Very Low Birth Weight Infants Dataset
Data on 671 infants with very low (<1600 grams) birth
weight from 1981-87 were collected at Duke University
Medical Center by Dr. Michael O'Shea, now of Bowman Gray
Medical Center. Of interest is the relationship between
the outcome intra-ventricular hemorrhage and the
predictors birth weight, gestational age, presence of
pneumothorax, mode of delivery, single vs. multiple birth,
and whether the birth occurred at Duke or at another
hospital with later transfer to Duke. A secular trend in
the outcome is also of interest. A response variable of
interest is ivh possible or
definite. This project was funded by a Clinical
Epidemiology Grant from the Mellon Foundation. Some
errors in the data (primarily lengths of hospitalizations)
will be cleaned up probably by the end of 1998.
Click here for information about
See O'Shea M, Savitz DA, Hage ML, Feinstein KA: Prenatal
events and the risk of subependymal / intraventricular
haemorrhage in very low birth weight neonates. Paediatric
and Perinatal Epdiemiology 1992;6:352-362.