MSCI Biostatistics II Detailed Course Schedule

February 2025


A Analysis of Biological Data by Whitlock and Schluter
B Biostatistics for Biomedical Research (handout); Some of the chapters include audio narration and video
H Harrell (text) and the corresponding chapter in RMS Handouts
Read Material to read/watch prior to class
Assignment To do after the day’s material is covered
Examples In-class examples

Homework assignments are here

To fetch scripts for in-class examples and copy them into the RStudio script editor pane:

  1. Feb 3: Class overview and simple linear regression
  2. Feb 4: Multiple linear regression and the R rms package
  3. Feb 5:
  4. Feb 6: Analysis of covariance in randomized studies
  5. Feb 7: Regression modeling strategies: introduction
  6. Feb 10: Methods for multivariables models
  7. Feb 11: Methods for multivariable models
  8. Feb 12: Missing data, multivariable modeling strategies
  9. Feb 13: Variable selection, overfitting, shrinkage, collinearity, data reduction
  10. Feb 14: Influential observations, comparing models, improving practice, strategies, describing the fitted model
  11. Feb 17: Performance indexes, relative explained variation, bootstrap, validation, bootstrapping importance ranks
  12. Feb 18: Relative effect measures, introduction to LRM
  13. Feb 19: Student-led discussion of papers
  14. Feb 20: Binary logistic models, NNT
  15. Feb 21: Binary logistic models, case study
  16. Feb 24: Binary logistic model case study, risk-based diagnostic research, ROC curves, HTE
  17. Feb 25: Proportinal odds ordinal logistic models
  18. Feb 26: Survival analysis and Cox model
  19. Feb 27: Analysis of serial measurements
  20. Feb 28: Student presentations of final projects