# Subjects` > 0)
# Convert to text which will be wrapped by the html
excltab <- paste(capture.output(print(efreq, row.names=FALSE)),
addCap('fig-doverview-mermaid2', 'Consort diagram produced with `mermaid` with individual exclusions linked to the overall exclusions node, and with a tooltip to show more detail')

x <- '
flowchart TD
  S["Screened (n={{N0}})"] --> E["Excluded (n={{Ne}})"]
  E1 & E2 & E3 --> M["{{mult}}"]
  S   --> Q["Qualified for Randomization (n={{Nq}})"]
  Q   --> C["Consented (n={{Nc}})"]
  C   --> R["Randomized (n={{Nr}})"]
click E callback "{{excltab}}"

w <- r[, 
  N0       = nrow(r),
  Ne       = count(! is.na(exc)),
  exclsep  = exclnodes(exc),  # add seq=TRUE to put exclusions vertical
  excltab  = excltab,         # tooltip text
  mult     = mult,  # separate node: count multiple exclusions
  Nq       = count(is.na(exc)),
  Nc       = count(consent),
  Nr       = count(randomized),
  txcounts = parNodes(table(tx),         'Tx', from='R'),
  finished = parNodes(count(fin, by=tx), 'F',  fromparallel='Tx',
  outcome  = parNodes(count(! is.na(y), by=tx), 'O',
                      fromparallel='F', label='Outcome assessed'),
  file='mermaid2.mer'  # save generated code for another use
flowchart TD
  S["Screened (n=1000)"] --> E["Excluded (n=286)"]
  E1["pain-free (n=156)"]
E2["age < 40 (n=85)"]
E3["Hx med (n=45)"]
E --> E1
E --> E2
E --> E3
  E1 & E2 & E3 --> M["1, 2, ≥3 exclusions: n=260, 25, 1"]
  S   --> Q["Qualified for Randomization (n=714)"]
  Q   --> C["Consented (n=634)"]
  C   --> R["Randomized (n=534)"]
  Tx1["A (n=285)"]
Tx2["B (n=249)"]
R --> Tx1
R --> Tx2
  F1["Finished (n=204)"]
F2["Finished (n=175)"]
Tx1 --> F1
Tx2 --> F2
  O1["Outcome assessed (n=196)"]
O2["Outcome assessed (n=165)"]
F1 --> O1
F2 --> O2
click E callback " # Exclusions # Subjects
            0        714
            1        260
            2         25
            3          1"
Figure 8.4: Consort diagram produced with mermaid with individual exclusions linked to the overall exclusions node, and with a tooltip to show more detail

Let’s repeat this example using graphviz, and instead of relying on a tooltip (which is no longer working anyway) put the exclusion frequencies in a remote node as a table.

makenode       <- function(name, label) paste0(name, ' [label="', label, '"];')
makeconnection <- function(from, to)    paste0(from, ' -> ', to, ';')

# Create data frame from tabulation created by seqFreq earlier
efreq <- data.frame('# Exclusions'= (1 : length(eo)) - 1,
                    '# Subjects'  = eo, check.names=FALSE)
efreq <- subset(efreq, `# Subjects` > 0)
x <- 'digraph {
  graph [pad="0.5", nodesep="0.5", ranksep="2", splines=ortho]
  //  splines=ortho for square connections
  node  [shape=box, fontsize="30"]
  S [label="Screened (n={{N0}})"];
  E [label="Excluded (n={{Ne}})"];
  S -> E;
  M [label="{{mult}}"];
  E1 -> M;
  E2 -> M;
  E3 -> M;
  Q [label="Qualified for Randomization (n={{Nq}})"];
  C [label="Consented (n={{Nc}})"];
  R [label="Randomized (n={{Nr}})"];
  S -> Q;
  Q -> C;
  C -> R;
  efreq [label=<{{efreq}}>];
  M -> efreq [dir=none, style=dotted];

w <- r[, 
  N0       = nrow(r),
  Ne       = count(! is.na(exc)),
  exclsep  = exclnodes(exc),  # add seq=TRUE to put exclusions vertical
  efreq    = efreq,
  mult     = mult,  # separate node: count multiple exclusions
  Nq       = count(is.na(exc)),
  Nc       = count(consent),
  Nr       = count(randomized),
  txcounts = parNodes(table(tx),         'Tx', from='R'),
  finished = parNodes(count(fin, by=tx), 'F',  fromparallel='Tx',
  outcome  = parNodes(count(! is.na(y), by=tx), 'O',
                      fromparallel='F', label='Outcome assessed'),
#  addCap('fig-doverview-graphviza', 'Consort diagram produced with `graphviz` with detailed exclusion frequencies in a separate node', scap='Consort diagram produced with `graphviz`')
S Screened (n=1000) E Excluded (n=286) S->E Q Qualified for Randomization (n=714) S->Q E1 pain-free (n=156) E->E1 E2 age < 40 (n=85) E->E2 E3 Hx med (n=45) E->E3 M 1, 2, ≥3 exclusions: n=260, 25, 1 E1->M E2->M E3->M efreq # Exclusions # Subjects 0 714 1 260 2 25 3 1 M->efreq C Consented (n=634) Q->C R Randomized (n=534) C->R Tx1 A (n=285) R->Tx1 Tx2 B (n=249) R->Tx2 F1 Finished (n=204) Tx1->F1 F2 Finished (n=175) Tx2->F2 O1 Outcome assessed (n=196) F1->O1 O2 Outcome assessed (n=165) F2->O2
Figure 8.5: Consort diagram produced with graphviz with detailed exclusion frequencies in a separate node

Use graphviz to display missing data exclusions in support with respect to selected variables. The qreport missChk function will automatically start with the variable having the highest number of NAs, then go to the variable that is most missing after removing observations that are missing on the first variable, etc.

# addCap('fig-doverview-missflow', 'Flowchart of sequential exclusion of observations due to missing values')
vars <-  .q(age, sex, dzgroup, edu, income, meanbp, wblc,
            alb, bili, crea, glucose, bun, urine)
ex <- missChk(support, use=vars, type='seq') # seq: don't make report

# Create tooltip text from tabulation created by seqFreq
oc   <- attr(ex, 'obs.per.numcond')
freq <- data.frame('# Exclusions'= (1 : length(oc)) - 1,
                   '# Subjects'  = oc, check.names=FALSE)
freq <- subset(freq, `# Subjects` > 0)

x <- '
digraph {
  graph [pad="0.5", nodesep="0.5", ranksep="2", splines=ortho]
  //  splines=ortho for square connections
  node  [shape=box, fontsize="30"]
  Enr [label="Enrolled (n={{N0}})"];
    Extab [label=<{{excltab}}>];
  Enr:e -> Extab [dir=none];
  N0        = nrow(support),
  exclsep   = exclnodes(ex, from='Enr', seq=TRUE, remain=TRUE),
  excltab   = freq,
  file      = 'support.dot'
Enr Enrolled (n=1000) E1 urine (n=517, 483 remain) Enr->E1 Extab # Exclusions # Subjects 0 169 1 147 2 122 3 233 4 131 5 134 6 40 7 22 8 1 9 1 Enr:e->Extab E2 alb (n=197, 286 remain) E1->E2 E3 income (n=83, 203 remain) E2->E3 E4 bili (n=23, 180 remain) E3->E4 E5 edu (n=8, 172 remain) E4->E5 E6 wblc (n=3, 169 remain) E5->E6
Figure 8.6: Flowchart of sequential exclusion of observations due to missing values

See Section 4.7 for more about the graphviz diagramming language.

8.2 Analyzing Data About the Data

The contents function displays the data dictionary and number of missing values for each variable. We can go deeper in summarizing a dataset as a whole. The qreport dataOverview function first produces a brief overview of the dataset with regard to number of variables, observations, and unique subject identifiers (if present). Then it provides a table, and a graphical report with one graph (in one report tab) per type of variable: continuous, discrete, or non-discrete non-numeric. Variable characteristics summarized are the number of distinct values, number of NAs, information measure (see describe), symmetry, modal variable value (most frequent value), frequency of modal value, minimum frequency value, and frequency of that value. When there are tied frequencies the first value is reported. The default display is an interactive plotly scatterplot with the number of distinct values on the x-axis and symmetry on the y-axis. The other data characteristics are shown as hover text. The points are color-coded for intervals of the number of NAs.

Info is the information in a variable relative to the information (1.0) in a variable having no tied values. Symmetry is defined as follows. For non-numeric variables, symmetry is one minus the mean absolute difference between relative category frequencies and the reciprocal of the number of categories. It has a value of 1.0 when the frequencies of all the categories are the same. For continuous variables symmetry is the ratio of the 0.95 quantile minus the mean to the mean minus the 0.05 quantile. This symmetry measure is < 1.0 when the left tail is heavy and > 1 when the right tail of the distribution is heavy.

Again use the support dataset.


support has 1000 observations (32 complete) and 35 variables (16 complete)

Variable Type Distinct Info Symmetry NAs Rarest Value Frequency of Rarest Value Mode Frequency of Mode
age Continuous 970 1.000 0.756 0 18.042 1 67.102 3
death Discrete 2 0.665 0.832 0 0 332 1 668
sex Discrete 2 0.738 0.938 0 female 438 male 562
hospdead Discrete 2 0.567 0.753 0 1 253 0 747
slos Continuous 88 0.998 3.783 0 41 1 5 78
d.time Continuous 582 1.000 2.988 0 39 1 4 25
dzgroup Discrete 8 0.934 0.929 0 Colon Cancer 49 ARF/MOSF w/Sepsis 391
dzclass Discrete 4 0.857 0.855 0 Coma 60 ARF/MOSF 477
num.co Discrete 8 0.937 0.904 0 7 1 1 337
edu Continuous 26 0.969 0.929 202 1 1 12 241
income Discrete 5 0.872 0.888 349 >$50k 75 under $11k 309
scoma Continuous 11 0.650 7.516 0 61 6 0 704
charges Continuous 968 1.000 4.328 25 1635.75 1 4335 2
totcst Continuous 896 1.000 4.032 105 0 1 0 1
totmcst Continuous 618 1.000 3.656 372 829.63 1 0 12
avtisst Continuous 242 1.000 1.651 6 1.667 1 13 38
race Discrete 6 0.512 0.766 5 asian 9 white 781
meanbp Continuous 122 1.000 1.179 0 20 1 73 33
wblc Continuous 283 1.000 1.878 24 0.07 1 6.3 16
hrt Continuous 124 1.000 1.297 0 11 1 80 48
resp Continuous 45 0.993 1.195 0 7 1 20 147
temp Continuous 64 0.999 1.262 0 32.5 1 36.398 57
pafi Continuous 464 1.000 1.446 253 34 1 240 8
alb Continuous 39 0.998 1.202 378 4.399 1 2.6 37
bili Continuous 116 0.997 6.559 297 2.9 1 0.6 65
crea Continuous 88 0.997 4.284 3 0.3 1 0.9 79
sod Continuous 42 0.997 1.246 0 120 1 135 86
ph Continuous 54 0.998 0.710 250 6.96 1 7.399 49
glucose Continuous 227 1.000 2.711 470 11 1 96 9
bun Continuous 107 1.000 2.672 455 2 1 18 21
urine Continuous 360 1.000 1.677 517 1 1 0 12
adlp Discrete 9 0.842 0.880 634 7 4 0 194
adls Discrete 9 0.899 0.903 310 7 30 0 313
sfdm2 Discrete 6 0.874 0.844 159 Coma or Intub 7 <2 mo. follow-up 338
adlsc Continuous 251 0.967 2.535 0 1.57 1 0 313
0 [ 3, 6) [ 6,105) [105,250) [250,310) [310,378) [378,517) [517,634]
Intervals of frequencies of NAs used for color-coding plots

Plot of the degree of symmetry of the distribution of a variable (value of 1.0 is most symmetric) vs. the number of distinct values of the variable. Hover over a point to see the variable name and detailed characteristics.