20  Cox Proportional Hazards Regression Model

20.1 Model

20.1.1 Preliminaries

  • Most popular survival model
  • Semi-parametric (nonparametric hazard; parametric regression)
  • Usually more interest in effects of \(X\) than on shape of \(\lambda(t)\)
  • Uses only rank ordering of failures/censoring times \(\rightarrow\) more robust, easier to write protocol
  • Even if parametric PH assumptions true, Cox still fully efficient for \(\beta\)
  • Model diagnostics are advanced
  • Log-rank test is a special case with one binary \(X\)

20.1.2 Model Definition

\[ \lambda(t|X) = \lambda(t) \exp(X\beta) . \]

  • No intercept parameter
  • Shape of \(\lambda\) not important
  • When a predictor say \(X_1\) is
    • binary
    • doesn’t interact with other predictors
    • has coefficient \(\beta_1\)
    • satisfies the proportional hazards (PH) assumption so that \(X_1\) does not interact with time \(\rightarrow\) hazard ratio (HR) \(\exp(\beta_{1})\) is the ratio of hazard functions for \(X_{1}=1\) vs. \(X_{1}=0\)
    • \(\lambda(t)\) cancels out
    • by the PH assumption, the HR does not depend on \(t\); \(X_1\) has a constant effect on \(\lambda\) over time
    • under PH and absence of covariate interactions, HR is a good overall effect estimate for binary \(X_1\)

HR is the ratio of two instantaneous event rates

20.1.3 Estimation of \(\beta\)

  • The objective function to optimize is the Cox’s partial likelihood function
  • Partial likelihood only covers the \(\beta\) part of the model, not the \(\lambda\) or underlying survival curve part
    • these are estimated in a separate step once \(\hat{\beta}\) is obtained
  • Obtain maximum likelihood estimates of \(\beta\) (formally, maximum partial likelihood estimates)
  • See text for details

20.1.4 Model Assumptions and Interpretation of Parameters

  • Similar to other models; interpretation is on the log relative hazard scale
  • Equivalent to using \(\log(-\log(S(t)))\) scale
  • HR of 2 is equivalent to raising the entire survival curve for a control subject to the second power to get the survival curve for an exposed subject
    • Example: if a control subject has 5y survival probability of 0.7 and the exposed:control HR is 2, the exposed subject has a 5y survival probability of 0.49
    • If the HR is \(\frac{1}{2}\), the exposed subject has a survival curve that is the square root of the control, so S(5) would be \(\sqrt{0.7} = 0.837\)

20.1.5 Example

group <- c(rep('Group 1',19),rep('Group 2',21))
group <- factor(group)
dd    <-  datadist(group); options(datadist='dd')
days <-
death <- rep(1,40)
death[c(18,19,39,40)] <- 0
units(days) <- 'Day'
df <- data.frame(days, death, group)
S <- Surv(days, death)
f <- npsurv(S ~ group, type='fleming')
for(meth in c('exact', 'breslow', 'efron')) {
  g <- cph(S ~ group, method=meth, surv=TRUE, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
  # print(g) to see results
f.exp <- psm(S ~ group, dist='exponential')
fw    <- psm(S ~ group, dist='weibull')
phform <- pphsm(fw)
co <- gray(c(0, .8))
survplot(f, lty=c(1, 1), lwd=c(1, 3), col=co,
         label.curves=FALSE, conf='none')
survplot(g, lty=c(3, 3), lwd=c(1, 3), col=co,  # Efron approx.
         add=TRUE, label.curves=FALSE, conf.type='none')
legend(c(2, 160), c(.38, .54),
       c('Nonparametric Estimates', 'Cox-Breslow Estimates'),
       lty=c(1, 3), cex=.8, bty='n')
legend(c(2, 160), c(.18, .34), cex=.8,
       c('Group 1', 'Group 2'), lwd=c(1,3), col=co, bty='n')
Figure 20.1: Altschuler–Nelson–Fleming–Harrington nonparametric survival estimates and Cox-Breslow estimates for rat data (Pike, 1966)
Model Group Regression Coefficient S.E. Wald p Value Group 2:1 Hazard Ratio
Cox (Exact) -0.629 0.361 0.08 0.533
Cox (Efron) -0.569 0.347 0.10 0.566
Cox (Breslow) -0.596 0.348 0.09 0.551
Exponential -0.093 0.334 0.78 0.911
Weibull (AFT) 0.132 0.061 0.03
Weibull (PH) -0.721 0.486

20.1.6 Design Formulations

  • \(k-1\) dummies for \(k\) treatments, one treatment \(\rightarrow\) \(\lambda(t)\)
  • Only provides relative effects

20.1.7 Extending the Model by Stratification

  • Is a unique feature of the Cox model
  • Adjust for non-modeled factors
  • Factors too difficult to model or fail PH assumption
  • Commonly used in RCTs to adjust for site variation
  • Allow form of \(\lambda\) to vary across strata
  • Rank failure times within strata
  • \(b\) strata, stratum ID is \(C\)
\[\begin{array}{ccc} \lambda(t|X, C=j) &=& \lambda_{j}(t) \exp(X\beta), {\rm\ \ \ or} \nonumber \\ S(t|X, C=j) &=& S_{j}(t)^{\exp(X\beta)} \end{array}\]
  • Not assume connection between shapes of \(\lambda_j\)
  • By default, assume common \(\beta\)
  • Ex: model age, stratify on sex
    Estimates common age slope pooling F and M
    No assumption about effect of sex except no age interact.
  • Can stratify on multiple factors (cross-classify)
  • Loss of efficiency not bad unless number of events in strata very small
  • Stratum with no events is ignored
  • Estimate \(\beta\) by getting separate log-likelihood for each stratum and adding up (independence)
  • No inference about strat. factors
  • Useful for checking PH and linearity assumptions: Model, then stratify on an \(X\)
  • Can extend to strata \(\times\) covariable interaction
\[\begin{array}{ccc} \lambda(t|X_{1}, C=1) &=& \lambda_{1}(t)\exp(\beta_{1}X_{1}) \nonumber \\ \lambda(t|X_{1}, C=2) &=& \lambda_{2}(t)\exp(\beta_{1}X_{1}+\beta_{2}X_{1}) \end{array}\]

\[\lambda(t|X_{1}, C=j) = \lambda_{j}(t)\exp(\beta_{1}X_{1}+\beta_{2}X_{2})\]

  • \(X_2\) is product interaction term (0 for F, \(X_1\) for M)
  • Testing interaction with sex without modeling main effect!

20.2 Estimation of Survival Probability and Secondary Parameters

  • Kalbfleisch-Prentice discrete hazard model method \(\rightarrow\) K-M if \(\hat{\beta}=0\)
  • Breslow method \(\rightarrow\) Nelson et al. if \(\hat{\beta}=0\)

\[\hat{S}(t|X) = \hat{S}(t)^{\exp(X\hat{\beta})}\]

  • Stratified model \(\rightarrow\) estimate underlying hazard parameters separately within strata
  • “Adjusted K-M estimates”
Figure 20.2: Unadjusted (Kaplan–Meier) and adjusted (Cox–Kalbfleisch–Prentice) estimates of survival. Left, Kaplan–Meier estimates for patients treated medically and surgically at Duke University Medical Center from November \(1969\) through December \(1984\). These survival curves are not adjusted for baseline prognostic factors. Right, survival curves for patients treated medically or surgically after adjusting for all known important baseline prognostic characteristics (Califf et al., 1989).

\[\hat{\Lambda}(t) = \sum_{i:t_{i}<t}\frac{d_{i}}{\sum_{Y_{i}\geq t_{i}} \exp(X_{i}\hat{\beta})}\]

For any \(X\), the estimates of \(\Lambda\) and \(S\) are

\[\begin{array}{ccc} \hat{\Lambda}(t|X) &=& \hat{\Lambda}(t) \exp(X\hat{\beta}) \nonumber \\ \hat{S}(t|X) &=& \exp[-\hat{\Lambda}(t) \exp(X\hat{\beta}) ] \end{array}\]

20.3 Sample Size Considerations

  • Consider case with no covariates and want to estimate \(S(t)\); results to Kaplan-Meier
  • As detailed in the text, one may need 184 subjects with an event, or censored late, to estimate \(S(t)\) to within a margin of error of 0.1 everywhere, at the 0.95 confidence level
  • Instead consider the case where the model has a single binary covariate and we want to estimate the hazard ratio to within a specified multiplicative margin of error (MMOE) with confidence \(1 - \alpha\)
  • Assume equal sample size for \(X=0\) and \(X=1\) and let \(e_0\) and \(e_1\) denote the number of events in the two \(X\) groups
  • Variance of log HR is approximately \(v=\frac{1}{e_{0}} + \frac{1}{e_{1}}\).
  • Let \(z\) denote the \(1 - \alpha/2\) standard normal critical value
  • MMOE with confidence \(1 - \alpha\) is \(\exp(z \sqrt{v})\)
  • To achieve a MMOE of 1.2 in estimating \(e^{\hat{\beta}}\) with equal numbers of events in the two groups and \(\alpha=0.05\) requires a total of 462 events:
z <- qnorm(1 - .05/2)
# v = (log(mmoe) / z) ^ 2
# If e0=e1=e/2, e=4/k
mmoe <- 1.2
k <- (log(mmoe) / z) ^ 2
[1] 462.2534

20.4 Test Statistics

  • Score test = log-rank \(\chi^2\) test statistic
  • Score test in a stratified PH model is the stratified log-rank statistic

20.5 Residuals

Residual Purposes
martingale Assessing adequacy of a hypothesized predictor transformation; Graphing an estimate of a predictor transformation (Section 20.6.1)
score Detecting overly influential observations
Schoenfeld Testing PH assumption (Section 20.6.2); graphing estimate of hazard ratio function (Section 20.6.2)

20.6 Assessment of Model Fit

20.6.1 Regression Assumptions

  • Stratified KM estimates have problems
  • 2000 simulated subject, \(d=368\), 1196 M, 804 F
  • Exponential with known log hazard, linear in age, additive in sex

\[\lambda(t|X_{1},X_{2}) = .02 \exp[.8X_{1}+.04(X_{2}-50)]\]

n <- 2000
age <- 50 + 12 * rnorm(n)
label(age) <- 'Age'
sex <- factor(1 + (runif(n) <= .4), 1:2, c('Male', 'Female'))
cens <- 15 * runif(n)
h <- .02 * exp(.04 * (age - 50) + .8 * (sex == 'Female'))
ft <- -log(runif(n)) / h
e <- ifelse(ft <= cens, 1, 0)
   0    1 
1611  389 
ft <- pmin(ft, cens)
units(ft) <- 'Year'
Srv <- Surv(ft, e)
age.dec <- cut2(age, g=10, levels.mean=TRUE)
label(age.dec) <- 'Age'
dd <- datadist(age, sex, age.dec);  options(datadist='dd')
f.np <- cph(Srv ~ strat(age.dec) + strat(sex), surv=TRUE)
# surv=TRUE speeds up computations, and confidence limits when
# there are no covariables are still accurate.
p <- Predict(f.np, age.dec, sex, time=3, loglog=TRUE)
# Treat age.dec as a numeric variable (means within deciles)
p$age.dec <- as.numeric(as.character(p$age.dec))
ggplot(p, ylim=c(-5, -.5))
Figure 20.3: Kaplan–Meier log \(\Lambda\) estimates by sex and deciles of age, with \(0.95\) confidence limits.

Better: A 4-knot spline Cox PH model in two variables (\(X_{1}, X_{2}\)) which assumes linearity in \(X_{1}\) and no \(X_{1} \times X_{2}\) interaction

\[\begin{array}{ccc} \lambda(t|X) &=& \lambda(t) \exp(\beta_{1}X_{1}+\beta_{2}X_{2}+\beta_{3}X_{2}'+\beta_{4}X_{2}''), \nonumber \\ &=& \lambda(t) \exp(\beta_{1}X_{1}+f(X_{2})), \end{array}\]

\[f(X_{2})= \beta_{2}X_{2}+\beta_{3}X_{2}'+\beta_{4}X_{2}''\]

\[\log \lambda(t|X) = \log \lambda(t)+\beta_{1}X_{1}+f(X_{2})\]

To not assume PH in \(X_1\), stratify on it:

\[\begin{array}{ccc} \log \lambda(t|X_{2},C=j) &=& \log \lambda_{j}(t)+\beta_{1}X_{2}+\beta_{2}X_{2}'+\beta_{3}X_{2}''\nonumber \\ &=& \log \lambda_{j}(t)+f(X_{2}) \end{array}\]
f.noia <- cph(Srv ~ rcs(age,4) + strat(sex), x=TRUE, y=TRUE) 
\[\Pr(T\geq t~|~X,\mathrm{sex}=i)=S_{i}(t)^{\mathrm{e}^{X\beta}},~~\mathrm{where}\] \[\begin{array} \lefteqn{X\hat{\beta}=}\\ & & -1.463625 \\ & & + 0.02545026 \mathrm{age}+2.585636\!\times\!10^{-5 }(\mathrm{age}-30.28704)_{+}^{3} \\ & & -0.0001009706(\mathrm{age}-45.12081)_{+}^{3}+9.733142\!\times\!10^{-5 }(\mathrm{age}-54.64002)_{+}^{3} \\ & & -2.221721\!\times\!10^{-5}(\mathrm{age}-69.56004)_{+}^{3} \\ \end{array}\]

\[(x)_{+}=x~\mathrm{if}~x > 0,~0~\mathrm{otherwise}\]

Wald Statistics for Srv
χ2 d.f. P
age 72.33 3 <0.0001
Nonlinear 0.69 2 0.7067
TOTAL 72.33 3 <0.0001
# Get accurate C.L. for any age by specifying x=TRUE y=TRUE
# Note: for evaluating shape of regression, we would not
# ordinarily bother to get 3-year survival probabilities -
# would just use X * beta
# We do so here to use same scale as nonparametric estimates
p <- Predict(f.noia, age, sex, time=3, loglog=TRUE)
ggplot(p, ylim=c(-5, -.5))
Figure 20.4: Cox PH model stratified on sex, using spline function for age, no interaction. 0.95 confidence limits also shown.

Formal test of linearity: \(H_{0}: \beta_{2}=\beta_{3}=0, \chi^{2} = 4.84\), 2 d.f., \(P=0.09\).

  • Model allowing interaction with sex strata:
\[\begin{array}{ccc} \log \lambda(t|X_{2},C=j) &=& \log \lambda_{j}(t)+\beta_{1}X_{2} \\ &+& \beta_{2}X_{2}'+\beta_{3}X_{2}'' \nonumber \\ &+& \beta_{4}X_{1}X_{2}+\beta_{5}X_{1}X_{2}'+\beta_{6}X_{1}X_{2}'' \end{array}\]

Test for interaction: \(P=0.33\).

f.ia <- cph(Srv ~ rcs(age,4) * strat(sex), x=TRUE, y=TRUE,
\[\Pr(T\geq t~|~X,\mathrm{sex}=i)=S_{i}(t)^{\mathrm{e}^{X\beta}},~~\mathrm{where}\] \[\begin{array} \lefteqn{X\hat{\beta}=}\\ & & -1.799845 \\ & & + 0.04931604 \mathrm{age}-2.151321\!\times\!10^{-6}(\mathrm{age}-30.28704)_{+}^{3} \\ & & -2.815675\!\times\!10^{-5}(\mathrm{age}-45.12081)_{+}^{3}+5.1784\!\times\!10^{-5 }(\mathrm{age}-54.64002)_{+}^{3} \\ & & -2.147593\!\times\!10^{-5}(\mathrm{age}-69.56004)_{+}^{3} \\ & & +[\mathrm{Female}][-0.03664624 \mathrm{age}+4.289673\!\times\!10^{-5 }(\mathrm{age}-30.28704)_{+}^{3} \\ & & -0.0001101061(\mathrm{age}-45.12081)_{+}^{3}+6.744126\!\times\!10^{-5 }(\mathrm{age}-54.64002)_{+}^{3} \\ & & -2.319129\!\times\!10^{-7}(\mathrm{age}-69.56004)_{+}^{3} ] \\ \end{array}\] \[(x)_{+}=x~\mathrm{if}~x > 0,~0~\mathrm{otherwise}\]
\(t\) \(S_{Male}(t)\) \(S_{Female}(t)\)
0 1.000 1.000
1 0.993 0.902
2 0.984 0.825
3 0.975 0.725
4 0.967 0.648
5 0.956 0.576
6 0.947 0.520
7 0.938 0.481
8 0.928 0.432
9 0.920 0.395
10 0.909 0.358
11 0.904 0.314
12 0.892 0.268
13 0.886 0.223
14 0.877 0.203
Wald Statistics for Srv
χ2 d.f. P
age (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 72.82 6 <0.0001
All Interactions 1.05 3 0.7886
Nonlinear (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 1.80 4 0.7728
age × sex (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 1.05 3 0.7886
Nonlinear 1.05 2 0.5911
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 1.05 2 0.5911
TOTAL NONLINEAR 1.80 4 0.7728
TOTAL 72.82 6 <0.0001
p <- Predict(f.ia, age, sex, time=3, loglog=TRUE)
ggplot(p, ylim=c(-5, -.5))
Figure 20.5: Cox PH model stratified on sex, with interaction between age spline and sex. 0.95 confidence limits are also shown.
  • Example of modeling a single continuous variable (left ventricular ejection fraction), outcome = time to cardiovascular death
\[\begin{array}{ccc} {\rm LVEF}' &=& {\rm LVEF}\ \ \ \ {\rm if\ \ LVEF}\leq 0.5, \nonumber \\ &=& 0.5~\ \ \ \ \ \ \ {\rm if\ \ LVEF}>0.5 \end{array}\]

The AICs for 3, 4, 5, and 6-knots spline fits were respectively 126, 124, 122, and 120.

Figure 20.6: Restricted cubic spline estimate of relationship between LVEF relative log hazard from a sample of 979 patients and 198 cardiovascular deaths. Data from the Duke Cardiovascular Disease Databank.

Smoothed residual plot: Martingale residuals, loess smoother * One vector of residuals no matter how many covariables * Unadjusted estimates of regression shape obtained by fixing \(\hat{\beta}=0\) for all \(X\)s

Figure 20.7: Three smoothed estimates relating martingale residuals (Therneau et al., 1990) to LVEF.
Uses of martingale residuals for estimating predictor transformations
Purpose Method
Estimate transformation for a single variable Force \(\hat{\beta_{1}}=0\) and compute residuals off of the null regression
Check linearity assumption for a single variable Compute \(\hat{\beta_{1}}\) and compute residuals off of the linear regression
Estimate marginal transformations for \(p\) variables Force \(\hat{\beta_{1}},\ldots,\hat{\beta_{p}}=0\) and compute residuals off the global null model
Estimate transformation for variable \(i\) adjusted for other \(p-1\) variables Estimate \(p-1\ \beta\)s, forcing \(\hat{\beta_{i}}=0\); compute residuals off of mixed global/null model

20.6.2 Proportional Hazards Assumption

  • Parallelism of \(\log \Lambda\) plots
  • Comparison of stratified and modeled estimates of \(S(t)\)
  • Plot actual ratio of estimated \(\Lambda\), or get differences in \(\log \Lambda\)
  • Plot \(\hat{\Lambda}\) vs. cumulative number of events as \(t \uparrow\)
  • Stratify time, get interval-specific Cox regression coefficients:
    In an interval, exclude all subjects with
    event/censoring time before start of interval
    Censor all events at end of interval
f <- cph(S ~ strat(group), surv=TRUE)
# For both strata, eval. S(t) at combined set of death times
times <- sort(unique(days[death == 1]))
est   <- survest(f, data.frame(group=levels(group)),
                 times=times, conf.type="none")$surv
cumhaz  <- - log(est)
plot(times, cumhaz[2,] / cumhaz[1,], xlab="Days", 
     ylab="Cumulative Hazard Ratio", type="s")
abline(h=1, col=gray(.80))
Figure 20.8: Estimate of \(\Lambda_{2}/\Lambda_{1}\) based on \(-\log\) of Altschuler–Nelson–Fleming–Harrington nonparametric survival estimates.
Time Interval Observations Deaths Log Hazard Ratio Standard Error
[0,209) 40 12 -0.47 0.59
[209,234) 27 12 -0.72 0.58
234+ 14 12 -0.50 0.64

Overall Cox \(\hat{\beta} = -0.57\).

  • VA Lung Cancer dataset, squamous vs. (small, adeno)
with(valung, {
  hazard.ratio.plot(1 * (cell == 'Squamous'), Surv(t, dead),
                    e=25, subset=cell != 'Large',
                    pr=TRUE, pl=FALSE)
  hazard.ratio.plot(1 * kps, Surv(t, dead), e=25,
                    pr=TRUE, pl=FALSE) })
Time Interval Observations Deaths Log Hazard Ratio Standard Error
[0,21) 110 26 -0.46 0.47
[21,52) 84 26 -0.90 0.50
[52,118) 59 26 -1.35 0.50
118+ 28 26 -1.04 0.45

Estimates for Karnofsky performance status weight over time:

Time Interval Observations Deaths Log Hazard Ratio Standard Error
[0,19] 137 27 -0.053 0.010
[19,49) 112 26 -0.047 0.009
[49,99) 85 27 -0.036 0.012
99+ 28 26 -0.012 0.014
Figure 20.9: Stratified hazard ratios for pain/ischemia index over time. Data from the Duke Cardiovascular Disease Databank.
  • Schoenfeld residuals computed at each unique failure time
  • Partial derivative of \(\log L\) with respect to each \(X\) in turn
  • Grambsch and Therneau scale to yield estimates of \(\beta(t)\)
  • Can form a powerful test of PH

\[\hat{\beta} + dR\hat{V}\]

Figure 20.10: Smoothed weighted (Grambsch & Therneau, 1994) Schoenfeld (1982) residuals for the same data in Figure 20.9. Test for PH based on the correlation (\(\rho\)) between the individual weighted Schoenfeld residuals and the rank of failure time yielded \(\rho=-0.23, z=-6.73, P=2\times 10^{-11}\).
  • Can test PH by testing \(t \times X\) interaction using time- dependent covariables
  • Separate parametric fits, e.g. Weibull with differing \(\gamma\); hazard ratio is

\[\frac{\alpha\gamma t^{\gamma-1}}{\delta\theta t^{\theta-1}} = \frac{\alpha\gamma}{\delta\theta} t^{\gamma-\theta}\]

t log Hazard Ratio
10 -0.36
36 -0.64
83.5 -0.83
200 -1.02
  • Interaction between \(X\) and spline function of \(t\):

\[\log \lambda(t|X) = \log\lambda(t) + \beta_{1}X + \beta_{2}Xt + \beta_{3}Xt' + \beta_{4}Xt''\]

The \(X+1:X\) log hazard ratio function is estimated by

\[\hat{\beta_{1}} + \hat{\beta_{2}}t + \hat{\beta_{3}}t' + \hat{\beta_{4}}t''\]

Assumptions of the proportional hazards model
Variables Assumptions Verification
Response Variable \(T\)
Time Until Event
Shape of \(\lambda(t|X)\) for fixed \(X\) as \(t \uparrow\) Shape of \(S_{\rm KM}(t)\)
Interaction between \(X\) and \(T\) Proportional hazards – effect of \(X\) does not depend on \(T\), e.g. treatment effect is constant over time. • Categorical \(X\): check parallelism of stratified \(\log[-\log S(t)]\) plots as \(t \uparrow\)
Muenz (1983) cum. hazard ratio plots
Arjas (1988) cum. hazard plots
• Check agreement of stratified and modeled estimates
• Hazard ratio plots
• Smoothed Schoenfeld residual plots and correlation test (time vs. residual)
• Test time-dependent covariable such as \(X \times \log(t+1)\)
• Ratio of parametrically estimated \(\lambda(t)\)
Individual Predictors \(X\) Shape of \(\lambda(t|X)\) for fixed \(t\) as \(X \uparrow\)
Linear: \(\log \lambda(t|X)=\log \lambda(t)+\beta X\)
Nonlinear: \(\log \lambda(t|X)=\log \lambda(t)+f(X)\)
\(k\)-level ordinal \(X\) : linear term + \(k-2\) dummy variables
• Continuous \(X\): Polynomials, spline functions, smoothed martingale residual plots
Interaction between \(X_{1}\) and \(X_{2}\) Additive effects: effect of \(X_{1}\) on \(\log \lambda\) is independent of \(X_{2}\) and vice-versa Test non-additive terms, e.g. products

Comparison of methods for checking the proportional hazards assumption and for allowing for non-proportional hazards

20.7 What to Do When PH Fails

  • Test of association not needed and the key variable is categorical \(\rightarrow\) stratify
  • Key results display: covariate-adjusted cumulative incidence curves by strata with confidence bands for the difference in the two curves
    • allows curves to cross
  • \(P\)-value for testing variable may still be useful (conservative)
  • Survival estimates wrong in certain time intervals
  • Can model non-PH:

\[\lambda(t | X) = \lambda_{0}(t) \exp(\beta_{1} X + \beta_{2} X \times \log(t+1))\]

For this model, Breslow et al. (1984) derived a simple 2 d.f. score test for whether one group has a different hazard rate than the other group at any time \(t\)

  • Can also use time intervals:

\[\lambda(t | X) = \lambda_{0}(t) \exp(\beta_{1} X + \beta_{2} X \times [t > c])\]

  • Or fit one model for early follow-up, one for late
  • Try another model, e.g. log-normal, log-logistic can have effects of \(X\) changing constantly over time
  • Differences in mean restricted life length can be useful in comparing therapies when PH fails (Karrison, 1997), but see bit.ly/datamethods-rmst

See Putter et al. (2005), Perperoglou et al. (2006), Muggeo & Tagliavia (2010)

20.8 Collinearity

20.9 Overly Influential Observations

20.10 Quantifying Predictive Ability

\[\begin{array}{ccc} R^{2}_{\rm LR}&=& 1 - \exp(-{\rm LR}/n) \nonumber \\ &=& 1 - \omega^{2/n} \end{array}\]
  • \(\omega\) = null model likelihood divided by the fitted model likelihood
  • Divide by max attainable value to get \(R_{\rm N}^{2}\)
  • 4 versions of Maddala-Cox-Snell \(R^2\): hbiostat.org/bib/r2.html

\(c\): concordance probability (between predicted and observed)

  • All possible pairs of subjects whose ordering of failure times can be determined
  • Fraction of these for which \(X\) ordered same as \(Y\)
  • Somers’ \(D_{xy} = 2(c-0.5)\)

See fharrell.com/post/addvalue for more about the most sensitive values for assessing predictive discrimination and comparing competing models.

20.11 Validating the Fitted Model

Separate bootstrap validations for calibration and for discrimination. For external validation, a sample containing at least 200 events is needed (Collins et al., 2016).

20.11.1 Validation of Model Calibration

  • Calibration at fixed \(t\)
  • Get \(\hat{S}(t | X)\) for all subjects
  • Divide into intervals each containing say 50 subjects
  • Compare mean predicted survival with K-M
  • Bootstrap this process to add back optimism in difference of these 2, due to overfitting
  • Ex: 20 random predictors, \(n=200\)
n <- 200
p <-  20
xx <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow=n, ncol=p)
y  <- runif(n)
units(y) <- "Year"
e   <- c(rep(0, n / 2), rep(1, n / 2))
f   <- cph(Surv(y, e) ~ xx, x=TRUE, y=TRUE,
           time.inc=.5, surv=TRUE)
cal <- calibrate(f, u=.5, B=200)
Using Cox survival estimates at 0.5 Years
plot(cal, ylim=c(.4, 1), subtitles=FALSE)
calkm <- calibrate(f, u=.5, m=40,  cmethod='KM', B=200)
Using Cox survival estimates at 0.5 Years
plot(calkm, add=TRUE)   
Figure 20.11: Calibration of random predictions using Efron’s bootstrap with B=200 resamples. Dataset has n=200, 100 uncensored observations, 20 random predictors, model \(\chi^{2}_{20} = 19\). The smooth black line is the apparent calibration estimated by adaptive linear spline hazard regression (Kooperberg et al., 1995), and the blue line is the bootstrap bias– (overfitting–) corrected calibration curve estimated also by hazard regression. The gray scale line is the line of identity representing perfect calibration. Black dots represent apparent calibration accuracy obtained by stratifiying into intervals of predicted 0.5y survival containing 40 events per interval and plotting the mean predicted value within the interval against the stratum’s Kaplan-Meier estimate. The blue \(\times\) represent bootstrap bias-corrected Kaplan-Meier estimates.

20.11.2 Validation of Discrimination and Other Statistical Indexes

Validate slope calibration (estimate shrinkage from overfitting):

\[\lambda(t|X) = \lambda(t) \exp(\gamma Xb)\]

print(validate(f, B=200), digits=3,
      caption='Bootstrap validation of a Cox model with random predictors')
Bootstrap validation of a Cox model with random predictors
Index Original
Optimism Corrected
Dxy 0.213 0.332 0.144 0.188 0.025 200
R2 0.092 0.192 0.041 0.151 -0.06 200
Slope 1 1 0.383 0.617 0.383 200
D 0.021 0.048 0.008 0.04 -0.019 200
U -0.002 -0.002 0.03 -0.032 0.03 200
Q 0.023 0.05 -0.022 0.072 -0.049 200
g 0.516 0.872 0.332 0.539 -0.023 200

20.12 Describing the Fitted Model

  • Can use coefficients if linear and additive
  • Can use e.g. inter-quartile-range hazard ratios for various levels of interacting factors if linearity holds approximately
Figure 20.12: A display of an interaction between treatment and extent of disease, and between treatment and calendar year of start of treatment. Comparison of medical and surgical average hazard ratios for patients treated in 1970, 1977, and 1984 according to coronary artery disease severity. Circles represent point estimates; bars represent 0.95 confidence limits for hazard ratios. Hazard ratios <1 indicate that surgery is more effective (Califf et al., 1989).
Figure 20.13: Cox–Kalbfleisch–Prentice survival estimates stratifying on treatment and adjusting for several predictors, showing a secular trend in the efficacy of coronary artery bypass surgery. Estimates are for patients with left main disease and normal (LVEF=0.6) or impaired (LVEF=0.4) ventricular function (Pryor et al., 1987).
Figure 20.14: Cox model predictions with respect to a continuous variable. \(X\)-axis shows the range of the treadmill score seen in clinical practice and \(Y\)-axis shows the corresponding 5-year survival probability predicted by the Cox regression model for the 2842 study patients (Mark et al., 1987).
p <- Predict(f.ia, age, sex, time=3)
Figure 20.15: Survival estimates for model stratified on sex, with interaction.
  • Nomogram to compute \(X\hat{\beta}\)
  • Also \(\hat{S}(t | X)\) for a few \(t\)
  • Can have axis for median failure time if sample is high risk

20.13 R Functions

20.13.1 Power and Sample Size Calculations, Hmisc Package

  • cpower: computes power for a two-sample Cox test with random patient entry over a fixed duration and a given length of minimum follow-up, using exponential distribution with handling of dropout and drop-in (Lachin & Foulkes, 1986)
  • ciapower: computes power of the Cox interaction test in a \(2 \times 2\) setup using the method of Peterson & George (1993)
  • spower: simulates power for 2-sample tests (the log-rank test by default) allowing for very complex conditions such as continuously varying treatment effect and non-compliance probabilities.

20.13.2 Cox Model using rms Package

  • cph: slight modification of Therneau’s survival package coxph function
  • print method prints the Nagelkerke index \(R^{2}_{\rm N}\) (Section 20.10) and up to 4 adjusted and unadjusted Maddala-Cox-Snell \(R^2\)
  • cph works with generic functions such as specs, predict, summary, anova, fastbw, which.influence, latex, residuals, coef, nomogram, plot, ggplot, plotp. plot, ggplot, plotp have an additional argument time for plotting cph fits. It also has an argument loglog which if T causes instead log -log survival to be plotted on the \(y\)-axis.
  • Survival.cph, Quantile.cph, Mean.cph create other R functions to evaluate survival probabilities, survival time quantiles, and mean and mean restricted lifetimes, based on a cph fit with surv=TRUE
  • Quantile and Mean are especially useful with plot, ggplot, plotp and nomogram. Survival is useful with nomogram
f <- cph(..., surv=T)
med <- Quantile(f)
plot(nomogram(f, fun=function(x) med(lp=x),
         funlabel='Median Survival Time'))
# fun tranforms the linear predictors
srv <- Survival(f)
rmean <- Mean(f, tmax=3, method='approx')
plot(nomogram(f, fun=list(function(x) srv(3, x), rmean),
         funlabel=c('3-Year Survival Prob.','Restricted Mean')))
# med, srv, expected are more complicated if strata are present

The R program below demonstrates how several cph-related functions work well with the nomogram function to display this last fit. Here predicted 3-year survival probabilities and median survival time (when defined) are displayed against age and sex. The fact that a nonlinear effect interacts with a stratified factor is taken into account.

surv    <- Survival(f.ia)
surv.f  <- function(lp) surv(3, lp, stratum='sex=Female')
surv.m  <- function(lp) surv(3, lp, stratum='sex=Male')
quant   <- Quantile(f.ia)
med.f   <- function(lp) quant(.5, lp, stratum='sex=Female')
med.m   <- function(lp) quant(.5, lp, stratum='sex=Male')
at.surv <- c(.01, .05, seq(.1,.9,by=.1), .95, .98, .99, .999)
at.med  <- c(0, .5, 1, 1.5, seq(2, 14, by=2))
n <- nomogram(f.ia, fun=list(surv.m, surv.f, med.m,med.f),
         funlabel=c('S(3 | Male)','S(3 | Female)',
                    'Median (Male)','Median (Female)'),
plot(n, col.grid=FALSE, lmgp=.2)
Figure 20.16: Nomogram from a fitted stratified Cox model that allowed for interaction between age and sex, and nonlinearity in age. The axis for median survival time is truncated on the left where the median is beyond the last follow-up time.
latex(f.ia, digits=3)
\[\Pr(T\geq t~|~X,\mathrm{sex}=i)=S_{i}(t)^{\mathrm{e}^{X\beta}},~~\mathrm{where}\] \[\begin{array} \lefteqn{X\hat{\beta}=}\\ & & -1.8 \\ & & + 0.0493 \mathrm{age}-2.15\!\times\!10^{-6}(\mathrm{age}-30.3)_{+}^{3}-2.82\!\times\!10^{-5}(\mathrm{age}-45.1)_{+}^{3} \\ & & +5.18\!\times\!10^{-5 }(\mathrm{age}-54.6)_{+}^{3}-2.15\!\times\!10^{-5}(\mathrm{age}-69.6)_{+}^{3} \\ & & +[\mathrm{Female}][-0.0366 \mathrm{age}+4.29\!\times\!10^{-5 }(\mathrm{age}-30.3)_{+}^{3}-0.00011 (\mathrm{age}-45.1)_{+}^{3} \\ & & +6.74\!\times\!10^{-5 }(\mathrm{age}-54.6)_{+}^{3}-2.32\!\times\!10^{-7}(\mathrm{age}-69.6)_{+}^{3} ] \\ \end{array}\] \[(x)_{+}=x~\mathrm{if}~x > 0,~0~\mathrm{otherwise}\]
\(t\) \(S_{Male}(t)\) \(S_{Female}(t)\)
0 1.000 1.000
1 0.993 0.902
2 0.984 0.825
3 0.975 0.725
4 0.967 0.648
5 0.956 0.576
6 0.947 0.520
7 0.938 0.481
8 0.928 0.432
9 0.920 0.395
10 0.909 0.358
11 0.904 0.314
12 0.892 0.268
13 0.886 0.223
14 0.877 0.203