Simulation Method
For each of 400 simulations generate a training sample of 500 observations with p predictors (p=15, 30, 60, 90) and a binary reponse. The predictors are independently U(-0.5,0.5). The response is sampled so as to follow a logistic model where the intercept is zero and the regression coefficients have each of two patterns. First, all coefficients are set to 0.0 so that the true predictive model has no predictive discrimination ability (\(D_{xy}=0, c=\) AUROC \(=0.5\)). Then regression coefficients were uniformly spaced between -1 and 1, multiplied by a scaling factor that is < 1 when the number of predictors p is 30 and > 1 when p > 30. The “gold standard” is the predictive ability of the fitted model on a test sample containing 50,000 observations generated from the same population model. The task of a validation method is to recover this gold standard.
Validation Methods
For each of the 400 training and validation samples, several validation methods were employed to estimate how the training sample model predicts responses in the 50,000 observations. These validation methods involve fitting 40 or 200 models per training sample.
g-fold cross-validation was done using the command validate(f, method='cross', B=4 or B=10)
in the R rms
package. This was repeated 4, 10, 20, or 50 times and averaged.
For bootstrap methods validate(f, method=‘boot’ or ‘632’, B=40 or B=200) was used. method=‘632’ does Efron’s “.632” method, labeled “632a” in the output. An ad-hoc modification of the .632 method, “632b” was also done. Here a “bias-corrected” index of accuracy is simply the index evaluated in the observation omitted from the bootstrap re-sample.
The “gold standard” external validations were done using the val.prob
function in the rms
I didn’t run all combinations of validation methods and number of predictors, and I only used one sample size (500).
Indexes of Predictive Accuracy
\(D_{xy}\): Somers’ rank correlation between predicted probability that Y=1 vs. the binary Y values. This equals 2(c - 0.5) where the c-index is the “ROC Area” or concordance probability.
Q: Logarithmic accuracy score - a scaled version of the log-likelihood achieved by the predictive model
Slope: calibration slope (slope of predicted log odds vs. true log odds)
Measure of Accuracy of Validation Estimates
Three measures of accuracy of estimates of validated model performance are computed, in descending order of robustness and statistical efficiency.
- Root mean squared error of estimates (e.g., of \(D_{xy}\) from the bootstrap on the 500 observations) against the “gold standard” (e.g., \(D_{xy}\) for the fitted 500-observation model achieved in the 50,000 observations).
- Mean absolute error
- Median absolute error
Code for the Simulations
mdchunk <- markupSpecs$html$mdchunk # in Hmisc
dosims <- FALSE
set.seed(1) # so can reproduce results
P <- c(15, 30, 60, 90)
n <- 500 # Size of training sample
reps <- 400 # Simulations
npop <- 50000 # Size of validation gold standard sample
methods <- c('Boot 40','Boot 200','632a 40','632a 200',
'632b 40','632b 200','10-fold x 4','4-fold x 10',
'10-fold x 20','4-fold x 50')
R <- expand.grid(sim = 1:reps,
p = P,
method = methods,
sbeta = 1:2)
R$Dxy <- R$Intercept <- R$Slope <- R$D <- R$U <- R$Q <- R$repmeth <- R$B <- NA
R$n <- n
Rpop <- R
## Function to do r overall reps of B resamples, averaging to get
## estimates similar to as if r*B resamples were done
val <- function(fit, method, B, r) {
contains <- function(m) length(grep(m, method)) > 0
meth <- if(contains('Boot')) 'boot' else
if(contains('fold')) 'crossvalidation' else
if(contains('632')) '.632'
z <- 0
for(i in 1:r) z <- z + validate(fit, method=meth, B=B)[
for(sbeta in 1 : 2) {
for(p in P) {
## For each p create the true betas, the design matrix,
## and realizations of binary y in the gold standard large sample
Beta <- if(sbeta == 1) rep(0, p) else seq(-1, 1, length=p) * 30 / p
X <- matrix(runif(npop*p), nrow=npop) - 0.5
LX <- matxv(X, Beta)
Y <- ifelse(runif(npop) <= plogis(LX), 1, 0)
## For each simulation create the data matrix and realizations of y
for(j in 1:reps) {
# cat(j, file='/tmp/z.txt')
## Make training sample
x <- matrix(runif(n*p), nrow=n) - 0.5
L <- matxv(x, Beta)
y <- ifelse(runif(n) <= plogis(L), 1, 0)
f <- lrm(y ~ x, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
beta <- f$coef
forecast <- matxv(X, beta)
## Validate in population
v <- val.prob(logit=forecast, y=Y, pl=FALSE)[
for(method in methods) {
repmeth <- 1
if(method %in% c('Boot 40','632a 40','632b 40')) B <- 40
if(method %in% c('Boot 200','632a 200','632b 200')) B <- 200
if(method == '10-fold x 4') {
B <- 10
repmeth <- 4
if(method == '4-fold x 10') {
B <- 4
repmeth <- 10
if(method == '10-fold x 20') {
B <- 10
repmeth <- 20
if(method == '4-fold x 50') {
B <- 4
repmeth <- 50
z <- val(f, method, B, repmeth)
k <- which(R$sim == j & R$p == p & R$method == method & R$sbeta == sbeta)
if(length(k) != 1) stop('program logic error')
R[k, names(z)] <- z - v
R[k, c('B','repmeth','sbeta')] <- c(B=B, repmeth=repmeth, sbeta=sbeta)
Rpop[k, names(z)] <- v
Rpop[k, c('B', 'repmeth','sbeta')] <- c(B=B, repmeth=repmeth, sbeta=sbeta)
Save(R) ## temporary until simulations are finished -
## can examine preliminary results
} # end over methods
} # end over reps
} # end over p
} # end over sbeta
valSimresult <- R
valSimTrue <- Rpop
Population Indexes
Let’s examine the “population” (true) values of \(D_{xy}\) that were achieved. For the null model simulations the true values are exactly zero.
Distribution of Values for Null Models
A separate histogram is made for each number of predictors p.
v <- valSimTrue
v$p <- paste0('p=', v$p)
r <- subset(v, sbeta == 1)
ggplot(r, aes(Dxy)) + facet_wrap(~ p) + geom_histogram(bins=50)

Distribution of Values for Non-Null Models
r <- subset(v, sbeta == 2)
ggplot(r, aes(Dxy)) + facet_wrap(~ p) + geom_histogram(bins=50)

Main Results
The three types of accuracies of the various estimators of forecast accuracy are summarized with multi-way dot charts. A trio of charts is produced first for the null models then for the non-null models.
dop <- function(sb) {
R <- subset(valSimresult, sbeta == sb)
statnames <- names(R)[7:12]
w <- reshape(R, direction='long', varying=list(statnames),
v.names='x', timevar='stat', times=statnames)
w$p <- paste('p', w$p, sep='=')
s <- with(w, summarize(x^2, llist(p, method, stat),,'mse'))
P <- vector('list', 3)
P[[1]] <-
ggplot(s, aes(x=sqrt(mse), y=method)) + geom_point() +
facet_grid(stat ~ p) +
geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin=sqrt(Lower), xmax=sqrt(Upper), y=method), height=0) +
s <- with(w, summarize(abs(x), llist(p, method, stat),,'mae'))
P[[2]] <-
ggplot(s, aes(x=mae, y=method)) + geom_point() +
facet_grid(stat ~ p) +
geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin=Lower, xmax=Upper, y=method), height=0) +
xlab('Mean |error|')
s <- with(w, summarize(abs(x), llist(p, method, stat), median,'medae'))
P[[3]] <-
ggplot(s, aes(x=medae, y=method)) + geom_point() +
facet_grid(stat ~ p) +
xlab('Median |error|')
mdchunk(robj=P, h=8, w=8,
cnames=paste0(c('rmse', 'mae', 'medae'), sb))
Event Proportions Studied
for(sbeta in 1 : 2) {
for(p in P) {
Beta <- if(sbeta == 1) rep(0, p) else seq(-1, 1, length=p) * 30 / p
X <- matrix(runif(npop*p), nrow=npop) - 0.5
LX <- matxv(X, Beta)
Y <- ifelse(runif(npop) <= plogis(LX), 1, 0)
cat('sbeta=', sbeta, ' p=', p, ' Event probability=', round(mean(Y), 3),
'\n', sep='')
sbeta=1 p=15 Event probability=0.498
sbeta=1 p=30 Event probability=0.505
sbeta=1 p=60 Event probability=0.501
sbeta=1 p=90 Event probability=0.501
sbeta=2 p=15 Event probability=0.501
sbeta=2 p=30 Event probability=0.499
sbeta=2 p=60 Event probability=0.504
sbeta=2 p=90 Event probability=0.504
Some general conclusions from this limited simulation experiment when p=15 or 30 are as follows.
- 40 bootstrap samples was almost as good as 200.
- The ordinary bootstrap is better than the 0.632 bootstraps (except for slope when p=15)
- Ordinary bootstrap is better than or equal to all cross-validation strategies tried
- 10-fold cross-validation repeated 4 times was better then 4-fold cv repeated 10 times except for estimating calibration slope
- 10-fold x 20 times was better than 4-fold x 50 except for slope
- 10 fold x 20 is not much better than 10 fold x 4
- 4-fold x 50 is not much better than 4-fold x 10
- Except for slope, 10-fold is better than 4-fold cv
- Apparently, to estimate the calibration slope (shrinkage factor) larger validation (hold-out) samples are needed.
- The relative comparison of validation methods depends in general on which index you are validating
- Calibration slope estimates appear to be volatile and require more simulations to precisely estimate performance of the various resampling estimators.
For the cases with larger number of predictors, i.e., p=60 or 90, the bootstrap has higher expected absolute errors than cross-validation with regard to some of the indexes, in particular \(D_{xy}\).