Ordinal Regression

Frank E Harrell Jr

Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Nashville Tennessee USA

Ordinal Variables

Big Picture

  • For a homogeneous sample (no covariates \(X\)) of a continuous variable \(Y\) the ECDF is a complete summary of the sample
    • \(F_n(y) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}[Y_{i} \leq y]\)
    • Estimates data generating distribution \(F(y)\)
    • Handles extreme ties, floor/ceiling effects, bimodality, …
  • Semiparametric ordinal regression models extend \(F_n(y)\) to incorporate \(X\)
  • ECDF is encoded in the model’s intercepts
    • Cox PH model: intercepts \(\equiv \log(-\log)\) underlying survival curve
    • In general: intercepts = link function (e.g. logit) of ECDF when \(X=0\)
  • Standard model form (parallelism): shift in \(X \rightarrow\) shift in \(\text{link}(F(y))\)
    • Link function dictates how ECDF of individuals with different \(X\) are related
  • Parametric models: parallelism + specific CDF shape
  • Ordinal models can estimate effect ratios, \(\Pr(Y \geq y | X)\), quantiles of \(Y|X\), and (if \(Y\) is interval-scaled) \(E(Y | X)\)
    • See this for sample size for estimating entire distribution
  • Parallelism assumption (e.g. proportional odds/hazards) can be relaxed by having \(Y\)-dependent covariates
  • Parameter estimates and inference are invariant to monotonic transformations of \(Y\)
    • For Cox PH model transformations must be increasing
  • The models work equally well for continuous as well as discrete \(Y\)
    • The R rms package orm function can easily handle 6000 distinct \(Y\)-value
    • Intercepts are order-restricted; can estimate more parameters than \(N\)
    • See Liu et al for theoretical and simulation justification for continuous \(Y\)
  • Ordinal or continuous \(Y\) values can be overridden by events
  • log-rank test is a special case of the Cox PH model
    Wilcoxon/Kruskal-Wallis tests are special cases of the proportional odds (PO) model
    • These rank tests assume more than their model counterparts
  • Models extend to longitudinal data
    • Markov process, mixed effects, or GEE

Example Proportional Odds Model: Discrete \(Y\)

  • \(Y=0,1,2,3\) for pain levels of none, mild, moderate, severe
  • \(X\) contains indicator variable for sex (0=female, 1=male) and treatment (0=control, 1=active)

\[\Pr(Y \geq y | X) = \text{expit}(\alpha_{y} + \beta_{1}[\text{male}] + \beta_{2}[\text{active}])\]

\[\text{expit}(z) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-z)}, \alpha_{1}=1, \alpha_{2}=0, \alpha_{3}=-1, \beta_{1}=-0.5, \beta_{2}=-0.4\]

  • male:female OR for \(Y\geq y\) for any \(y\) is \(\exp(-0.5) = 0.61\)
  • active:control OR \(= \exp(-0.4) = 0.67\).
  • Probabilities of outcomes for a male on active treatment
    • \(\beta\) part of the model is -0.9
    • probabilities of outcomes of level \(y\) or worse:
\(y\) Meaning log odds(\(Y\geq y\)) \(\Pr(Y\geq y)\)
1 any pain 0.1 0.52
2 moderate or severe -0.9 0.29
3 severe -1.9 0.13
  • Pr(moderate pain) = 0.29 - 0.13 = 0.16
  • Pr(pain free) = 1 - 0.52 = 0.48
  • Model for continuous \(Y\) would look the same, just have many more \(\alpha\)s.

Binary vs. Ordinal Outcomes

Ordinal Regression


R Packages

PPO: partial proportional odds model
CPPO: constrained partial PO model
D: discrete Y
C: continuous Y
k: maximum number of computationally feasible Y levels
Q: derived estimands such as mean and quantiles built-in

With or Without Random Effects

  • rmsb: CPPO DC k=300 Q Bayesian
  • ordinal: PPO CPPO D k=50
  • mixor: D k=50 (archived)

Without Random Effects

  • VGAM: PPO CPPO D k=50
  • rms lrm function: D k=250
  • rms orm function: C k=6000 Q


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Bayesian Design