
RMS 2024

Pre-course Study Material

To be properly prepared for the 4-day RMS course, study the material below or participate in the 1-day Pre-RMS workshop whose detailed description is here.

Multiple Regression

Regression Modeling Strategies is intended for those who already have had a strong exposure to ordinary multiple linear regression. If you still want to take the short course and do not feel confident that you have sufficient training in ordinary regression, or if you just want to brush up on this subject, watch, read, and listen to this. Expect to spend 3-4 hours in all.

Listen to the narration while you read the notes, or perhaps better, watch the videos. Look for the video icons in the right margin.

Regression Notation

Everyone taking the course should study the following material in advance. The time required is about one hour. Read the notes and listen to the audio narration. The material may be found here.

Introduction to the R rms Package

Optionally watch the video or view notes and listen to the narration here.

For Help

If you have questions about any of this material while studying, ask your questions here. You will need to register for datamethods.org if you haven’t already done so.

General Applied Statistics

You may wish to study Biostatistics for Biomedical Research.