The Setting
History of Biostatistics at Vanderbilt
- Chuck Federspiel was the first PhD biostatistician in 1959
- Bill Dupont arrived in 1977
- Yu Shyr arrived in 1994
- Division of Biostatistics in Department of Preventive Medicine
- Significant talent already present
- Academic medical centers: majority of biomedical research funding
- Tremendous growth in NIH grant funding had started
- Major cancer center
- Difficult to recruit enough faculty biostatisticians into a Division
- Operating fund, recruitment funds, P&T were not controlled by biostatisticians
- VU School of Medicine had not decided to go “all in” on biostatistics
- Vanderbilt School of Medicine has > 2200 faculty covering every area of biomedical research
- Success in recruitment of biomedical research faculty (our collaborators) was stunning
- School of Medicine rewarded team science in P&T
- No funding for pre-grant development work outside the cancer center
- Big push for new department from 3 research leaders
- Big push from existing Biostatistics faculty
The Opportunity
- Originally position was for Vice Chair of Preventive Medicine
- Hired as consultant to make suggestions for strengthening the division
- Main suggestion: grow it into a department
- Dean and Vice Chancellor agreed and asked me to be first head
- Sought counsel from career mentor David DeMets
- Opportunity to implement a number of ideas

The Plan
- Hire the best faculty and staff, using generous school support
- Emphasize versatility when judging methods expertise
- Positive correlation: methods research capabilities, collaboration, teaching skills
- Viewed non-tenure-track positions as first-class citizens
- Importance of administrative and IT staff
- Able to attract top new graduates
- Vanderbilt and Nashville attractive
- Recruits excited to fully participate in formation of new department, setting priorities
- Wiki: manage department policies, procedures, collaborations, events, seminars, other Information
- Great emphasis on reproducible research and open source computing tools, weaning from SAS, move to R
- Major future goal: PhD and MS biostatistics graduate program with coverage of all 3 schools of thought
- Most methods research is funded by meeting specific aims of large NIH grants … but
- Tenure-track faculty exceeded expectations in becoming principal investigators on biostatistics research grants
- Stable and ample funding for travel and computing costs through federal grant surcharge
- All biostatisticians in the medical center are appointed and located in the Dept. of Biostatistics
- Emphasize collaboration, de-emphasize consulting
- Created Collaboration Protected Time Cost-Sharing Plan
- Supported widely by clinical departments
- Attached faculty and staff statisticians to them
- Research development (pre-grant), K award mentoring
- Needed to rope off consulting to make clear to biomedical researchers the difference with collaboration
- and need for 2 types of funding for collaboration
- Created Biostatistics Clinics, offered each day since Oct 2005
- No cost to investigators
- Organized by daily area
- High-D (omics, imaging)
- Surgery/critical care
- Clinical/Health research
- Basic/Animal
- We do anything to help the investigator that can be done in 1.25h
- Led to multiple long-term collaborations
- Route hallway conversations to clinic
- Excellent collaboration training ground for new graduates
- Made clear that grant development is a much longer-term process requiring funding
Graduate Program
Graduate Program
- Took several years to find a highly innovative program designer/director trained in more than the classical tradition
- Fortunate to recruit Jeffrey Blume to lead
- Designed a modern non-denominational biostatistics curriculum
- All courses new (VU has never had a Stat department)
- Pushed through 7 levels of approval
- Grad students significantly raised energy level of the department
- Also made it easier to recruit new faculty
- Defining “data science”
- Ebb and flow of hard $ funding for research development
- Constancy of federal funds (“soft” money = “hard” money)
- Vanderbilt so successful in federal funding that we can never recruit enough faculty & analytical staff
Methods Research and Skills
- Stay relevant through lifelong learning
- New methods constantly invented
- New biomedical data acquisition technologies; must be willing to change methodologic directions
- Constantly learn new computing, interactive graphics, and reproducible reporting tools
- Exposure to alternate schools of thought
- Learning Bayesian modeling completely changes way of thinking
- Know limitations of data and methods
- Don’t be afraid to call BS (some ML and omics research)
- Concentrate research on widely applicable methods
- semiparametric models
- longitudinal models for a variety of response types
- methods for high-dimensional data
- …
Most Important Things
Most Important Things
- The people
- The culture
- The institution, support from its leaders, their respect for our field
- Our faculty and staff
- Our predecessors
- VUMC leaders and institutional culture
- David DeMets
- Liana, Charlotte, and Frank Harrell Sr.
David C. Hurst, 1928-2013
Founding Chair
Department of Biostatistics
University of Alabama at Birmingham
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