unreliability index U  You replied on Wed 2021-02-10 11:44 OShea, Daniel T (DNR) Wed 2021-02-10 09:29 Frank (Dr. Harrell), I have been refining my process for externally validating logistic regression models (resource selection functions). For calibration, I use both visual examination of calibration curves and a test for calibration (alpha=1 and beta =1) mainly the unreliability index with p value from val.prob. I have also explored some additional R packages and came across the givitiR package and their calibration test and calibration belt (Finazzi et al 2011, Nattino et al. 2017) . Their test provides the same test statistic and p-value as your U index. In givitiR one must specify that external data is being used to be equivalent to the U index. I just find this funny and am wondering is this the same test or somehow by chance a different test results in same information. Unfortunately, I do not have the math skills to dissect each test. Dan