We’re extremely delighted to let you all know that on the 6th January 2015 the TRIPOD Statement was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, alongside 10 other journals (British Journal of Cancer, BJOG, British Journal of Surgery, BMC Medicine, BMJ, Circulation, Diabetic Medicine, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, European Urology and the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology). In additional to the TRIPOD Statement, we have also published a long 22,000 words Explanation and Elaboration paper, which we believe will be an invaluable resource for researchers conducting prediction model studies. Both papers are freely available from TRIPOD Statement http://annals.org/article.aspx?articleid=208854 TRIPOD Explanation & Elaboration http://annals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2088542 On behalf of the steering group, we’d like to thank you all for all your contributions to the TRIPOD Statement, achieving consensus on the checklist as well as numerous discussions on various methodological issues that have arisen. We have also set-up a website www.tripod-statement.org, where additional information and the checklists etc can be downloaded. We now need to spread the word and starting getting journals to endorse TRIPOD and authors to actually use TRIPOD and we’d appreciate your help in this and referring investigators and students etc to the TRIPOD Statement and in particular to the Explanation & Elaboration document. Many thanks Gary (on behalf of the TRIPOD steering committee Gary Collins, Carl Moons, Doug Altman & Hans Reitsma)