The method for nicely printing environment information used here requires installation of the grateful package. It required the following to be included in _quarto.yml.
As an alternative, run Hmisc::markupSpecs$html$session().
Barrett, Tyson, Matt Dowle, Arun Srinivasan, Jan Gorecki, Michael Chirico, Toby Hocking, Benjamin Schwendinger, and Ivan Krylov. 2025. data.table: Extension of “data.frame”.
R Core Team. 2024. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing.
Wickham, Hadley. 2016. Ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York.
# Other Resources and Computing Environment {#sec-resenv}## Other Resources* [Software development resources for data scientists]( by Isabella VELÁSQUEZ* [Teaching R in a kinder, gentler, more effective manner: Use base-R, not the tidyverse]( by Norm Matloff* [Setting up an R workflow]( by Andrew Ba Tran## Computing EnvironmentThe method for nicely printing environment information used here requires installation of the `grateful` package. It required the following to be included in `_quarto.yml`. [As an alternative, run `Hmisc::markupSpecs$html$session()`.]{.aside}```bibliography: - grateful-refs.bib``````{r}require(rms)require(data.table)require(consort)require(ggplot2)grateful::cite_packages(pkgs='Session', output='paragraph', out.dir='.',cite.tidyverse=FALSE, omit='grateful')```