@Article{alr07cas, author = {{Al-Radi}, Osman O. and Harrell, Frank E. and Caldarone, Christopher A. and {McCrindle}, Brian W. and Jacobs, Jeffrep P. and Williams, M. Gail and {Van Arsdell}, Glen S . and Williams, William G.}, title = {Case complexity scores in congenital heart surgery: {A} comparative stu dy of the {Aristotal} {Basic} {Complexity} score and the {Risk} {Adjustment} in {Congenital} {Hea rt} {Surgery} {(RACHS-1)} system}, journal = J Thoracic Cardiovasc Surg, year = 2007, volume = 133, pages = {865-874}, annote = {clinical prediction rules;use of probability of more concordance and li kelihood ratio $\chi^2$ for testing differences in discrimination;adequacy index shown with nice charts, adjusted and unadjusted for background variables} } @Article{coo07use, author = {Cook, Nancy R.}, title = {Use and misues of the receiver operating characteristic curve in risk prediction}, journal = Circ, year = 2007, volume = 115, pages = {928-935}, annote = {reclassification table;problems with c index;problems with ROC area;example of large change in predicted risk in cardiovascular disease with tiny change in ROC area;possible limits to c index when calibration is perfect;importance of calibration accuracy and changes in predicted risk when new variables are added} } @Article{pen07eva, author = {Pencina, Michael J. and {D'Agostino Sr}, Ralph B. and {D'Agostino Jr}, Ralph B. and Vasan, Ramachandran S.}, title = {Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: {From} area under the {ROC} curve to reclassification and beyond}, journal = Stat in Med, year = 2007, volume = 26, annote = {discrimination;model performance;AUC;C-index;risk prediction;biomarker;small differences in ROC area can still be very meaningful;example of insignificant test for difference in ROC areas with very significant results from new method;Yates' discrimination slope;reclassification table;limiting version of this based on whether and amount by which probabilities rise for events and lower for non-events when compare new model to old;comparing two models} } @Article{moo03sen, author = {Moons, Karel G. M. and Harrell, Frank E.}, title = {Sensitivity and specificity should be de-emphasized in diagnostic accuracy studies}, journal = {Academic Radiology}, year = 2003, volume = 10, pages = {670-672}, note = {Editorial}, annote = {diagnosis;accuracy;reasons for avoiding sensitivity and specificity} } @ARTICLE{hla84fac, author = {Hlatky, M. A. and Pryor, D. B. and Harrell, F. E. and Califf, R. M. and Mark, D. B. and Rosati, R. A.}, year = 1984, title = {Factors affecting the sensitivity and specificity of the exercise electrocardiography. {M}ultivariable analysis}, journal = AJM, volume = 77, pages = {64-71}, annote = {diagnosis;testing;non-constancy of sensitivity and specificity} }