If no model assumed, one can still assess association between \(X\) and \(Y\)
Example: \(Y=0,1,2\) corresponds to no event, heart attack, death. Test of association between race (3 levels) and outcome (3 levels) can be obtained from a \(2 \times 2\) d.f. \(\chi^2\) test for a contingency table
If willing to assuming an ordering of \(Y\)and a model, can test for association using \(2 \times 1\) d.f.
Proportional odds model: generalization of Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney-Kruskal-Wallis-Spearman
Can have \(n\) categories for \(n\) observations!
Continuation ratio model: discrete proportional hazards model
13.2 Ordinality Assumption
Assume \(X\) is linearly related to some appropriate log odds
Estimate mean \(X | Y\) with and without assuming the model holds
and the expectation can be estimated by \[
\hat{E}(X | Y=j) = \sum_{x} x \hat{P}_{jx} f_{x} / g_{j},
\] where \(\hat{P}_{jx}\) = estimate of \(P_{jx}\) from the 1-predictor model \[
\hat{E}(X | Y=j) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} x_{i} \hat{P}_{jx_{i}} / g_{j} .
13.3 Proportional Odds Model
13.3.1 Model
Walker & Duncan (1967) — most popular ordinal response model
Assumes OR for 1 unit increase in age is the same when considering the probability of death as when considering the probability of death or heart attack
PO model only uses ranks of \(Y\); same \(\hat{\beta}\)s if transform \(Y\); is robust to outliers
13.4 Assumptions and Interpretation of Parameters
13.4.1 Estimation
13.4.2 Residuals
Construct binary events \(Y\geq j, j=1,2,\ldots,k\) and use corresponding predicted probabilities \[
\hat{P}_{ij} = \text{expit}(\hat{\alpha}_{j}+X_{i}\hat{\beta}),
Li & Shepherd (2012) have a residual for ordinal models that serves for the entire range of \(Y\) without the need to consider cutoffs. Their residual is useful for checking functional form of predictors but not the proportional odds assumption.
Figure 13.1: Checking PO assumption separately for a series of predictors. The circle, triangle, and plus sign correspond to \(Y \geq 1, 2, 3\), respectively. PO is checked by examining the vertical constancy of distances between any two of these three symbols. Response variable is the severe functional disability scale sfdm2 from the \(1000\)-patient SUPPORT dataset, with the last two categories combined because of low frequency of coma/intubation.
Note that computing ORs for various cutoffs and seeing disagreements among them can cause reviewers to confuse lack of fit with sampling variation (random chance). For a 4-level Y having a given vector of probabilities in a control group, let’s assume PO with a true OR of 3 and simulate 10 experiments to show variation of observed ORs over all cutoffs of Y. First do it for a sample size of n=10,000 then for n=200.
p <-c(.1, .2, .3, .4)set.seed(7)simPOcuts(10000, odds.ratio=3, p=p)
A better approach for discrete Y is to show the impact of making the PO assumption:
Select a set of covariate settings over which to evaluate accuracy of predictions
Vary at least one of the predictors, i.e., the one for which you want to assess the impact of the PO assumption
Fit a PO model the usual way
Fit other models that relax the PO assumption
to relax the PO assumption for all predictors fit a multinomial logistic model
to relax the PO assumption for a subset of predictors fit a partial PO model(Peterson & Harrell, 1990) (here using the RVGAM function)
For all the covariate combinations evaluate predicted probabilities for all levels of Y using the PO model and the relaxed assumption models
Use the bootstrap to compute confidence intervals for the difference in predicted probabilities between a PO and a relaxed model. This guards against over-emphasis of differences when the sample size does not support estimation, especially for the relaxed model with more parameters. Note that the sample problem occurs when comparing predicted unadjusted probabilities to observed proportions, as observed proportions can be noisy.
Example: re-do the assessment above. Note that the VGAM package vglm function did not converge when fitting the partial proportional odds model. So in what follows we only compare the fully PO model with the fully non-PO multinomial model.
spar(ps=7)require(rms)require(ggplot2)# One headache: since using a non-rms fitting function need to hard# code knots in splines. This is not necessary in rms 6.5-0 and laterkq <-seq(0.05, 0.95, length=4)kage <-quantile(support$age, kq, na.rm=TRUE)kbp <-quantile(support$meanbp, kq, na.rm=TRUE)d <-expand.grid(adlsc=0:6, sex='male', age=65, meanbp=78)# Because of very low frequency (7) of sfdm=3, combine categories 3, 4support$sfdm3 <-pmin(sfdm, 3)done.impact <-TRUEif(done.impact) w <-readRDS('impactPO.rds') else {set.seed(1) w <-impactPO(sfdm3 ~pol(adlsc, 2) + sex +rcs(age, kage) +rcs(meanbp, kbp),newdata=d, B=300, data=support)saveRDS(w, 'impactPO.rds')}w
PO Multinomial
Deviance 1871.70 1795.93
d.f. 12 30
AIC 1895.70 1855.93
p 9 27
LR chi^2 124.11 199.89
LR - p 115.11 172.89
LR chi^2 test for PO 75.77
d.f. 18
Pr(>chi^2) <0.0001
MCS R2 0.137 0.212
MCS R2 adj 0.128 0.186
McFadden R2 0.062 0.100
McFadden R2 adj 0.053 0.073
Mean |difference| from PO 0.036
Covariate combination-specific mean |difference| in predicted probabilities
method adlsc sex age meanbp Mean |difference|
1 Multinomial 0 male 65 78 0.020
2 Multinomial 1 male 65 78 0.030
3 Multinomial 2 male 65 78 0.035
4 Multinomial 3 male 65 78 0.030
5 Multinomial 4 male 65 78 0.021
6 Multinomial 5 male 65 78 0.032
7 Multinomial 6 male 65 78 0.081
Bootstrap 0.95 confidence intervals for differences in model predicted
probabilities based on 300 bootstraps
adlsc sex age meanbp
1 0 male 65 78
PO - Multinomial probability estimates
0 1 2 3
Lower -0.052 -0.032 -0.011 -0.040
Upper 0.027 0.060 0.035 -0.002
adlsc sex age meanbp
2 1 male 65 78
PO - Multinomial probability estimates
0 1 2 3
Lower -0.082 0.019 -0.037 -0.032
Upper -0.009 0.091 0.025 0.004
adlsc sex age meanbp
3 2 male 65 78
PO - Multinomial probability estimates
0 1 2 3
Lower -0.083 0.032 -0.071 -0.030
Upper -0.004 0.101 0.018 0.017
adlsc sex age meanbp
4 3 male 65 78
PO - Multinomial probability estimates
0 1 2 3
Lower -0.059 0.015 -0.084 -0.035
Upper 0.016 0.093 0.017 0.021
adlsc sex age meanbp
5 4 male 65 78
PO - Multinomial probability estimates
0 1 2 3
Lower -0.030 -0.023 -0.071 -0.055
Upper 0.045 0.072 0.027 0.017
adlsc sex age meanbp
6 5 male 65 78
PO - Multinomial probability estimates
0 1 2 3
Lower 0.005 -0.097 -0.047 -0.080
Upper 0.106 0.031 0.048 0.012
adlsc sex age meanbp
7 6 male 65 78
PO - Multinomial probability estimates
0 1 2 3
Lower 0.049 -0.262 -0.01 -0.075
Upper 0.189 -0.039 0.07 0.051
# Reverse levels of y so stacked bars have higher y located higherrevo <-function(z) { z <-as.factor(z)factor(z, levels=rev(levels(as.factor(z))))}ggplot(w$estimates, aes(x=method, y=Probability, fill=revo(y))) +facet_wrap(~ adlsc) +geom_col() +xlab('') +guides(fill=guide_legend(title='')) +theme(legend.position='bottom')
Figure 13.2: Checking the impact of the PO assumption by comparing predicted probabilities of all outcome categories from a PO model with a multinomial logistic model that assumes PO for no variables
AIC indicates that a model assuming PO nowhere is better than one that assumes PO everywhere. In an earlier run in which convergence was obtained using vglm, the PPO model with far fewer parameters is just as good, and is also better than the PO model, indicating non-PO with respect to adlsc. The fit of the PO model is such that cell probabilities become more inaccurate for higher level outcomes. This can also be seen by the increasing mean absolute differences with probability estimates from the PO model. Bootstrap nonparametric percentile confidence intervals (300 resamples, not all of which converged) for differences in predicted cell probabilities between the PO model and a relaxed model are also found above. Some of these intervals exclude 0, in line with the other evidence for non-PO.
When \(Y\) is continuous or almost continuous and \(X\) is discrete, the PO model assumes that the logit of the cumulative distribution function of \(Y\) is parallel across categories of \(X\). The corresponding, more rigid, assumptions of the ordinary linear model (here, parametric ANOVA) are parallelism and linearity of the normal inverse cumulative distribution function across categories of \(X\). As an example consider the web site’s diabetes dataset, where we consider the distribution of log glycohemoglobin across subjects’ body frames.
getHdata(diabetes)d <-subset(diabetes, !is.na(frame))setDT(d) # make it a data tablew <- d[, ecdfSteps(glyhb, extend=c(2.6, 16.2)), by=frame]# ecdfSteps is in Hmisc# Duplicate ECDF points for trying 2 transformationsu <-rbind(data.table(trans='paste(Phi^-1, (F[n](x)))', w[, z :=qnorm(y) ]),data.table(trans='logit(F[n](x))', w[, z :=qlogis(y)]))# See https://hbiostat.org/rflow/graphics.html#sec-graphics-ggplot2ggplot(u, aes(x, z, color=frame)) +geom_step() +facet_wrap(~ trans, label='label_parsed', scale='free_y') +ylab('Transformed ECDF') +xlab(hlab(glyhb)) # hlab is in Hmisc; looks up label in d
Figure 13.3: Transformed empirical cumulative distribution functions stratified by body frame in the diabetes dataset. Left panel: checking all assumptions of the parametric ANOVA. Right panel: checking all assumptions of the PO model (here, Kruskal–Wallis test).
See how these distributions are reflected in proportional odds model intercepts.
f <-orm(glyhb ~ frame, data=d)plotIntercepts(f)
Especially for continuous predictors, the rms package ordParallel provides graphical and formal assessments of proportionality (adequacy of link). See (sec:cony?) for an example.
13.4.4 Quantifying Predictive Ability
13.4.5 Describing the Model
For PO models there are four and sometimes five types of relevant predictions:
logit\([Y \geq j | X]\), i.e., the linear predictor
1 If \(Y\) does not have very many levels, the median will be a discontinuous function of \(X\) and may not be satisfactory.
Partial effect plot (prob. scale or mean)
Odds ratio chart
Nomogram (possibly including the mean)
13.4.6 Validating the Fitted Model
13.4.7R Functions
The rms package’s lrm and orm functions fit the PO model directly, assuming that the levels of the response variable (e.g., the levels of a factor variable) are listed in the proper order. predict computes all types of estimates except for quantiles. orm allows for more link functions than the logistic and is intended to efficiently handle hundreds of intercepts as happens when \(Y\) is continuous.
The R functions popower and posamsize (in the Hmisc package) compute power and sample size estimates for ordinal responses using the proportional odds model.
The function plot.xmean.ordinaly in rms computes and graphs the quantities described in Section 13.2. It plots simple \(Y\)-stratified means overlaid with \(\hat{E}(X | Y=j)\), with \(j\) on the \(x\)-axis. The \(\hat{E}\)s are computed for both PO and continuation ratio ordinal logistic models.
The Hmisc package’s summary.formula function is also useful for assessing the PO assumption.
Generic rms functions such as validate, calibrate, and nomogram work with PO model fits from lrm as long as the analyst specifies which intercept(s) to use.
rms has a special function generator Mean for constructing an easy-to-use function for getting the predicted mean \(Y\) from a PO model. This is handy with plot and nomogram. If the fit has been run through bootcov, it is easy to use the Predict function to estimate bootstrap confidence limits for predicted means.
13.5 Continuation Ratio Model
13.5.1 Model
Unlike the PO model, which is based on cumulative probabilities, the continuation ratio (CR) model is based on conditional probabilities. The (forward) CR model(Armstrong & Sloan, 1989; Berridge & Whitehead, 1991; Fienberg, 2007) is stated as follows for \(Y=0,\ldots,k\):
The CR model has been said to be likely to fit ordinal responses when subjects have to “pass through” one category to get to the next The CR model is a discrete version of the Cox proportional hazards model. The discrete hazard function is defined as \(\Pr(Y=j | Y \geq j)\).
Advantage of CR model: easy to allow unequal slopes across \(Y\) for selected \(X\).
13.5.2 Assumptions and Interpretation of Parameters
13.5.3 Estimation
13.5.4 Residuals
To check CR model assumptions, binary logistic model partial residuals are again valuable. We separately fit a sequence of binary logistic models using a series of binary events and the corresponding applicable (increasingly small) subsets of subjects, and plot smoothed partial residuals against \(X\) for all of the binary events. Parallelism in these plots indicates that the CR model’s constant \(\gamma\) assumptions are satisfied.
13.5.5 Assessment of Model Fit
13.5.6 Extended CR Model
13.5.7 Role of Penalization in Extended CR Model
13.5.8 Validating the Fitted Model
13.5.9R Functions
The cr.setup function in rms returns a list of vectors useful in constructing a dataset used to trick a binary logistic function such as lrm into fitting CR models.
Armstrong, B. G., & Sloan, M. (1989). Ordinal regression models for epidemiologic data. Am J Epi, 129, 191–204.
Berridge, D. M., & Whitehead, J. (1991). Analysis of failure time data with ordinal categories of response. Stat Med, 10, 1703–1710. https://doi.org/10.1002/sim.4780101108
Collett, D. (2002). Modelling Binary Data (Second). Chapman and Hall.
Fienberg, S. E. (2007). The Analysis of Cross-Classified Categorical Data (Second). Springer.
Landwehr, J. M., Pregibon, D., & Shoemaker, A. C. (1984). Graphical methods for assessing logistic regression models (with discussion). J Am Stat Assoc, 79, 61–83.
Peterson, B., & Harrell, F. E. (1990). Partial proportional odds models for ordinal response variables. Appl Stat, 39, 205–217.
Walker, S. H., & Duncan, D. B. (1967). Estimation of the probability of an event as a function of several independent variables. Biometrika, 54, 167–178.
```{r include=FALSE}require(Hmisc)options(qproject='rms', prType='html')require(qreport)getRs('qbookfun.r')hookaddcap()knitr::set_alias(w ='fig.width', h ='fig.height', cap ='fig.cap', scap ='fig.scap')```# Ordinal Logistic Regression {#sec-ordinal}**Resources**: [fharrell.com/post/rpo](https://fharrell.com/post/rpo)## Background`r mrg(sound("olr-1"))`* Levels of $Y$ are ordered; no spacing assumed `r ipacue()`* If no model assumed, one can still assess association between $X$ and $Y$* Example: $Y=0,1,2$ corresponds to no event, heart attack, death. Test of association between race (3 levels) and outcome (3 levels) can be obtained from a $2 \times 2$ d.f. $\chi^2$ test for a contingency table* If willing to assuming an ordering of $Y$ _and_ a model, can test for association using $2 \times 1$ d.f.* Proportional odds model: generalization of Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney-Kruskal-Wallis-Spearman* Can have $n$ categories for $n$ observations!* Continuation ratio model: discrete proportional hazards model## Ordinality Assumption {#sec-ordinal-ordinality}* Assume $X$ is linearly related to some appropriate log odds `r ipacue()`* Estimate mean $X | Y$ with and without assuming the model holds* For simplicity assume $X$ discrete* Let $P_{jx} = \Pr(Y=j | X=x, model)$\begin{array}{ccc}\Pr(X=x | Y=j) &=& \Pr(Y=j | X=x) \frac{\Pr(X=x)}{\Pr(Y=j)} \nonumber \\E(X | Y=j) &=& \sum_{x} x P_{jx} \frac{\Pr(X=x)}{\Pr(Y=j)} ,\end{array}and the expectation can be estimated by$$\hat{E}(X | Y=j) = \sum_{x} x \hat{P}_{jx} f_{x} / g_{j},$$where $\hat{P}_{jx}$ = estimate of $P_{jx}$ from the 1-predictor model$$\hat{E}(X | Y=j) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} x_{i} \hat{P}_{jx_{i}} / g_{j} .$$## Proportional Odds Model`r mrg(sound("olr-2"))`### Model* @wal67 --- most popular ordinal response `r ipacue()` model* For convenience $Y=0, 1, 2, \ldots, k$$$\Pr[Y \geq j | X] = \frac{1}{1 + \exp[-(\alpha_{j} + X\beta)]} = \text{expit}(\alpha_{j} + X\beta)$$where $j=1, 2, \ldots, k$.* $\alpha_j$ is the logit of Prob$[Y \geq j]$ when all $X$s are zero* Odds $Y \geq j | X = \exp(\alpha_{j}+X\beta)$* Odds $Y \geq j | X_{m}=a+1$ / Odds $Y \geq j | X_{m}=a = e^{\beta_{m}}$* Same odds ratio $e^{\beta_{m}}$ for any $j=1,2,\ldots,k$* Odds$[Y \geq j | X]$ / Odds$[Y \geq v | X] = \frac{e^{\alpha_{j}+X\beta}}{e^{\alpha_{v}+X\beta}} = e^{\alpha_{j}-\alpha_{v}}$* Odds $Y \geq j | X$ = constant $\times$ Odds $Y \geq v | X$* Assumes OR for 1 unit increase in age is the same when considering the probability of death as when considering the probability of death or heart attack* PO model only uses ranks of $Y$; same $\hat{\beta}$s if transform $Y$; is robust to outliers## Assumptions and Interpretation of Parameters### Estimation### Residuals* Construct binary events $Y\geq j, j=1,2,\ldots,k$ and use `r ipacue()` corresponding predicted probabilities$$\hat{P}_{ij} = \text{expit}(\hat{\alpha}_{j}+X_{i}\hat{\beta}),$$* Score residual for subject $i$ predictor $m$:$$U_{im} = X_{im} ( [Y_{i}\geq j] - \hat{P}_{ij} ),$$* For each column of $U$ plot mean $\bar{U}_{\cdot m}$ and C.L.\ against $Y$* Partial residuals are more useful as they can also estimate covariable transformations[@lan84gra; @colBookbin]:$$r_{im} = \hat{\beta}_{m}X_{im} + \frac{Y_{i} - \hat{P}_{i}}{\hat{P}_{i}(1 - \hat{P_{i}})},$$where$$\hat{P_{i}} = \frac{1}{1 + \exp[-(\alpha + X_{i}\hat{\beta})]} = \text{expit}(\alpha + X_{i}\hat{\beta}).$$* Smooth $r_{im}$ vs. $X_{im}$ to estimate how $X_{m}$ relates to the log relative odds that $Y=1 | X_{m}$* For ordinal $Y$ compute binary model partial res. for all cutoffs $j$:$$r_{im} = \hat{\beta}_{m}X_{im} + \frac{ [Y_{i} \geq j] - \hat{P}_{ij}}{\hat{P}_{ij}(1 - \hat{P}_{ij})},$$@li12new have a residual for ordinal models thatserves for the entire range of $Y$ without the need to considercutoffs. Their residual is useful for checking functional form ofpredictors but not the proportional odds assumption.### Assessment of Model Fit`r ipacue()`* @sec-ordinal-ordinality* Stratified proportions $Y \geq j, j = 1, 2, \ldots, k$, since $\text{logit}(Y \geq j | X) - \text{logit}(Y \geq i | X) = \alpha_{j} - \alpha_{i}$, for any constant $X$```{r po-assumpts-support,h=3.5,w=3.5,cap='Checking PO assumption separately for a series of predictors. The circle, triangle, and plus sign correspond to $Y \\geq 1, 2, 3$, respectively. PO is checked by examining the vertical constancy of distances between any two of these three symbols. Response variable is the severe functional disability scale `sfdm2` from the $1000$-patient SUPPORT dataset, with the last two categories combined because of low frequency of coma/intubation.',scap='Simple method for checking PO assumption using stratification'}#| label: fig-ordinal-po-assumpts-supportspar(ps=7)require(Hmisc)getHdata(support)sfdm <- as.integer(support$sfdm2) - 1sf <- function(y) c('Y>=1'=qlogis(mean(y >= 1)), 'Y>=2'=qlogis(mean(y >= 2)), 'Y>=3'=qlogis(mean(y >= 3)))s <- summary(sfdm ~ adlsc + sex + age + meanbp, fun=sf, data=support)plot(s, which=1:3, pch=1:3, xlab='logit', vnames='names', main='', width.factor=1.5)```<!-- %NEW 2022-03-01--->Note that computing ORs for various cutoffs and seeing disagreements among them can cause reviewers to confuse lack of fit with sampling variation (random chance). For a 4-level Y having a given vector of probabilities in a control group, let's assume PO with a true OR of 3 and simulate 10 experiments to show variation of observed ORs over all cutoffs of Y. First do it for a sample size of n=10,000 then for n=200.```{r randomor}p <- c(.1, .2, .3, .4)set.seed(7)simPOcuts(10000, odds.ratio=3, p=p)simPOcuts( 200, odds.ratio=3, p=p)```A better approach for discrete Y is to show the_impact_ of making the PO assumption:* Select a set of covariate settings over which to evaluate `r ipacue()` accuracy of predictions* Vary at least one of the predictors, i.e., the one for which you want to assess the impact of the PO assumption* Fit a PO model the usual way* Fit other models that relax the PO assumption + to relax the PO assumption for all predictors fit a multinomial logistic model + to relax the PO assumption for a subset of predictors fit a partial PO model[@pet90par] (here using the `R``VGAM` function)* For all the covariate combinations evaluate predicted probabilities for all levels of Y using the PO model and the relaxed assumption models* Use the bootstrap to compute confidence intervals for the difference in predicted probabilities between a PO and a relaxed model. This guards against over-emphasis of differences when the sample size does not support estimation, especially for the relaxed model with more parameters. Note that the sample problem occurs when comparing predicted unadjusted probabilities to observed proportions, as observed proportions can be noisy.Example: re-do the assessment above. Note that the `VGAM` package `vglm` function did not converge when fitting the partial proportional odds model. So in what follows we only compare the fully PO model with the fully non-PO multinomial model.```{r po-assumpts-impact,h=6,w=6,cap='Checking the impact of the PO assumption by comparing predicted probabilities of all outcome categories from a PO model with a multinomial logistic model that assumes PO for no variables',scap='Checking impact of the PO assumption'}#| label: fig-ordinal-po-assumpts-impactspar(ps=7)require(rms)require(ggplot2)# One headache: since using a non-rms fitting function need to hard# code knots in splines. This is not necessary in rms 6.5-0 and laterkq <-seq(0.05, 0.95, length=4)kage <-quantile(support$age, kq, na.rm=TRUE)kbp <-quantile(support$meanbp, kq, na.rm=TRUE)d <-expand.grid(adlsc=0:6, sex='male', age=65, meanbp=78)# Because of very low frequency (7) of sfdm=3, combine categories 3, 4support$sfdm3 <-pmin(sfdm, 3)done.impact <-TRUEif(done.impact) w <-readRDS('impactPO.rds') else {set.seed(1) w <-impactPO(sfdm3 ~pol(adlsc, 2) + sex +rcs(age, kage) +rcs(meanbp, kbp),newdata=d, B=300, data=support)saveRDS(w, 'impactPO.rds')}w# Reverse levels of y so stacked bars have higher y located higherrevo <-function(z) { z <-as.factor(z)factor(z, levels=rev(levels(as.factor(z))))}ggplot(w$estimates, aes(x=method, y=Probability, fill=revo(y))) +facet_wrap(~ adlsc) +geom_col() +xlab('') +guides(fill=guide_legend(title='')) +theme(legend.position='bottom')```AIC indicates that a model assuming PO nowhere is better thanone that assumes PO everywhere. In an earlier run in which convergence was obtained using `vglm`, the PPO model with far fewerparameters is just as good, and is also better than the PO model,indicating non-PO with respect to `adlsc`.The fit of the PO model is such that cell probabilities become moreinaccurate for higher level outcomes. This can also be seen by theincreasing mean absolute differences with probability estimates fromthe PO model. Bootstrap nonparametric percentile confidence intervals(300 resamples, not all of which converged)for differences in predicted cell probabilities between the PO modeland a relaxed model are also found above. Some of these intervalsexclude 0, in line with the other evidence for non-PO.See[fharrell.com/post/impactpo](https://fharrell.com/post/impactpo)for a similar example.When $Y$ is continuous or almost continuous and $X$ is discrete, thePO model assumes that the logit of the cumulative distributionfunction of $Y$ is parallel across categories of $X$.The corresponding, more rigid, assumptions of the ordinary linearmodel (here, parametric ANOVA) are parallelism and linearity of thenormal inverse cumulativedistribution function across categories of $X$. As an exampleconsider the web site's `diabetes` dataset, where we consider thedistribution of log glycohemoglobin across subjects' body frames.```{r glyhb,h=3.25,w=6.5,cap='Transformed empirical cumulative distribution functions stratified by body frame in the `diabetes` dataset. Left panel: checking all assumptions of the parametric ANOVA. Right panel: checking all assumptions of the PO model (here, Kruskal--Wallis test).',scap='Checking assumptions of PO and parametric model'}#| label: fig-ordinal-glyhbgetHdata(diabetes)d <- subset(diabetes, ! is.na(frame))setDT(d) # make it a data tablew <- d[, ecdfSteps(glyhb, extend=c(2.6, 16.2)), by=frame]# ecdfSteps is in Hmisc# Duplicate ECDF points for trying 2 transformationsu <- rbind(data.table(trans='paste(Phi^-1, (F[n](x)))', w[, z := qnorm(y) ]), data.table(trans='logit(F[n](x))', w[, z := qlogis(y)]))# See https://hbiostat.org/rflow/graphics.html#sec-graphics-ggplot2ggplot(u, aes(x, z, color=frame)) + geom_step() + facet_wrap(~ trans, label='label_parsed', scale='free_y') + ylab('Transformed ECDF') + xlab(hlab(glyhb)) # hlab is in Hmisc; looks up label in d```See how these distributions are reflected in proportional odds model intercepts.```{r ints}#| fig-height: 2.75#| fig-width: 3.5f <- orm(glyhb ~ frame, data=d)plotIntercepts(f)```<!-- NEW -->Especially for continuous predictors, the `rms` package `ordParallel` provides graphical and formal assessments of proportionality (adequacy of link). See @sec:cony for an example.### Quantifying Predictive Ability### Describing the ModelFor PO models there are four and sometimes five types ofrelevant predictions:1. logit$[Y \geq j | X]$, i.e., the linear predictor `r ipacue()`1. Prob$[Y \geq j | X]$1. Prob$[Y = j | X]$1. Quantiles of $Y | X$ (e.g., the median^[If $Y$ does not have very many levels, the median will be a discontinuous function of $X$ and may not be satisfactory.])1. $E(Y | X)$ if $Y$ is interval scaled.Graphics:1. Partial effect plot (prob. scale or mean) `r ipacue()`1. Odds ratio chart1. Nomogram (possibly including the mean)### Validating the Fitted Model### `R` Functions`r mrg(sound("olr-3"))`The `rms` package's `lrm` and `orm` functions fit the PO modeldirectly, assuming that the levels of the response variable (e.g., the`levels` of a `factor` variable) are listed in the properorder. `predict` computes all types of estimates except for quantiles.`orm` allows for more link functions than the logistic and isintended to efficiently handle hundreds of intercepts as happens when$Y$ is continuous.The `R` functions `popower` and `posamsize` (in the`Hmisc` package) compute power and sample size estimates forordinal responses using the proportional odds model.The function `plot.xmean.ordinaly` in `rms` computes and graphs thequantities described in @sec-ordinal-ordinality. It plotssimple $Y$-stratified means overlaid with $\hat{E}(X | Y=j)$, with$j$ on the $x$-axis. The $\hat{E}$s are computed for both PO andcontinuation ratio ordinal logistic models.The `Hmisc` package's `summary.formula` function is also usefulfor assessing the PO assumption.Generic `rms` functions such as `validate`, `calibrate`,and `nomogram` work with PO model fits from `lrm` as long as theanalyst specifies which intercept(s) to use.`rms` has a special function generator `Mean` forconstructing an easy-to-use function for getting the predicted mean$Y$ from a PO model. This is handy with `plot` and `nomogram`.If the fit has been run through `bootcov`, it is easy to use the`Predict` function to estimate bootstrap confidence limits forpredicted means.## Continuation Ratio Model`r mrg(sound("olr-4"))`### ModelUnlike the PO model, which is based on _cumulative_ probabilities, thecontinuation ratio (CR) model is based on _conditional_ probabilities.The (forward) CR model[@fieBookana; @arm89; @ber91ana] is stated as followsfor $Y=0,\ldots,k$:$$\begin{array}{c}\Pr(Y=j | Y \geq j, X) &=& \text{expit}(\theta_{j} + X\gamma)\nonumber \\\text{logit}(Y=0 | Y \geq 0, X) &=& \text{logit}(Y=0 | X) \nonumber \\ &=& \theta_{0} + X\gamma \\\text{logit}(Y=1 | Y \geq 1, X) &=& \theta_{1} + X\gamma \nonumber \\\ldots & & \nonumber \\\text{logit}(Y=k-1 | Y \geq k-1, X) &=& \theta_{k-1} + X\gamma . \nonumber\end{array}$$ {#eq-cr-equation}The CR model has been said to be likely to fit ordinal responses whensubjects have to "pass through" one category to get to the nextThe CR model is a discrete version of the Cox proportional hazardsmodel. The discrete hazard function is defined as $\Pr(Y=j | Y \geq j)$.Advantage of CR model: easy to allow unequal slopes across $Y$ forselected $X$.### Assumptions and Interpretation of Parameters### Estimation### ResidualsTo check CR model assumptions, binary logistic model partial residualsare again valuable. We separately fit a sequence of binary logisticmodels using a series of binary events and the correspondingapplicable (increasingly small) subsets of subjects, and plot smoothed partialresiduals against $X$ for all of the binary events. Parallelism inthese plots indicates that the CR model's constant $\gamma$assumptions are satisfied.### Assessment of Model Fit### Extended CR Model### Role of Penalization in Extended CR Model### Validating the Fitted Model### `R` FunctionsThe `cr.setup` function in `rms` returns a list of vectorsuseful in constructing a dataset used to trick a binary logisticfunction such as `lrm` into fitting CR models.```{r echo=FALSE}saveCap('13')```