25  Ordinal Semiparametric Regression for Survival Analysis

%%{init: {'theme':'default'}}%%
  root((Regression Models))
      Parametric models
        Link-transformed Y distributions are parallel<br>Link-transformed Y distributions linear<br>Y perfectly transformed<br>Y has a specific distribution<br>Usual X assumptions
      Semiparametric models
        Link-transformed Y distributions parallel<br>Usual X assumptions
    Fitted by maximum likelihood

%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%%
  root(Types of Y Allowed in Semiparametric Models)
    discrete ordinal
    floor and ceiling effects<br>zero inflation
    general discontinuities
    bimodal distributions
    left, right, interval-censored

25.1 Background

This chapter considers methods for typical survival analyses used for analyzing time until a single type of event occurs, without competing risks. Most applications involve right-censoring, to handle subjects who have not been followed long enough to have an event observed.

The most popular methods used in this setting are the Kaplan-Meier survival curve estimator for homogeneous groups, and the Cox proportional hazards (PH) model for modeling covariates and also possibly including strata whose effects are not parameterized but which induce differently-shaped survival curves.

This can be thought of as providing adjusted Kaplan-Meier curves

The Cox PH model uses the marginal distribution of ranks of failure times that come from an underlying Gumbel extreme-value distribution \(\exp(-\exp(t))\). This gives rise to proportional hazards effects of covariates, and the Cox partial likelihood that does not involve the underlying hazard or survival curve for a “standard” subject, e.g., a subject with all covariates equal to their mean. This implies that maximum partial likelihood estimates can be calculated very quickly without dealing with intercepts in the model. But the extreme value distribution is the only distribution for which the multi-dimensional integration that results in the marginal likelihood is tractable. That isolates Cox PH from all the other survival model forms that cannot use partial likelihood.

Instead of seeking partial likelihood solutions, full semiparametric likelihoods can be used. That allows extension of the Cox model semiparametric theme to any distribution, because with semiparametric models the intercepts are estimated simultaneously with \(\beta\). Sparse matrix operations allow full likelihood to be as fast as using the Cox partial likelihood, so some of the issues that originally motivated the Cox model are moot. And unlike the Cox model, semiparametric ordinal models handle left- and interval-censoring. As will be seen below, ordinal models also unite PH and accelerated failure time (AFT) models. In essence, one ordinal model encompasses all of single-event-type survival analysis, with different link function choices giving rise to the complete PH-AFT spectrum and beyond. For AFT, ordinal models have an incredibly important advantage of not assuming a specific transformation of time, such as the commonly used \(\log(t)\) transformation that gives rise to log-logistic, log-normal, and log-\(t\) survival models when for example the residuals actually follow logistic, normal, or \(t\) distributions.

25.2 Cumulative Probability Models

Cumulative probability ordinal models (CPMs) are natural for survival analysis. For a distribution family \(F\), the usual model

\[ P(Y \geq y | X) = F(\alpha_{y} + X\beta) \]

automatically provides the survival function

\[ S(t | X) = P(T > t | X) = F(\alpha_{t+} + X\beta) \]

where \(\alpha_{t+}\) is the next intercept after \(\alpha_t\).

25.2.1 CPMs and Censoring

Consider any semiparametric regression model in the class of cumulative probability models. It is easy to modify the likelihood function for such a model to make optimum use of incomplete dependent variable information due to left, right, and interval censoring. The rms package orm function starting with version 8.0 handles these censoring patterns. The rms Ocens function is used instead of the survival package Surv function, to specify censoring details and to package the results in a 2-column matrix. Ocens takes two numeric variables a, b. For a complete observation, a=b. For a left-censored observation, a is \(-\infty\), coded in r as -Inf and b is finite. For a right-censored observation, a is finite and b is \(\infty\), coded as Inf. For example, an observation that is right-censored at 2 years may be coded as (2, Inf). An interval censored observation has both a and b numeric but b > a. This is considered to be a closed interval inclusive of the endpoints. Left- and right-censored intervals are assumed to be exclusive, e.g., (2, Inf) stands for “we know that the true event time is greater than 2”.

The rms orm function takes a user-specified Ocens object and runs it through the Ocens2ord function to do the recoding into a discrete ordinal variable. If there is no censoring, the response variable Y is simply recoded to an integer vector based on the unique (to within \(10^{-7}\) by default) values occurring in the data. For left- or right- censoring, censored values are recoded to the next inward uncensored value and considered censored at that open-interval value. All censored values that are beyond the outermost uncensored values are coded at the innermost censored value that is beyond the most extreme uncensored value, and a new uncensored category is created at this value. For right censoring, this process makes the maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) of the model intercepts, when there no covariates, exactly equal to the link function of Kaplan-Meier estimates. When the highest coded value is right-censored at say a value \(y\), the predicted value of \(P(Y \geq y)\) will be greater than 0, so the resulting survival curve will not be observed to drop to zero. If the highest observation is uncensored, the estimated survival curve will drop to zero at that point.

For interval censoring, the process of converting general intervals to ordered categories is a complex one involving Turnbull intervals which requires one to iterate to remove intervals that do not contribute to the likelihood function. Ocens2ord has two algorithms for interval consolidation, one based on consolidating parameters and one on consolidating data. Except in rare situations such as having certain patterns of tied times in the data, the MLEs are exactly the Turnbull nonparametric interval-censored survival probability estimates transformed by the link function.

Related resources and important background publications by several authors may be found here.

25.3 Special Cases of Ordinal Cumulative Probability Models

There are important implications of the generality, robustness, and efficiency of ordinal regression for censored data just as there are for uncensored data. The generality of cumulative probability models (CPMs) allows them to bridge binary, discrete, and continuous ordinal regression to survival analysis and simple statistical tests, and would present major didactic simplifications for statistics courses. Ordinal regression covers all the following special cases.

  • An ordinal regression with logit link and only 2 Y levels is binary logistic regression
  • The score test in binary logistic regression is the Pearson \(\chi^2\) test
  • The score test in proportional odds regression is the Wilcoxon statistic
  • The score test in a log-log link ordinal model is the logrank statistic
  • Ordinal regression for continuous Y with a probit link essentially has the linear model as a special case without needing to know how to transform Y for modeling
  • When there is only right censoring and no covariates, the estimated survival curve from ordinal regression is exactly the Kaplan-Meier estimate
    • The link function is irrelevant for the survival point estimates
    • Different link functions will give rise to different confidence intervals
    • Example: A log-log link gives identical confidence intervals to Kaplan-Meier intervals using the standard error of log-log survival
  • For interval-censored data, survival estimates with no covariates are almost exactly Turnbull estimates
  • Parametric accelerated failure time models are special cases of ordinal models with probit or logit links
    • they are special cases because they assume that time is correctly transformed (it is usually logged) to make the residuals have a specific distribution
    • normal survival time model is a special case of a probit ordinal model where the intercepts are linearly related to the times they represent
    • log-normal survival time model is a special case of a probit model with intercepts as linear functions of log time
    • The ordinal model provides results that are independent of any time transformation that is monotonically increasing
  • The Cox PH model is a special case of an ordinal model with a log-log link. Cox (1972) developed a partial likelihood approach so make estimation of regression coefficients very easy and fast. This approach required the intercepts (underlying survival curve) to be estimated in a second step once \(\hat{\beta}\) were computed. There is a degree of arbitrariness in this approach, and methods for computing confidence intervals for estimated survival probabilities are complex. Ordinal models use full likelihood so they estimate the intercepts simultaneously with \(\beta\). This is about as fast as just estimating \(\beta\) with Cox PH, because with right censoring the hessian matrix for ordinal models is extremely sparse, so inverting its negative in order to get the covariance matrix is extremely fast even with hundreds of thousands of distinct failure times.
For score tests see Section 9.2, here and here. The numerator of a score statistic is the first derivative of the log-likelihood evaluated at the null parameter value. It is an “observed - expected” quantity.

25.5 Effective Sample Sizes

Ordinal models give us a new opportunity to estimate effective sample size (ESS), i.e., the number of uncensored observations that has the same statistical information as our mixture of censored and uncensored observations. A new option lpe (“likelihood probability element”) to orm will cause orm.fit to save an \(N\)-vector of lpes in the fit object. These are the log-likelihoods contributed by each observation. By setting the ESS for all the uncensored observations to the number \(u\) of such observations, one can solve for a multiplier of -2 log likelihood that makes the scaled -2 LL of these \(u\) observations add up to \(u\). The multiplier is then used to scale the -2 LL for the uncensored observations to estimate their ESS.

The Cox model does not provide a per-observation ESS because the likelihood is computed only for risk sets not for individual observations.

25.6 The rms Package for Survival Analysis Using Ordinal Regression

Many general functions apply to all rms model fitting functions, e.g.

  • Function: generates an R function expressing the model’s linear predictor
  • Predict: easy calculation of predicted value and confidence limits
  • nomogram: plots nomograms
  • anova: comprehensive ANOVA table
  • summary: single-number effect estimates
  • contrast: general contrasts and profile likelihood confidence intervals
  • validate: resampling validation of model performance metrics
  • calibrate: resampling overfitting-corrected calibration curves
  • intCalibration: new rms 8.0 function for internal calibration plots for a series of cut-points
  • latex: express the fitted model in mathematical form using \(\LaTeX\) markup

The rms orm function has been generalized in version 8.0 to handle general censoring patterns, and there are several new rms functions that use orm fits to produce output that is especially suited for survival analysis:

  • Ocens: packages survival and censoring times into a two-column matrix
  • Ocens2ord: converts Ocens objects to discrete ordinal codes
    • Makes adjustments for left, right, interval censoring
    • Each observation must be associated with one or two ordinal model intercepts
    • Censored observations must use existing intercept parameters that are defined by distinct uncensored values
      • E.g. an observation right-censored at 4 years considers the point to be right-censored at 3.9 years if the last uncensored value before 4y was 3.9
    • Observations censored after the last uncensored time point are very informative and cause creation of a new final uncensored category at the lowest of such censoring times, plus a small time increment to indicate the open interval involved
    • Interval-censored observations create Turnbull intervals and are given a lot of attention by Ocens so that unique likelihood contributions result
    • The nonparametric survival curve estimates are saved so that the link function of them can be used as started values for MLE, with starting values for \(\beta\) equal to zero
  • survest: estimate survival probabilities and confidence intervals for subjects described in a data frame
  • survplot: plot survival curves and confidence bands for easily-specified covariate combinations
  • Survival: generate an R function that computes survival probabilities and confidence limits
  • Mean: generate an R function that computes restricted mean survival time and confidence limits
  • plotIntercepts: plot intercepts vs. corresponding \(y\)-values, with optional log scale for \(y\); linearity of such plots would indicate that the variable would have been correctly transformed for the corresponding parametric model
  • ordParallel: estimate the effects of covariates over time
    • Re-fits the ordinal model using a sequence of cutoffs to check the adequacy of the link function, i.e., to check parallelism of link-transformed survival curves
  • ordESS: computes the effective sample size in the presence of general censoring, and plots per-observation ESS against censoring time (e.g., interval-censored observations with narrower intervals will convey more information)
  • residuals.orm: type='score' creates a score matrix that respects general censoring; this is used by robcov to get robust sandwich covariance estimates

The Hazard function generator is not available for ordinal models. Discrete hazard functions are not very useful for continuous failure times.

In addition to the survival-specific functions there is a new general function in rms just for orm fits: Olinks. See examples below.

25.6.1 Rank Discrimination Indexes Computed by orm

For uncensored data, orm computes Spearman’s \(\rho\) rank correlation between predicted and observed Y. There is no version of \(\rho\) for censored data. Somers’ \(D_{xy}\) has been added to orm because this works for both uncensored and censored data. \(D_{xy}\) is \(2\times (c - \frac{1}{2})\) where \(c\) is the generalized \(c\)-index or concordance probability, computed extremely quickly by Therneau’s survival package concordancefit function.

25.7 Goodness of Fit Overview

Ordinal semiparametric CPM models —

  • Essentially are covariate-shifted empirical cumulative distribution function estimators
  • Usual \(X\)-assumptions related to how many d.f./parameters specified (linearity, additivity)
  • Intercepts move around as needed to fit any shape of distribution for a specific \(X\)
  • \(\rightarrow\) no distributional assumption to check
  • Assumes how shape of \(Y\) distribution varies across levels of \(X\)
    • link-transformed \(P(Y \geq y | X)\) as a function of \(y\) are parallel

25.7.1 Quantitative GOF Assessments

  • Embed the model in a more general model with more parameters
    • use AIC to judge which of the two models is more likely to have better cross-validated accuracy
    • examples of more general models: partial proportional odds model, polytomous (multinomial) logistic regression
    • example
    • this is the preferred method but is not covered in this chapter although is related to the \(y\)-varying \(\beta\) plots to follow
    • future addition to the rms orm function will make this easier
  • Compare deviances (-2 log likelihood) for different links using the same \(X\) design
    • equivalent to judging model likelihood ratio \(\chi^2\), AIC, and pseudo \(R^2\)
    • easy to do with rms Olinks function (new in 8.0)
    • several examples follow

25.7.2 Qualitative/Graphical GOF Assessments

  • Stratify by a key predictor or by predicted values from a tentative model, and for each stratum compute a nonparametric cumulative distribution estimate (ECDF or Kaplan-Meier), link-transform it, and assess parallelism
  • For a series of \(y\) cutoffs fit binary models for the event occurrence \(Y \geq y\) and plot the estimated \(\beta\) against \(y\), and add a smoother
    • Examples also given with formal tests of \(X\times y\) interaction using GEE
    • With censored \(Y\), some binary indicators of \(Y\geq y\) cannot be determined and these observations are omitted
  • The same as the previous dichotomization approach but on the overall linear predictor, seeing how it slope varies away from 1.0 over cut-points
    • This may be better than stratifying by a linear predictor and getting stratified Kaplan-Meier estimates
  • Internal calibration plots: plot predicted \(P(Y \geq y)\) vs. observed smoothed proportions (smoothed moving overlapping windows of Kaplan-Meier estimates or using an adaptive flexible hazard model - hare Kooperberg et al. (1995), Kooperberg & Clarkson (1997))
  • Similar to the previous method but plot both predicted and observed probabilities against a covariate (overlapping window moving averages)
  • Shepherd et al. (2016) probability-scaled residual plot (like linear model Q-Q plot but check against a uniform distribution); extended to censored data here

25.7.3 Sample Size Limitations

  • Just as when estimating parameters, the effective sample size limits the information content in goodness-of-fit diagnostics (informal or formal)
  • \(N\) needed for relative comparisons that do not involve intercept \(\alpha\) have their own sample size requirements to achieve a given power or precision
  • Absolute estimates that involve \(\alpha\) and GOF assessments related to distribution shifts need sufficient \(N\) to be able to estimate entire distributions
    • RMS Chapter 20: need 184 uncensored observations to estimate entire cumulative distribution within margin of error \(\pm 0.1\) with probability \(\geq 0.95\)
    • For margin of error \(\pm 0.05\), sample size required is \(4\times\) higher at 736

So in non-huge datasets some GOF assessments are noisy are hard to use for decision making.

What sample sizes are needed for deviances from various links to be able to discern the correct link? Let’s simulate multiple datasets with varying \(N\), with no censoring, replicating each \(N\) 50 times and averaging the 50 deviances. Data are generated using a logit link. The deviance from the ideal logit link is subtracted from each non-logit link’s deviance.

sim <- function(n) {
  age <- rnorm(n, 50, 12)
  sex <- sample(c('male', 'female'), n, TRUE)
  ran <- rnorm(n)
  lp  <- 0.04 * (age - 50) + 0.8 * (sex == 'female')
  y   <- exp(0.5 + lp + rlogis(n) / 3)
  f   <- orm(y ~ age + sex + ran, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
  Olinks(f, dec=5)[c('link', 'deviance')]
R <- expand.grid(n = c(20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500),
                 i = 1:50)
setDT(R)   # Change R to a data.table
w <- R[, sim(n), by=.(n, i)]
# For each run, subtract logit deviance from others
g <- function(dev, link) {
  j <- link == 'logistic'
  list(link=link[! j], dif=dev[! j] - dev[j])
u <- w[, g(deviance, link), by=.(n, i)]
m <- u[, .(dif = mean(dif)), by=.(link, n)]
ggplot(m, aes(x=n, y=dif, col=link)) + geom_line() +
  xlab(expression(N)) + ylab('Deviance Minus logit Deviance') +
  geom_hline(yintercept=3.84, alpha=0.4)

A reference line is drawn at the \(\chi^{2}_{1}\) 0.95 critical value of 3.84 to give a rough idea of a noise reference level. Distinguishing between the logit and probit links requires \(N > 250\) whereas the log-log and complementary log-link links are distinguishable from the logit link by \(N=60\).

But these are on the average. There is a lot of sample-to-sample variability in deviances and deviance orderings. Instead of showing mean differences, plot the 0.1 quantiles of differences within each 50-run batch.

lo <- u[, .(dif = quantile(dif, 0.1)), by=.(link, n)]
ggplot(lo, aes(x=n, y=dif, col=link)) + geom_line() +
  xlab(expression(N)) + ylab('Deviance Minus logit Deviance') +
  geom_hline(yintercept=3.84, alpha=0.4)

Another way: plot the proportion of times that the logit deviance was the smallest of the four, and the proportion of times that either the logit or probit was the smallest.

g <- function(dev, link) {
  j <- which.min(dev)
  k <- link %in% c('logistic', 'probit')
  list(glink   = c('logit', 'logit or probit'),
       correct = c(link[j] == 'logistic',
                   min(dev[k]) < min(dev[! k]) ) )
cr <-  w[, g(deviance, link), by=.(n, i)]
m  <- cr[, .(prop = mean(correct)), by=.(n, glink)] 
ggplot(m, aes(x=n, y=prop, col=glink)) + geom_line() +
  xlab(expression(N)) + ylab('Proportion Correct') +
  guides(color=guide_legend(title='')) +
  geom_hline(yintercept=0.9, alpha=0.3)

To have \(> 0.9\) chance that the link with the minimum deviance is the correct or very similar link, we need \(N > 125\). To have confidence that it is the logit link we need \(N > 300\).

25.7.4 Overall Recommendations and Strategy

%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%%
  root(Strategy for Link Specification)
      Choose link that well-fitted a similar dataset
      Subject matter knowledge
        Chronic process, constant X effects over time
          PH model; log-log link
        Acute process, front-loaded X effects
          Accelerated failure time; logit link
    Controlled flexibility
      Compare deviances of logit, log-log, c-log-log links
      Check flatness of overall linear predictor effect over y cutpoints
      Predictor of special importance: check flatness of its partial effect over y cutpoints

  • Link function is a bit less important than it seems
    • Impact of link can be lost in the noise of estimating \(\beta\) especially when \(N\) is not large
    • Semiparametric models shift intercept spacings as needed so that for a given \(X\) there is no distributional assumption for \(Y\)
    • Ordinal model analyses are unaffected by transformation of \(Y\) until one computes \(E(Y | X)\)
    • By contrast, compare accuracy of \(\hat{S}(t | X)\) for different links with accuracy of accelerated failure time parametric \(S(t | X)\) estimates for different \(Y\)-transformations
  • Impact of the link on interpretation is perhaps larger than impact on estimating probabilities and quantiles
    • Odds ratios with logit link, hazard ratios with log-log link
    • But if one emphasizes covariate-specific differences in survival curves, interpretation is easier and perhaps more robust

Suggested Strategy

Remember that the \(X\) effects need to be carefully specified as with all regression models. An ordinal model link function specifies the transformation of cumulative probabilities of \(Y\) such that for different \(X\) the cumulative distributions are parallel. Ideally the link function should not necessitate \(y\)-dependent covariate effects, i.e., allows us to act as if effects of covariates are constant over time for the chosen distribution family.

  • If you want to have a completely pre-specified statistical analysis plan, use subject matter knowledge to reason whether predictor effects are likely to have constant effects on instantaneous risk, or they have front-loaded effects that wane with time
    • Use log-log link (assumes constant hazard ratios) for the first
    • Use logit link for the second (accelerated failure time model)
  • Don’t use the probit link
    • Very similar to logit link but has no easy interpretation of effect estimates
    • Only use it when you think that normality of residuals is in play after some \(Y\)-transformation and you want to guarantee efficiency of semiparametric estimates with respect to parametric counterparts
  • Entertain 3 links that are very different from each other
    • logit, log-log, and complementary log-log
    • If previous analyses on similar data indicate a good fit of one of the links, pre-specify use of that one
  • Develop a tentative model by carefully specifying predictors, non-linearities, and interactions
  • Compare deviances of the three models (using e.g. rms::Olinks) and note the link with the smallest (best) deviance
  • Compute the linear predictor \(X\hat{\beta}\) from each of the three fits
    • Re-fit a series of binary models over \(y\) cuts, using each link
    • Plot the coefficient of \(X\hat{\beta}\) over cuts (the coefficients must have a weighted average of 1.0)
    • These steps are automated by rms::ordParallel(fit, lp=TRUE)
    • Select the link that has the best trade-off of deviance and flatness in these plots
  • If there is a pre-specified predictor of major importance to interpretation (e.g., treatment), see how \(\beta\) for that predictor varies over \(y\)-cuts
    • rms::ordParallel(fit, which=...)
    • Choose a link that makes that predictor fit well subject to overall fit not being severely affected

25.8 Simple Examples With Goodness of Fit Assessments

  • Simulate survival times from two models
  • Exponential distribution with proportional hazards (PH) for the covariate effects
    • covariate effects are constant over time on the hazard ratio scale
    • the AFT class and PH intersect for exponential and Weibull models when covariate effects operate multiplicatively on the hazard
    • \(T\) has an AFT model (e.g., \(\log(T)\) has a normal, logistic distribution)
  • An accelerated failure time model – additive covariate effects with logistic distribution residuals
    • covariates have decreasing effects over time on hazard ratios
  • For each simulated dataset fit the right model and a wrong model
  • Run model diagnostics
    • ordParallel to check parallelism assumption / link adequacy
    • Note that neither Cox-Snell residual plots nor smoothed score residual plots are sensitive to lack of fit in this setting; smoothed score residual plots (Schoenfeld residuals) only work for the Cox model
  • Model fits as labeled as follows (x11 and x22 are correct models)
    • f11: exponential data with PH fitted with Cox PH
    • g11: exponential data with PH fitted with log-log family ordinal model
    • g12: exponential data with PH fitted with logistic family AFT ordinal model
    • f21: logistic distribution data with non-PH fitted with the Cox model
    • g21: logistic distribution data fitted with log-log ordinal model
    • g22: logistic distribution data fitted with logistic AFT ordinal model
  • Censoring distribution is \(U(2, 15)\) and only right censoring is present
require(ggplot2)    # needed for labs(title=...) etc.
n <- 2000
cens <- runif(n, 2, 15)
age  <- rnorm(n, 50, 12)
label(age) <- 'Age'
units(age) <- 'year'
sex  <- sample(c('male', 'female'), n, TRUE)
ran  <- rnorm(n)   # irrelevant random covariate
# Exponential model with PH
lp   <- 0.04 * (age - 50) + 0.8 * (sex == 'female')
label(lp) <- ''
h    <- 0.02 * exp(lp)      # hazard function
t1   <- -log(runif(n))/h    # simulated failure times
e1   <- t1 <= cens
sum(e1)              # uncensored obs
[1] 501
y1   <- pmin(t1, cens)
units(y1) <- 'year'
S1   <- survival::Surv(y1,  e1)
Y1   <- Ocens(y1, ifelse(e1, y1, Inf))
l    <- 13:15
cbind(t1, cens)[l, ]
            t1      cens
[1,] 15.713940 11.886673
[2,]  2.666562  4.350661
[3,] 86.924433  7.268668
S1[l, ]
[1] 11.886673+  2.666562   7.268668+
Y1[l, ]
[1] 11.88667+  2.66656   7.26867+
# Right-censored values beyond the last censored time are very
# informative, and for them Ocens creates a final uncensored level
# at the minimum of such censoring times + a tiny increment
max.uncens <- max(t1[e1])
min.cens.after.last.uncens <- min(t1[! e1 & (t1 > max.uncens)])
c(max.uncens, min.cens.after.last.uncens)
[1] 13.78902 13.88974
a <- S1[,1]
b <- S1[,2]
max(a[b == 1])
[1] 13.78902
min(a[b == 0 & a > max.uncens])
[1] 13.79099
m <- which(a == min(a[a > max.uncens & b == 0]))
S1[m, ]
[1] 13.79099+
Y1[m,, drop=FALSE ]
[1] 13.79099+
l <- 13:15
S1[l, ]
[1] 11.886673+  2.666562   7.268668+
Y1[l, ]
[1] 11.88667+  2.66656   7.26867+
# Logistic AFT model
t2   <- exp(0.5 + lp + rlogis(n) / 3)
e2   <- t2 <= cens
[1] 1697
y2   <- pmin(t2, cens)
units(y2) <- 'year'
S2   <- survival::Surv(y2, e2)
Y2   <- Ocens(y2, ifelse(e2, y2, Inf))
t1 <- round(t1, 2)
t2 <- round(t2, 2)
dd <- datadist(age, sex, ran); options(datadist='dd')

First see if we can discern the correct link functions if we knew the true linear predictor. Stratify this linear predictor into groups each containing 500 subjects, compute Kaplan-Meier estimates stratified by this, and plot the results with 3 transformations of the y-axis, looking at parallelism.

g <- round(cutGn(lp, 500), 2)
# Compute the number of events per lp group
table(t1 <= cens, g)
        -0.37 0.2 0.65 1.24
  FALSE   448 415  356  280
  TRUE     52  85  144  220
f <- npsurv(S1 ~ g)
ggplot(f, trans='loglog', logt=TRUE, conf='none') + labs(title='log-log Link')

ggplot(f, trans='logit',  logt=TRUE, conf='none') + labs(title='logit Link')

ggplot(f, trans='probit', logt=TRUE, conf='none') + labs(title='probit link')

Non-parallelism (inadequacy of the link function) is best judged by comparing vertical distance between the outer transformed survival curves. The probit link clearly does not work, but the logit link and the perfect-fitting log-log link are surprisingly close. This is perhaps related to the simplicity of the first simulation model.

Let’s fit a series of models examine fitted linear predictors from the log-log and logit model. mscore=TRUE computes the \(n\times p\) score matrix correctly if censoring is present.

f11  <- cph(S1 ~ age + sex + ran, surv=TRUE, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
g11  <- orm(Y1 ~ age + sex + ran, family='loglog',   mscore=TRUE, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
g12  <- orm(Y1 ~ age + sex + ran, family='logistic', mscore=TRUE, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
f21  <- cph(S2 ~ age + sex + ran, surv=TRUE, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
g21  <- orm(Y2 ~ age + sex + ran, family='loglog',   mscore=TRUE, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
g22  <- orm(Y2 ~ age + sex + ran, family='logistic', mscore=TRUE, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)

25.8.1 Data Simulated from Exponential Distribution with PH

Compare the models fitted on exponential-distributed survival times in various ways, and check whether better-fitting models have robust standard errors of \(\hat{\beta}\) that is closer to the usual standard errors than less-well-fitting models. Show

  • model print output
  • comparison \(\hat{\beta}\) across models
  • correlation matrix of linear predictors \(X\hat{\beta}\) across models
  • usual vs. robust sandwich standard errors
# Compare betas first
cbetas <- function(fits) {
  nam <- names(fits)
  u <- function(f) {
    k <- num.intercepts(f)
    if(k == 0) coef(f) else coef(f)[-(1 : k)]
  print(sapply(fits, u))
  # Compute correlation matrix of linear predictors
  cat('\nCorrelations of linear predictors:\n\n')
  print(round(cor(sapply(fits, function(x) x$linear.predictors)), 5))
  # Compute SEs from information matrix and from sandwich estimator
  u <- function(f, nam) {
    k <- num.intercepts(f)
    se1 <- if(k == 0) sqrt(diag(vcov(f)))
            else sqrt(diag(vcov(f, intercepts='none')))
    se2 <- if(k == 0) sqrt(diag(vcov(robcov(f))))
            else sqrt(diag(vcov(robcov(f), intercepts='none')))
    cat('\n', nam,
        ': standard errors from information matrix and robust sandwich estimator\n\n',
    print(round(rbind(Info = se1, Robust=se2), 4))
  w <- sapply(names(fits), function(nm) u(fits[[nm]], nm))
fits <- list(Cox=f11, loglog=g11, logit=g12)

Cox Proportional Hazards Model

cph(formula = S1 ~ age + sex + ran, x = TRUE, y = TRUE, surv = TRUE)
Model Tests Discrimination
Obs 2000 LR χ2 203.54 R2 0.100
Events 501 d.f. 3 R23,2000 0.095
Center 1.6525 Pr(>χ2) 0.0000 R23,501 0.330
Score χ2 200.15 Dxy 0.346
Pr(>χ2) 0.0000
β S.E. Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
age   0.0413  0.0039 10.62 <0.0001
sex=male  -0.8839  0.0960 -9.21 <0.0001
ran   0.0231  0.0454 0.51 0.6119

-log-log Ordinal Regression Model

orm(formula = Y1 ~ age + sex + ran, family = "loglog", x = TRUE, 
    y = TRUE, mscore = TRUE)
Model Likelihood
Ratio Test
Rank Discrim.
Obs 2000 LR χ2 203.78 R2 0.099 Dxy 0.346
ESS 547.4 d.f. 3 R23,2000 0.096
Censored R=1499 Pr(>χ2) <0.0001 R23,547.4 0.307
Distinct Y 502 Score χ2 200.38 |Pr(Y ≥ median)-½| 0.370
Y0.5 4.052121 Pr(>χ2) <0.0001
max |∂log L/∂β| 1×10-10
β S.E. Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
age  -0.0414  0.0039 -10.62 <0.0001
sex=male   0.8846  0.0960 9.21 <0.0001
ran  -0.0231  0.0454 -0.51 0.6111

Logistic (Proportional Odds) Ordinal Regression Model

orm(formula = Y1 ~ age + sex + ran, family = "logistic", x = TRUE, 
    y = TRUE, mscore = TRUE)
Model Likelihood
Ratio Test
Rank Discrim.
Obs 2000 LR χ2 195.75 R2 0.095 Dxy 0.347
ESS 546.7 d.f. 3 R23,2000 0.092
Censored R=1499 Pr(>χ2) <0.0001 R23,546.7 0.297
Distinct Y 502 Score χ2 189.52 |Pr(Y ≥ median)-½| 0.372
Y0.5 4.052121 Pr(>χ2) <0.0001
max |∂log L/∂β| 7×10-10
β S.E. Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
age  -0.0473  0.0047 -10.11 <0.0001
sex=male   1.0272  0.1122 9.15 <0.0001
ran  -0.0223  0.0549 -0.41 0.6845

                 Cox      loglog       logit
age       0.04132661 -0.04135691 -0.04729157
sex=male -0.88385827  0.88464058  1.02719281
ran       0.02305826 -0.02310765 -0.02229077

Correlations of linear predictors:

            Cox   loglog    logit
Cox     1.00000 -1.00000 -0.99996
loglog -1.00000  1.00000  0.99996
logit  -0.99996  0.99996  1.00000

Cox: standard errors from information matrix and robust sandwich estimator

          age sex=male    ran
Info   0.0039   0.0960 0.0454
Robust 0.0040   0.0956 0.0439

loglog: standard errors from information matrix and robust sandwich estimator

          age sex=male    ran
Info   0.0039   0.0960 0.0454
Robust 0.0040   0.0957 0.0439

logit: standard errors from information matrix and robust sandwich estimator

          age sex=male    ran
Info   0.0047   0.1122 0.0549
Robust 0.0048   0.1122 0.0526

So the model choice is not very relevant for getting estimates on the linear scale as judged by the correlations between \(X\hat{\beta}\) all being near 1.0 in absolute value.

Plot effects of predictors over time to check link functions (parallelism assumption).

czph <- function(fit) {
  z <- cox.zph(fit)
  cat('cox.zph tests for proportional hazards\n\n')
  plot(z, resid=FALSE)
cox.zph tests for proportional hazards

         chisq df    p
age    1.29500  1 0.26
sex    0.41149  1 0.52
ran    0.00267  1 0.96
GLOBAL 1.73541  3 0.63


  • Cox model: Schoenfeld residual plots appear to be flat, and low \(\chi^2\) statistics for testing PH
  • log-log link ordinal model: flat effects over time to within the limits of the confidence bands show our limits of estimating time-specific effects
  • logit link: systematic changing of effects over time with meaningful changes in \(\hat{\beta}\) for the two relevant variables, indicating time-dependent covariate effects / non-parallelism of logit of \(S(t | X)\)

Consider the estimated linear predictor to be a single summary predictor. Refit models with just that one predictor and plot its coefficient over the cuts.

ordParallel(g11, lp=TRUE)
ordParallel(g12, lp=TRUE)

Look at internal calibration-in-the-small curves and also print statistics for calibration-in-the-large. Cut-points are chosen so that there are 100 uncensored observations between cut-points and beyond outer cut-points.

intCalibration(g11, m=100, dec=2) + labs(subtitle=g11$family)


    y Mean Predicted P(Y > y) Observed P(Y > y)
 1.45                  0.9501            0.9500
 3.16                  0.8996            0.8991
 4.76                  0.8400            0.8391
 7.56                  0.7664            0.7653

intCalibration(g12, m=100, dec=2) + labs(subtitle=g12$family)


    y Mean Predicted P(Y > y) Observed P(Y > y)
 1.45                  0.9505            0.9500
 3.16                  0.9009            0.8991
 4.76                  0.8421            0.8391
 7.56                  0.7689            0.7653

We can also check calibration with respect to a key predictor.

intCalibration(g11, m=100, x=age, dec=2) + labs(subtitle=g11$family)

intCalibration(g12, m=100, x=age, dec=2) + labs(subtitle=g12$fam)

Let’s see if comparison of links based on log-likelihood measures gives us the same impression about the orm models.

      link null.deviance deviance      AIC      LR    R2
1   loglog      8141.307 7937.530 8945.530 203.776 0.307
2 logistic      8141.307 7945.554 8953.554 195.752 0.297
3   probit      8141.307 7963.489 8971.489 177.817 0.274
4  cloglog      8141.307 8004.085 9012.085 137.221 0.218

The log-log link is the winner.

We know the true survival curves so compare estimated survival curves for selected ages and sexes.

compsurv <- function(fits) {
  nam <- names(fits)
  w <- NULL
  for(ag in c(40, 50, 60)) {
    for(sx in c('female', 'male')) {
      z <- data.frame(age=ag, sex=sx, ran=0)
      for(m in 1 : length(nam)) {
        start <- Sys.time()
        fit <- fits[[m]]
        s <- if(m == 1) fit(ag, sx)
        else as.data.frame(survest(fit, z)[c('time', 'surv')])
        s$model <- nam[m]
        s$age   <- ag
        s$sex   <- sx
        end <- Sys.time()
        # cat('Time:', end - start, 's\n', sep='')
        w <- rbind(w, s)
  w$model <- factor(w$model, nam)
  # w <- subset(w, model %in% c('Cox', 'loglog'))
  ggplot(w, aes(x=time, y=surv, color=model)) + geom_line() +
    facet_grid(age ~ sex) +
    xlab(expression(t)) + ylab('Survival Probability')

S_actual <- function(age, sex, ran=0) {
  times <- seq(.02, 13, length=200)
  lp <- 0.04 * (age - 50) + 0.8 * (sex == 'female')
  h  <- 0.02 * exp(lp)
  data.frame(time=times, surv=exp(- h * times))
fits <- list(actual=S_actual, Cox=f11, loglog=g11, logit=g12)

There is no obvious lack of fit for any model except for 60 year old females.

Compare intercepts in the ordinal log-log model with intercepts from the Cox model. First plot the ordinal model intercepts, on the \(\log(t)\) scale. Linearity would indicate that the constant hazard assumption is correct (cumulative hazard is linear in \(t\)).

plotIntercepts(g11, logt=TRUE)

ord_ints <- coef(g11)[1 : num.intercepts(g11)]
cox_ints <- f11$surv
cox_ints <- log(-log(cox_ints[-c(1, length(cox_ints))]))
ggplot(mapping=aes(x=ord_ints, y=cox_ints)) + geom_line() +
  xlab('orm Intercepts') + ylab('Cox Intercepts')

f <- lm(cox_ints ~ ord_ints)
(Intercept)    ord_ints 
  1.6530871  -0.9999025 
[1] 8.616624e-05

25.8.2 Data from Log-logistic AFT Model With Non-PH

Examine parallelism of transformed Kaplan-Meier estimates stratified by intervals of the true linear predictor.

# Compute the number of events per lp group
table(t2 <= cens, g)
        -0.37 0.2 0.65 1.24
  FALSE    10  44   73  176
  TRUE    490 456  427  324
f <- npsurv(S2 ~ g)
ggplot(f, trans='loglog', logt=TRUE, conf='none') + labs(title='log-log Link')

ggplot(f, trans='logit',  logt=TRUE, conf='none') + labs(title='logit Link')

ggplot(f, trans='probit', logt=TRUE, conf='none') + labs(title='probit link')

The Cox model (log-log link) clearly fits less well than the two AFTs.

Compare regression coefficients and standard errors.

fits <- list(Cox=f21, loglog=g21, logit=g22)

Cox Proportional Hazards Model

cph(formula = S2 ~ age + sex + ran, x = TRUE, y = TRUE, surv = TRUE)
Model Tests Discrimination
Obs 2000 LR χ2 1198.73 R2 0.451
Events 1697 d.f. 3 R23,2000 0.450
Center -2.5779 Pr(>χ2) 0.0000 R23,1697 0.506
Score χ2 1196.09 Dxy 0.543
Pr(>χ2) 0.0000
β S.E. Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
age  -0.0639  0.0023 -27.57 <0.0001
sex=male   1.3238  0.0525 25.20 <0.0001
ran  -0.0190  0.0255 -0.75 0.4554

-log-log Ordinal Regression Model

orm(formula = Y2 ~ age + sex + ran, family = "loglog", x = TRUE, 
    y = TRUE, mscore = TRUE)
Model Likelihood
Ratio Test
Rank Discrim.
Obs 2000 LR χ2 1200.12 R2 0.451 Dxy 0.543
ESS 1740.2 d.f. 3 R23,2000 0.450
Censored R=303 Pr(>χ2) <0.0001 R23,1740.2 0.497
Distinct Y 1698 Score χ2 1197.53 |Pr(Y ≥ median)-½| 0.236
Y0.5 2.166504 Pr(>χ2) <0.0001
max |∂log L/∂β| 5×10-10
β S.E. Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
age   0.0640  0.0023 27.59 <0.0001
sex=male  -1.3246  0.0525 -25.22 <0.0001
ran   0.0191  0.0255 0.75 0.4529

Logistic (Proportional Odds) Ordinal Regression Model

orm(formula = Y2 ~ age + sex + ran, family = "logistic", x = TRUE, 
    y = TRUE, mscore = TRUE)
Model Likelihood
Ratio Test
Rank Discrim.
Obs 2000 LR χ2 1416.98 R2 0.508 Dxy 0.543
ESS 1739.3 d.f. 3 R23,2000 0.507
Censored R=303 Pr(>χ2) <0.0001 R23,1739.3 0.556
Distinct Y 1698 Score χ2 1471.54 |Pr(Y ≥ median)-½| 0.276
Y0.5 2.166504 Pr(>χ2) <0.0001
max |∂log L/∂β| 9×10-10
β S.E. Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
age   0.1163  0.0040 28.78 <0.0001
sex=male  -2.3511  0.0918 -25.62 <0.0001
ran  -0.0004  0.0409 -0.01 0.9918

                 Cox      loglog         logit
age      -0.06393658  0.06397676  0.1163000629
sex=male  1.32378760 -1.32461605 -2.3511015761
ran      -0.01900550  0.01911016 -0.0004206686

Correlations of linear predictors:

            Cox   loglog    logit
Cox     1.00000 -1.00000 -0.99977
loglog -1.00000  1.00000  0.99976
logit  -0.99977  0.99976  1.00000

Cox: standard errors from information matrix and robust sandwich estimator

          age sex=male    ran
Info   0.0023   0.0525 0.0255
Robust 0.0028   0.0645 0.0298

loglog: standard errors from information matrix and robust sandwich estimator

          age sex=male    ran
Info   0.0023   0.0525 0.0255
Robust 0.0028   0.0646 0.0298

logit: standard errors from information matrix and robust sandwich estimator

          age sex=male    ran
Info   0.0040   0.0918 0.0409
Robust 0.0041   0.0906 0.0414

Check parallelism assumptions.

cox.zph tests for proportional hazards

        chisq df      p
age     79.57  1 <2e-16
sex     41.78  1  1e-10
ran      1.14  1   0.29
GLOBAL 146.29  3 <2e-16


Cox and the ordinal regression version of Cox with log-log link fail to properly model the covariate effects, with the Cox cox.zph tests of PH yielding an overall \(\chi^{2}_{3} = 146\).

Now do this for just the linear predictor \(X\hat{\beta}\).

ordParallel(g21, lp=TRUE)
ordParallel(g22, lp=TRUE)

Look at internal calibrations.

intCalibration(g21, m=200, dec=2) + labs(subtitle=g21$family)


    y Mean Predicted P(Y > y) Observed P(Y > y)
 0.85                  0.8942            0.8995
 1.28                  0.7870            0.7990
 1.68                  0.6808            0.6975
 2.07                  0.5810            0.5999
 2.59                  0.4761            0.4976
 3.22                  0.3712            0.3911
 4.24                  0.2618            0.2722

intCalibration(g22, m=200, dec=2) + labs(subtitle=g22$family)


    y Mean Predicted P(Y > y) Observed P(Y > y)
 0.85                  0.8973            0.8995
 1.28                  0.7950            0.7990
 1.68                  0.6947            0.6975
 2.07                  0.5985            0.5999
 2.59                  0.4941            0.4976
 3.22                  0.3868            0.3911
 4.24                  0.2701            0.2722

The logit link is decidedly better by the plots of predicted vs. observed probabilities.

We can also check calibration with respect to age.

intCalibration(g21, m=100, x=age, dec=2) + labs(subtitle=g21$family)
Convergence problems.... stopping addition
Convergence problems.... stopping addition
Convergence problems.... stopping addition
Convergence problems.... stopping addition
Convergence problems.... stopping addition
Convergence problems.... stopping addition

intCalibration(g22, m=100, x=age, dec=2) + labs(subtitle=g22$family)

Check the deviance and other measures for several links.

      link null.deviance deviance      AIC       LR    R2
1   loglog      26321.79 25121.67 28521.67 1200.119 0.497
2 logistic      26321.79 24904.80 28304.80 1416.983 0.556
3   probit      26321.79 24908.80 28308.80 1412.988 0.555
4  cloglog      26321.79 25068.89 28468.89 1252.900 0.513

Fortunately, the logit link had smaller deviance (and AIC).

Get predicted survival curves and compare them to the actual survival functions used to simulate the data, as before. The true survival function is as follows, with \(X\beta =\) 0.5 plus the original linear predictor lp and \(r\) is a random variable from a standard logistic distribution.

\[S(t) = P(T > t) = P(\exp(X\beta + \frac{r}{3}) > t) = P(X\beta + \frac{r}{3} > \log(t)) = 1 - \text{expit}(3(\log(t) - X\beta))\]

S_actual <- function(age, sex, ran=0) {
  times <- seq(.02, 13, length=200)
  lp <- 0.5 + 0.04 * (age - 50) + 0.8 * (sex == 'female')
  s <- 1 - plogis(3*(log(times) - lp))
  data.frame(time=times, surv=s)
fits <- list(actual=S_actual, Cox=f21, loglog=g21, logit=g22)

The Cox and ordinal semiparametric log-log link estimates are indistinguishable. The logit link estimates and the true survival curves are almost indistinguishable. The Cox and log-log estimates, which both falsely assume PH, do not agree with the true curves, especially for 60 year-old females.

Note that log hazard ratios are moving towards zero as \(t\uparrow\). When data come from an AFT distribution that has a non-PH form, the true hazard ratios converge to 1.0, i.e, covariate effects wear off on the hazard ratio scale.

25.9 Accelerated Failure Time Example

Consider the SUPPORT dataset analysed with a parametric log-logistic AFT model in Chapter 19. In ordinal models we do not have the same kind of residual plots for checking distributional assumptions, because there is no assumption about the distribution of absolute failure time \(T\) given a set of covariate values \(X\). We do have a parallelism assumption. Along the lines of this in Chapter 15 let’s fit a rough model and divide predictions into intervals of 80 patients. Then let’s see if logit of Kaplan-Meier curves are parallel.

Fit the smaller model near the end of Chapter 19.

getHdata(support)          # Get data frame from web site
acute     <- support$dzclass %in% c('ARF/MOSF','Coma')
d         <- support[acute, ]
d$dzgroup <- d$dzgroup[drop=TRUE]    # Remove unused levels
d <- upData(d, print=FALSE,
       t = d.time/365.25,
       labels = c(t = 'Survival Time'),
  units = c(t = 'year'))
d <- upData(d, 
        Y = Ocens(t, ifelse(death == 1, t, Inf)))
Input object size:   167280 bytes;   36 variables    537 observations
Added variable      Y
New object size:    177416 bytes;   37 variables    537 observations
maxuc <- with(d, max(t[death == 1]))
round(maxuc, 3)
[1] 4.4
minc  <- round(with(d, min(t[t > maxuc])), 2)
[1] 4.43
with(d, sum(t[death == 0] > 4.399726))
[1] 33
c(censored=sum(d$death), uncensored=nrow(d) - sum(d$death))
  censored uncensored 
       356        181 

Do simple single imputation.

d <- upData(d, print=FALSE,
  wblc = impute(wblc, 9),
  pafi = impute(pafi, 333.3),
  ph   = impute(ph,   7.4),
  race2  = ifelse(is.na(race), 'white',
                  ifelse(race != 'white', 'other', 'white')) )
dd <- datadist(d); options(datadist='dd')

Fit the semiparametric generalization of the log-normal AFT model.

f <- orm(Y ~ dzgroup + rcs(meanbp,5) + rcs(crea,4) + rcs(age,5) +
         rcs(hrt,3) + scoma + rcs(pafi,4) + pol(adlsc,2) +
         rcs(resp,3), family='probit', data=d, x=TRUE, y=TRUE, lpe=TRUE, trace=1)
NR iteration:1  -2LL:3944.7503  Max |gradient|:1.278324e-11  Max |change in parameters|:1.547991e-15
NR iteration:1  -2LL:3944.7503  Max |gradient|:7318.883  Max |change in parameters|:13.00543
NR iteration:2  -2LL:3666.4279  Max |gradient|:1889.741  Max |change in parameters|:0.5601498
NR iteration:3  -2LL:3662.7147  Max |gradient|:24.24805  Max |change in parameters|:0.08309238
NR iteration:4  -2LL:3662.6834  Max |gradient|:0.2031274  Max |change in parameters|:0.001485343
NR iteration:5  -2LL:3662.6834  Max |gradient|:9.059931e-05  Max |change in parameters|:6.691445e-07

Probit Ordinal Regression Model

orm(formula = Y ~ dzgroup + rcs(meanbp, 5) + rcs(crea, 4) + rcs(age, 
    5) + rcs(hrt, 3) + scoma + rcs(pafi, 4) + pol(adlsc, 2) + 
    rcs(resp, 3), data = d, family = "probit", x = TRUE, y = TRUE, 
    lpe = TRUE, trace = 1)
Model Likelihood
Ratio Test
Rank Discrim.
Obs 537 LR χ2 282.07 R2 0.409 Dxy 0.481
ESS 380.5 d.f. 23 R223,537 0.383
Censored R=181 Pr(>χ2) <0.0001 R223,380.5 0.494
Distinct Y 176 Score χ2 266.32 |Pr(Y ≥ median)-½| 0.264
Y0.5 0.0684463 Pr(>χ2) <0.0001
max |∂log L/∂β| 3×10-10
β S.E. Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
dzgroup=Coma  -0.8986   0.1835 -4.90 <0.0001
dzgroup=MOSF w/Malig  -0.8439   0.1303 -6.48 <0.0001
meanbp   0.0572   0.0104 5.48 <0.0001
meanbp'  -0.3063   0.1068 -2.87 0.0041
meanbp''   0.8955   0.3979 2.25 0.0244
meanbp'''  -0.6439   0.3545 -1.82 0.0693
crea  -0.1811   0.2953 -0.61 0.5397
crea'  -7.3578   8.3936 -0.88 0.3807
crea''  13.6502  13.7063 1.00 0.3193
age  -0.0116   0.0140 -0.83 0.4064
age'  -0.0070   0.0488 -0.14 0.8866
age''   0.0269   0.2521 0.11 0.9150
age'''   0.0233   0.6163 0.04 0.9699
hrt  -0.0048   0.0031 -1.57 0.1168
hrt'   0.0010   0.0028 0.34 0.7350
scoma  -0.0072   0.0020 -3.66 0.0003
pafi   0.0085   0.0025 3.44 0.0006
pafi'  -0.0265   0.0107 -2.49 0.0129
pafi''   0.0490   0.0215 2.28 0.0225
adlsc  -0.1783   0.0683 -2.61 0.0090
adlsc2   0.0202   0.0110 1.84 0.0653
resp   0.0242   0.0104 2.32 0.0203
resp'  -0.0391   0.0131 -2.98 0.0029
a <- anova(f, test='LR')

The first output from trace=1 shows the maximum likelihood iterative process when there are no predictors in the model, only intercepts. Notice that the iterations had already converged at the starting values, which were normal inverses of the Kaplan-Meier estimates. So the maximum likelihood estimates in an ordinal semiparametric model are exactly the link function of the Kaplan-Meier estimates when there are no covariates.

When there are right-censored observations above the highest uncensored time, Ocens2ord creates a new level for them and considers them to be uncensored at the lowest of such times. This is because these are high-information points, and treating them this way still makes orm result in K-M estimates with no covariates. But the numbers of censored observations reported in the output are the actual numbers before this modification.

There are 356 deaths. The effective sample size is estimated to be 380.5, i.e., the number of complete observations that would provide the same statistical information as the 537 observations with 181 right-censored. We can look at the information in right-censored observations in detail by using the rms ordESS function to plot the effective sample size vs. censoring time. We expect late-censored observations to provide more information than early-censored ones.


We see a slight increase in the ESS for longer follow-up times. Altogether the 181 right-censored observations have the information of 24.5 uncensored times.

Plot the model intercepts, which represent the survival curve for persons with all covariates equal to zero, on the probit scale with time log-transformed.

plotIntercepts(f, logt=TRUE)

This is not quite straight, indicating that a log-normal AFT model would not be perfect, e.g., the \(\log(t)\) transformation part of the model may be wrong.

Unlike the parametric model we do not need such curves to be linear, only parallel across covariate values.

There are two other ways to check model assumptions, one of which is to estimate \(\beta(t)\) and check for flatness (irrelevance of \(t\)). Do this for the probit fit.


The curves are fairly flat. But it is difficult to interpret trends in individual \(\beta\) that make up one predictor’s effect. Use an option to compute the partial linear predictor for each of the model’s predictors. Each weighted sum term gives rise to an effect that now has \(\beta=1\). The terms are scaled so that they are in units of inter-quartile range of the part of linear predictor involving a predictor. In this way a weak variable will have a smaller effect. See how the overall multiplier varies as a function of time. This does not allow for shape changes over time but does allow change in overall importance (steepness).

ordParallel(f, terms=TRUE)

Also do this for the overall linear predictor.

ordParallel(f, lp=TRUE)

There seems to e an increasing effect of age over time, and a decreasing effect of coma score.

Let’s see how some other link functions fare.

g <- update(f, family='logistic', trace=0)
ordParallel(g, terms=TRUE)

h <- update(g, family='loglog')
ordParallel(h, terms=TRUE)

ordParallel(g, lp=TRUE)
ordParallel(h, lp=TRUE)

Do formal tests of goodness-of-link (parallelism on the assumed link scale) by having ordParallel create 30 copies of the dataset with different cutoffs of survival time, and when censoring allows, determine whether observed survival time exceeds the cutoff. The global multiplicity-adjusted test for parallelism is in the TOTAL INTERACTION line near the bottom of each ANOVA.

testpar <- function(form, link) {
  f  <- orm(form, data=d, family=link, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
  do <- ordParallel(f, onlydata=TRUE, maxcuts=30)
  g  <- orm(Yge_cut ~ (dzgroup + meanbp + crea + age + hrt +
                         scoma + pafi + adlsc + resp) * rcs(Ycut, 3),
            data=do, family=link, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
  h  <- robcov(g, do$obs)
form <- Y ~ dzgroup + rcs(meanbp, 5) + rcs(crea, 4) + rcs(age, 5) + rcs(hrt, 3) + 
  scoma + rcs(pafi, 4) + pol(adlsc, 2) + rcs(resp, 3)
fams <- .q(probit, logistic, loglog)
w <- lapply(fams, function(x) testpar(form, x))
names(w) <- fams
Wald Statistics for Yge_cut
χ2 d.f. P
dzgroup (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 173.66 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 25.11 2 <0.0001
meanbp (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 145.40 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 3.38 2 0.1843
crea (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 98.05 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 0.00 2 0.9998
age (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 60.55 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 23.38 2 <0.0001
hrt (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 19.10 3 0.0003
All Interactions 5.95 2 0.0510
scoma (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 76.04 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 17.86 2 0.0001
pafi (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 55.46 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 2.54 2 0.2810
adlsc (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 25.77 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 4.69 2 0.0960
resp (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 61.15 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 10.23 2 0.0060
Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 1848.64 20 <0.0001
All Interactions 100.56 18 <0.0001
Nonlinear (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 350.46 10 <0.0001
dzgroup × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 25.11 2 <0.0001
Nonlinear 8.55 1 0.0035
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 8.55 1 0.0035
meanbp × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 3.38 2 0.1843
Nonlinear 0.10 1 0.7544
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.10 1 0.7544
crea × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 0.00 2 0.9998
Nonlinear 0.00 1 0.9849
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.00 1 0.9849
age × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 23.38 2 <0.0001
Nonlinear 0.06 1 0.8009
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.06 1 0.8009
hrt × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 5.95 2 0.0510
Nonlinear 1.52 1 0.2180
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 1.52 1 0.2180
scoma × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 17.86 2 0.0001
Nonlinear 3.94 1 0.0471
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 3.94 1 0.0471
pafi × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 2.54 2 0.2810
Nonlinear 0.01 1 0.9335
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.01 1 0.9335
adlsc × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 4.69 2 0.0960
Nonlinear 3.32 1 0.0682
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 3.32 1 0.0682
resp × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 10.23 2 0.0060
Nonlinear 9.15 1 0.0025
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 9.15 1 0.0025
TOTAL NONLINEAR 350.46 10 <0.0001
TOTAL INTERACTION 100.56 18 <0.0001
TOTAL 2299.21 29 <0.0001
Wald Statistics for Yge_cut
χ2 d.f. P
dzgroup (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 48.06 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 8.06 2 0.0178
meanbp (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 46.57 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 0.74 2 0.6922
crea (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 31.91 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 0.10 2 0.9521
age (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 20.65 3 0.0001
All Interactions 9.78 2 0.0075
hrt (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 6.81 3 0.0780
All Interactions 1.52 2 0.4680
scoma (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 25.06 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 2.79 2 0.2478
pafi (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 19.48 3 0.0002
All Interactions 0.32 2 0.8534
adlsc (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 8.62 3 0.0348
All Interactions 0.95 2 0.6220
resp (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 18.70 3 0.0003
All Interactions 3.32 2 0.1901
Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 471.19 20 <0.0001
All Interactions 31.00 18 0.0288
Nonlinear (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 109.56 10 <0.0001
dzgroup × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 8.06 2 0.0178
Nonlinear 2.13 1 0.1449
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 2.13 1 0.1449
meanbp × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 0.74 2 0.6922
Nonlinear 0.08 1 0.7742
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.08 1 0.7742
crea × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 0.10 2 0.9521
Nonlinear 0.00 1 0.9470
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.00 1 0.9470
age × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 9.78 2 0.0075
Nonlinear 0.01 1 0.9176
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.01 1 0.9176
hrt × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 1.52 2 0.4680
Nonlinear 0.68 1 0.4109
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.68 1 0.4109
scoma × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 2.79 2 0.2478
Nonlinear 0.76 1 0.3831
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.76 1 0.3831
pafi × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 0.32 2 0.8534
Nonlinear 0.00 1 0.9846
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.00 1 0.9846
adlsc × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 0.95 2 0.6220
Nonlinear 0.67 1 0.4124
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.67 1 0.4124
resp × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 3.32 2 0.1901
Nonlinear 3.10 1 0.0785
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 3.10 1 0.0785
TOTAL NONLINEAR 109.56 10 <0.0001
TOTAL INTERACTION 31.00 18 0.0288
TOTAL 518.35 29 <0.0001
Wald Statistics for Yge_cut
χ2 d.f. P
dzgroup (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 200.63 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 1.08 2 0.5836
meanbp (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 142.73 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 15.92 2 0.0003
crea (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 79.07 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 9.16 2 0.0103
age (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 60.08 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 8.49 2 0.0144
hrt (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 13.48 3 0.0037
All Interactions 6.46 2 0.0395
scoma (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 53.61 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 39.82 2 <0.0001
pafi (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 49.54 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 9.39 2 0.0091
adlsc (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 25.21 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 11.27 2 0.0036
resp (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 59.05 3 <0.0001
All Interactions 13.79 2 0.0010
Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 1213.85 20 <0.0001
All Interactions 130.68 18 <0.0001
Nonlinear (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 350.92 10 <0.0001
dzgroup × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 1.08 2 0.5836
Nonlinear 1.07 1 0.3017
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 1.07 1 0.3017
meanbp × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 15.92 2 0.0003
Nonlinear 0.33 1 0.5658
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.33 1 0.5658
crea × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 9.16 2 0.0103
Nonlinear 2.70 1 0.1001
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 2.70 1 0.1001
age × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 8.49 2 0.0144
Nonlinear 0.76 1 0.3843
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.76 1 0.3843
hrt × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 6.46 2 0.0395
Nonlinear 0.22 1 0.6383
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.22 1 0.6383
scoma × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 39.82 2 <0.0001
Nonlinear 10.35 1 0.0013
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 10.35 1 0.0013
pafi × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 9.39 2 0.0091
Nonlinear 1.53 1 0.2163
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 1.53 1 0.2163
adlsc × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 11.27 2 0.0036
Nonlinear 0.68 1 0.4109
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 0.68 1 0.4109
resp × Ycut (Factor+Higher Order Factors) 13.79 2 0.0010
Nonlinear 12.87 1 0.0003
Nonlinear Interaction : f(A,B) vs. AB 12.87 1 0.0003
TOTAL NONLINEAR 350.92 10 <0.0001
TOTAL INTERACTION 130.68 18 <0.0001
TOTAL 1313.46 29 <0.0001

The best fit (most constancy in \(\beta\)) is a logit link AFT model which we will use for all remaining steps.

f <- update(f, family='logistic', trace=0)
# latex by default does not print intercepts when their number > 10
# Best to use plotIntercepts
$$P(\mathrm{t}\geq y | X) = \frac{1}{1+\exp(- \alpha_{y} - X\beta)}\mathrm{~~where}$$ \begin{array} \lefteqn{X\hat{\beta}=}\\ & & -1.534179[\mathrm{Coma}]-1.428468[\mathrm{MOSF\ w/Malig}] \\ & & + 0.09947273 \mathrm{meanbp}-6.340126\!\times\!10^{-5}(\mathrm{meanbp}-41.8)_{+}^{3} \\ & & +0.0001883641 (\mathrm{meanbp}-61)_{+}^{3}-0.0001372775(\mathrm{meanbp}-73)_{+}^{3} \\ & & +1.822942\!\times\!10^{-5 }(\mathrm{meanbp}-108.6)_{+}^{3}-5.914798\!\times\!10^{-6}(\mathrm{meanbp}-135)_{+}^{3} \\ & & -0.4300135\mathrm{crea}-0.20589 (\mathrm{crea}-0.5999756)_{+}^{3}+0.3986296 (\mathrm{crea}-1.099854)_{+}^{3} \\ & & -0.2037063(\mathrm{crea}-1.939941)_{+}^{3}+0.01096668(\mathrm{crea}-7.319727)_{+}^{3} \\ & & -0.02245131 \mathrm{age}-2.788683\!\times\!10^{-6}(\mathrm{age}-28.49259)_{+}^{3} \\ & & +2.130023\!\times\!10^{-5 }(\mathrm{age}-49.52438)_{+}^{3}-3.573444\!\times\!10^{-5}(\mathrm{age}-63.67398)_{+}^{3} \\ & & +1.346583\!\times\!10^{-5 }(\mathrm{age}-72.66235)_{+}^{3}+3.757056\!\times\!10^{-6 }(\mathrm{age}-85.56456)_{+}^{3} \\ & & -0.008061622 \mathrm{hrt}+2.544886\!\times\!10^{-7 }(\mathrm{hrt}-60)_{+}^{3}-7.020374\!\times\!10^{-7}(\mathrm{hrt}-111)_{+}^{3} \\ & & +4.475489\!\times\!10^{-7 }(\mathrm{hrt}-140)_{+}^{3} -0.01292855\:\mathrm{scoma} \\ & & + 0.01420899 \mathrm{pafi}-3.981643\!\times\!10^{-7}(\mathrm{pafi}-87.9875)_{+}^{3} \\ & & +7.420742\!\times\!10^{-7 }(\mathrm{pafi}-166.6562)_{+}^{3}-3.865431\!\times\!10^{-7}(\mathrm{pafi}-276.25)_{+}^{3} \\ & & +4.263328\!\times\!10^{-8 }(\mathrm{pafi}-425.6)_{+}^{3} -0.2915501\:\mathrm{adlsc}+0.03213782\:\mathrm{adlsc}^{2} \\ & & + 0.04644849 \mathrm{resp}-8.813541\!\times\!10^{-5}(\mathrm{resp}-10)_{+}^{3}+0.0001703951 (\mathrm{resp}-24)_{+}^{3} \\ & & -8.225972\!\times\!10^{-5}(\mathrm{resp}-39)_{+}^{3} \\ \end{array} $$[c]=1~\mathrm{if~subject~is~in~group}~c,~0~\mathrm{otherwise}$$$$(x)_{+}=x~\mathrm{if}~x > 0,~0~\mathrm{otherwise}$$

Check the deviance, pseudo \(R^2\), etc., for all the links.

      link null.deviance deviance      AIC      LR    R2
1 logistic       3944.75 3667.041 4063.041 277.709 0.488
2   probit       3944.75 3662.683 4058.683 282.067 0.494
3   loglog       3944.75 3694.398 4090.398 250.352 0.450
4  cloglog       3944.75 3669.654 4065.654 275.096 0.484

By deviance measures, the probit model has better fit by a little, with the two log-log links faring poorer.

Derive R functions for translating the linear predictor into estimated mean and quantiles using the logic link. For ordinal models fitted to right-censored data, the mean is the restricted mean survival time. Until the Mean.orm function adds a tmax argument, the restriction is essentially to the lowest censored time that is above the highest uncensored time, which is 4.43.

expected.surv <- Mean(f)
quantile.surv <- Quantile(f)
median.surv   <- function(x) quantile.surv(q=0.5, lp=x)
nom <-
           pafi=c(0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900),
           fun=list('Median Survival Time'=median.surv,
                    'Mean Survival Time'  =expected.surv),
           fun.at=c(0.01, .1,.25,.5,1,2,5))
plot(nom, cex.var=1, cex.axis=.75, lmgp=.25)

  • Plot the shape of the effect of each predictor on log survival time.
  • All effects centered: can be placed on common scale
  • LR \(\chi^2\) statistics, penalized for d.f., plotted in descending order
ggplot(Predict(f, ref.zero=TRUE), vnames='names', anova=a)
Figure 25.1: Effect of each predictor on the normal inverse survival probability scale. Predicted values have been centered so that predictions at predictor reference values are zero. Pointwise 0.95 confidence bands are also shown. As all \(Y\)-axes have the same scale, it is easy to see which predictors are strongest.
ggplot(Predict(f, ref.zero=FALSE, fun=expected.surv), vnames='names')
Figure 25.2: Effect of each predictor on the restricted mean survival time scale. Pointwise 0.95 confidence bands are also shown.

Compute Wald confidence intervals of age 40:60 odds ratios two different ways, and the corresponding more accurate profile likelihood interval. A likelihood ratio test for the one degree of freedom contrast between ages 40 and 60 is also included. This is a focused contrast in comparison with the overall 4 degree of freedom chunk LR test for age.

summary(f, age=c(40, 60), est.all=FALSE)
Effects   Response: Y
Low High Δ Effect S.E. Lower 0.95 Upper 0.95
age 40 60 20 -0.5075 0.2572 -1.0120 -0.003335
Odds Ratio 40 60 20 0.6020 0.3636 0.996700
k <- contrast(f, list(age=60), list(age=40))
print(k, fun=exp)
            dzgroup meanbp     crea hrt scoma  pafi adlsc resp  Contrast
1 ARF/MOSF w/Sepsis     73 1.399902 111     0 217.5 1.839   24 0.6019899
      Lower     Upper     Z Pr(>|z|)
1 0.3636024 0.9966706 -1.97   0.0485

Confidence intervals are 0.95 individual intervals
k <- contrast(f, list(age=60), list(age=40), conf.type='profile')
print(k, fun=exp)
            dzgroup meanbp     crea hrt scoma  pafi adlsc resp  Contrast
1 ARF/MOSF w/Sepsis     73 1.399902 111     0 217.5 1.839   24 0.6019899
      Lower     Upper   Χ² Pr(>Χ²)
1 0.3629426 0.9955884 3.91   0.048

Confidence intervals are 0.95 profile likelihood intervals

Compute estimated survival curves and point wise 0.95 confidence bands for several covariate combinations.

survplot(f, dzgroup, meanbp=c(40, 100), crea=c(1, 1.4, 2.5), conf.int=0.95)
Figure 25.3: Effect of each predictor on the normal inverse survival probability scale. Predicted values have been centered so that predictions at predictor reference values are zero. Pointwise 0.95 confidence bands are also shown.

25.9.1 Strong Internal Validation of the Fitted Model Using the Bootstrap

Validate indexes describing the fitted model using the optimism bootstrap.

# First add data to model fit so bootstrap can re-sample
#  from the data
validate(f, B=300)
Index Original
Optimism Corrected
Dxy 0.4818 0.4997 0.4634 0.0363 0.4454 300
R2 0.404 0.4312 0.3781 0.0531 0.3509 300
Slope 1 1 0.8797 0.1203 0.8797 300
g 1.6756 1.7988 1.5824 0.2165 1.4591 300
Mean |Pr(Y≥Y0.5)-0.5| 0.2656 0.2744 0.2591 0.0153 0.2503 300

Validate a calibration curve for 1-time unit survival predictions using the optimism bootstrap incorporating smoothed moving overlapping window Kaplan-Meier estimates. Also use the adaptive linear spline hare method. Usually hare does too much smoothing.

# Default is method='smoothkm' with eps=30 (30 observations in each moving window)
cal1 <- calibrate(f, B=100, u=1) #, val.surv.args=list(method='smoothkm', eps=30))

cal2 <- calibrate(f, B=100, u=1, val.surv.args=list(method='hare'))