24  Bacteremia: Case Study in Nonlinear Data Reduction with Imputation


Methods Illustrated

The optimum nonlinear transformations are determined form the transace function in the Hmisc package, which uses the ACE algorithm. Nonlinear transformations, redundancy analysis, and sparse PCs are all done on a tall stacked multiply-imputed dataset.

24.1 Descriptive Statistics

Click on the tabs to see the different kinds of variables. Hover over spike histograms to see frequencies and details about binning.
d <- bacteremia
# Load javascript dependencies for interactive spike histograms
maketabs(print(describe(d), 'both'),
d Descriptives
51 Continous Variables of 53 Variables, 14691 Observations
Variable Label Units n Missing Distinct Info Mean pMedian Gini |Δ| Quantiles
.05 .10 .25 .50 .75 .90 .95
id Patient Identification 14691 0 14691 1.000 29353 29314 20965 2206 4834 13586 28755 44670 55598 59070
age Patient Age years 14691 0 85 1.000 56.17 56.5 20.78 24 29 43 58 70 79 84
mcv Mean corpuscular volume pg 14649 42 506 1.000 88.35 88.3 6.992 78.2 81.1 84.7 88.3 92.0 95.9 99.0
hgb Haemoglobin G/L 14650 41 157 1.000 11.57 11.5 2.558 8.2 8.8 9.9 11.4 13.2 14.6 15.4
hct Haematocrit % 14649 42 404 1.000 34.48 34.45 7.316 24.6 26.4 29.8 34.3 39.1 42.9 44.8
plt Blood platelets G/L 14649 42 718 1.000 220 209.5 130.1 50 81 140 204 277 369 445
mch Mean corpuscular hemoglobin fl 14649 42 232 1.000 29.58 29.65 2.693 25.3 26.7 28.4 29.7 31.0 32.4 33.4
mchc Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration g/dl 14649 42 124 0.999 33.47 33.5 1.546 31.1 31.7 32.6 33.5 34.4 35.2 35.6
rdw Red blood cell distribution width % 14635 56 173 1.000 15 14.7 2.385 12.4 12.7 13.4 14.5 16.0 18.0 19.5
mpv Mean platelet volume fl 13989 702 71 0.999 10.38 10.35 1.132 8.9 9.2 9.7 10.3 11.0 11.7 12.2
lym Lymphocytes G/L 14429 262 114 0.998 1.366 1.1 1.162 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.6 2.1 2.6
mono Monocytes G/L 14445 246 67 0.996 0.8527 0.8 0.5965 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.5 1.8
eos Eosinophils G/L 14556 135 36 0.867 0.1148 0.1 0.1585 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.4
baso Basophils G/L 14545 146 18 0.337 0.01725 0 0.03111 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1
nt Normotest % 12224 2467 149 1.000 83.22 83.5 30.56 35 48 67 83 101 118 128
aptt Activated partial thromboplastin time sec 12142 2549 631 1.000 40.06 38.4 9.533 30.1 31.4 34.1 37.7 42.7 49.9 56.6
fib Fibrinogen mg/dl 12124 2567 1084 1.000 547.4 537 231 247 301 397 529 674 816 892
sodium Sodium mmol/L 13409 1282 58 0.994 137.2 137.5 5.034 129 132 135 137 140 142 144
potass Potassium mmol/L 12683 2008 408 1.000 4.003 3.97 0.6004 3.20 3.39 3.66 3.95 4.29 4.67 4.92
ca Calcium mmol/L 13415 1276 185 1.000 2.214 2.22 0.2213 1.89 1.96 2.09 2.22 2.35 2.45 2.51
phos Phosphate mmol/L 13449 1242 306 1.000 1.048 1.01 0.3993 0.55 0.64 0.81 0.99 1.20 1.47 1.74
mg Magnesium mmol/L 12822 1869 146 0.999 0.8136 0.81 0.1609 0.59 0.64 0.72 0.81 0.89 0.98 1.06
crea Creatinine mg/dl 14532 159 674 1.000 1.329 1.07 0.8518 0.620 0.690 0.810 1.000 1.350 2.160 3.144
bun Blood urea nitrogen mg/dl 14519 172 947 1.000 22.66 18.9 16.92 7.1 8.6 11.6 16.6 26.9 44.8 60.8
hs Uric acid mg/dl 11630 3061 169 1.000 5.413 5.2 2.625 2.2 2.7 3.7 5.0 6.6 8.5 10.0
gbil Bilirubin mg/dl 13250 1441 885 1.000 1.406 0.875 1.477 0.33 0.39 0.53 0.77 1.23 2.34 3.96
tp Total protein G/L 13108 1583 649 1.000 64.9 65.2 12.97 45.20 49.47 56.90 65.70 73.30 78.80 82.00
alb Albumin G/L 13015 1676 401 1.000 33.42 33.5 8.513 21.3 23.6 27.9 33.6 39.1 43.2 45.2
amy Amylase U/L 10778 3913 488 1.000 90.83 54.5 100.5 18 23 33 49 76 125 187
pamy Pancreas amylase U/L 7577 7114 280 0.999 41.66 25 47.28 7 9 14 22 36 64 97
lip Lipases U/L 10992 3699 444 1.000 63.82 26.5 89.88 6 8 14 23 40 79 135
che Cholinesterase kU/L 12244 2447 997 1.000 4.79 4.705 2.378 1.70 2.17 3.15 4.60 6.22 7.65 8.49
ap Alkaline phosphatase U/L 13291 1400 672 1.000 118.8 92 91.51 42 49 63 84 123 206 302
asat Aspartate transaminase U/L 13537 1154 650 1.000 86.9 38 115.6 15 17 22 31 56 121 218
alat Alanin transaminase U/L 13704 987 578 1.000 67.66 31.5 90.07 9 11 16 26 48 101 175
ggt Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase G/L 13429 1262 858 1.000 115.1 68 141.3 13.0 16.0 25.0 49.0 117.0 262.2 429.0
ldh Lactate dehydrogenase U/L 12977 1714 1137 1.000 331.2 257.5 240.9 136 152 187 239 332 508 724
ck Creatine kinase U/L 12611 2080 1506 1.000 385 106.5 615.4 18 25 42 80 184 577 1155
glu Glucose mg/dl 10499 4192 389 1.000 126.4 117.5 48.3 78 85 97 113 138 177 216
trig Triclyceride mg/dl 9630 5061 538 1.000 141.7 124 90.33 54 64 83 115 165 241 307
chol Cholesterol mg/dl 9646 5045 339 1.000 150.8 147.5 59.23 74 89 113 145 182 219 243
crp C-reactive protein mg/dl 14536 155 3328 1.000 10.92 9.965 10.39 0.29 0.77 2.87 8.57 16.45 24.49 29.61
basor Basophil ratio % 13959 732 419 0.322 0.145 0 0.2679 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5501 1.0526
eosr Eosinophil ratio % 13959 732 927 0.891 1.297 0.8772 1.825 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5882 1.7857 3.4900 5.0000
lymr Lymphocyte ratio % (mg/dl) 13959 732 3121 1.000 14.61 12.53 11.87 2.752 4.000 6.757 11.340 18.182 27.869 36.620
monor Monocyte ratio % 13959 732 2334 1.000 8.793 8.227 5.4 2.000 3.390 5.634 8.000 10.870 14.141 17.021
neu Neutrophiles G/L 13963 728 374 1.000 8.367 7.75 5.776 1.60 2.70 4.60 7.30 10.80 15.08 18.40
neur Neutrophile ratio % 13959 732 3850 1.000 75.15 77.18 15.6 47.42 57.88 69.23 78.33 85.32 90.13 92.63
pdw Platelet distribution width % 13589 1102 167 1.000 12.29 12.1 2.375 9.3 9.8 10.8 12.0 13.4 15.1 16.4
rbc Red blood count T/L 14230 461 65 0.999 3.936 3.95 0.8772 2.7 2.9 3.4 3.9 4.5 4.9 5.2
wbc White blood count G/L 14229 462 2710 1.000 11.23 10.05 7.602 2.66 4.26 6.63 9.60 13.53 18.22 22.27
d Descriptives
2 Categorical Variables of 53 Variables, 14691 Observations
Variable Label n Missing Distinct Info Sum Mean
sex Patient sex 14691 0 2

bacteremia Bacteremia present by blood culture 14691 0 2 0.222 1180 0.08032
dataOverview(d, id = ~ id)

d has 14691 observations (3979 complete) and 53 variables (4 complete) There are 14691 unique values of ID variable id in d

[ 0, 42) 42 [ 56, 159) [ 159, 461) [ 461, 987) [ 987,1262) [1262,1583) [1583,2008) [2008,2567) [2567,4192) [4192,7114]
Intervals of frequencies of NAs used for color-coding plots

Plot of the degree of symmetry of the distribution of a variable (value of 1.0 is most symmetric) vs. the number of distinct values of the variable. Hover over a point to see the variable name and detailed characteristics.

missChk(d, prednmiss=TRUE, omitpred='id')

4 variables have no NAs and 49 variables have NAs

d has 14691 observations (3979 complete) and 53 variables (4 complete)

Number of NAs
Minimum Maximum Mean
Per variable 0 7114 1354.5
Per observation 0 33 4.9
Frequency distribution of number of NAs per variable
0 41 42 56 135 146 155 159 172 246 262 461 462 702 728 732 987 1102 1154 1242 1262 1276 1282 1400 1441 1583 1676 1714 1869 2008 2080 2447 2467 2549 2567 3061 3699 3913 4192 5045 5061 7114
4 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Frequency distribution of number of incomplete variables per observation
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 33
3979 1517 1097 1183 1199 1128 542 653 345 390 388 236 199 278 344 233 105 190 176 90 147 58 47 42 24 39 12 15 28 3 3 1
Figure 24.1: Missing data patterns in d

Sequential frequency-ordered exclusions due to NAs
pamy glu pdw ldh trig nt hs lip basor aptt ck phos che fib amy crp tp alat gbil potass ggt rdw ca chol mg crea alb asat
7114 1445 481 405 336 287 142 114 68 56 51 46 46 39 30 12 9 8 6 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

Logistic Regression Model

rms::lrm(formula = as.formula(form), data = d)
Model Likelihood
Ratio Test
Rank Discrim.
Obs 14691 LR χ2 36.72 R2 0.003 C 0.519
max |∂log L/∂β| 4×10-9 d.f. 3 R23,14691 0.002 Dxy 0.037
Pr(>χ2) <0.0001 R23,14351.2 0.002 γ 0.037
Brier 0.247 τa 0.033

From the last tab, age and sex are predictors of the number of missing variables per observation, but the associations are very weak.

24.2 Variable Clustering

The R Hmisc package transace function, which uses the ACE (alternating conditional expectation) algorithm, is used to transform all the continuous variables. Transformations use nonparametric smoothers and are allowed to be non-monotonic. Transformation solutions maximize the \(R^2\) which with each variable can be predicted from the other variables, optimally transformed. The transformed variables are used in redundancy analysis and sparse principal components analysis. Bacteremia and subject id are not used in these unsupervised learning procedures.

To be more efficient, use multiple (5) imputations with predictive mean matching so that vClus will stack all the filled-in datasets before running the redundancy and PCA which are run on the single tall dataset, which contains no NAs. The correlation matrix and varclus results are already efficient because they use pairwise deletion of NAs.

Because transformed variables are passed to the redundancy analysis, variables are not expanded into splines in that analysis (see nk=0 below).

Here is the order in which vClus does things:

  • clustering with pairwise NA deletion
  • complete datasets using aregImpute output, stack them, use stacked data for all that follows
  • transace
  • redun
  • sparce PCA
n <- setdiff(names(d), 'id')
n[n == 'baso'] <- 'I(baso)'
f <- as.formula(paste('~', paste(n, collapse='+')))
if(! file.exists('bacteremia-aregimpute.rds')) {
  a <- aregImpute(f, data=d, n.impute=5)
  saveRDS(a, 'bacteremia-aregimpute.rds')
  } else a <- readRDS('bacteremia-aregimpute.rds')
all variables other than id
force baso to be linear in multiple imputation because of ties
aregImpute ran about 15 minutes when
so that multiple imputations reproduce
v <- vClus(d, fracmiss=0.8, corrmatrix=TRUE,
           trans=TRUE, redundancy=TRUE, spc=TRUE,
           exclude = ~ id + bacteremia,
           spcargs=list(k=20, sw=TRUE, nvmax=5), # sparse PCA 5m
           spcfile='bacteremia-spc.rds')   # uses previous run if no inputs changed
Figure 24.2: Spearman rank correlation matrix. Positive correlations are blue and negative are red.

 Redundancy Analysis
 n: 73455   p: 51   nk: 0 
 Number of NAs:  0 
 Transformation of target variables forced to be linear
 R-squared cutoff: 0.9  Type: ordinary 
 R^2 with which each variable can be predicted from all other variables:
    sex    age    mcv    hgb    hct    plt    mch   mchc    rdw    mpv    lym   mono 
  0.190  0.281  0.995  0.991  0.992  0.503  0.996  0.984  0.505  0.892  0.813  0.625 
    eos   baso     nt   aptt    fib sodium potass     ca   phos     mg   crea    bun 
  0.294  0.538  0.375  0.242  0.652  0.256  0.237  0.605  0.343  0.214  0.651  0.717 
     hs   gbil     tp    alb    amy   pamy    lip    che     ap   asat   alat    ggt 
  0.432  0.394  0.747  0.838  0.811  0.524  0.708  0.664  0.558  0.802  0.686  0.539 
    ldh     ck    glu   trig   chol    crp  basor   eosr   lymr  monor    neu   neur 
  0.648  0.269  0.146  0.275  0.545  0.658  0.976  0.994  0.999  0.997  0.829  1.000 
    pdw    rbc    wbc 
  0.893  0.962  0.873 
 Rendundant variables:
 neur mch hct hgb
 Predicted from variables:
 sex age mcv plt mchc rdw mpv lym mono eos baso nt aptt fib sodium potass ca
 phos mg crea bun hs gbil tp alb amy pamy lip che ap asat alat ggt ldh ck
 glu trig chol crp basor eosr lymr monor neu pdw rbc wbc
   Variable Deleted   R^2 R^2 after later deletions
 1             neur 1.000                     1 1 1
 2              mch 0.996               0.996 0.996
 3              hct 0.992                     0.958
 4              hgb 0.949                           
 Transformations Using Alternating Conditional Expectation
 ~sex + age + mcv + hgb + hct + plt + mch + mchc + rdw + mpv + 
     lym + mono + eos + baso + nt + aptt + fib + sodium + potass + 
     ca + phos + mg + crea + bun + hs + gbil + tp + alb + amy + 
     pamy + lip + che + ap + asat + alat + ggt + ldh + ck + glu + 
     trig + chol + crp + basor + eosr + lymr + monor + neu + neur + 
     pdw + rbc + wbc
 n= 73455
         sex         age         mcv         hgb         hct         plt         mch 
 categorical     general     general     general     general     general     general 
        mchc         rdw         mpv         lym        mono         eos        baso 
     general     general     general     general     general     general     general 
          nt        aptt         fib      sodium      potass          ca        phos 
     general     general     general     general     general     general     general 
          mg        crea         bun          hs        gbil          tp         alb 
     general     general     general     general     general     general     general 
         amy        pamy         lip         che          ap        asat        alat 
     general     general     general     general     general     general     general 
         ggt         ldh          ck         glu        trig        chol         crp 
     general     general     general     general     general     general     general 
       basor        eosr        lymr       monor         neu        neur         pdw 
     general     general     general     general     general     general     general 
         rbc         wbc 
     general     general 
 R-squared achieved in predicting each variable:
    sex    age    mcv    hgb    hct    plt    mch   mchc    rdw    mpv    lym   mono 
  0.275  0.405  0.995  0.992  0.992  0.547  0.996  0.983  0.552  0.897  0.844  0.870 
    eos   baso     nt   aptt    fib sodium potass     ca   phos     mg   crea    bun 
  0.904  0.605  0.384  0.275  0.663  0.288  0.274  0.619  0.412  0.237  0.675  0.730 
     hs   gbil     tp    alb    amy   pamy    lip    che     ap   asat   alat    ggt 
  0.486  0.429  0.773  0.850  0.814  0.532  0.714  0.677  0.583  0.811  0.693  0.609 
    ldh     ck    glu   trig   chol    crp  basor   eosr   lymr  monor    neu   neur 
  0.660  0.431  0.183  0.348  0.564  0.678  0.976  0.994  0.999  0.997  0.919  1.000 
    pdw    rbc    wbc 
  0.899  0.978  0.899  
ggplot(v$transace, nrow=12)

p <- v$princmp
# Print and plot sparse PC results
Sparse Principal Components Analysis

Stepwise Approximations to PCs With Cumulative R^2

PC 1 
alb (0.767) + hct (0.943) + chol (0.96) + che (0.969) + ca (0.979)

PC 2 
neur (0.849) + neu (0.974) + lymr (0.989) + wbc (0.998) + monor (1)

PC 3 
crea (0.811) + hs (0.908) + phos (0.961) + bun (0.996) + ca (0.999)

PC 4 
asat (0.917) + ldh (0.959) + alat (1)

PC 5 
amy (0.935) + pamy (0.957) + lip (1)

plot(v$p, 'loadings', nrow=1)