Data source: Random sample of 1000 patients from Phases I & II of SUPPORT (Study to Understand Prognoses Preferences Outcomes and Risks of Treatment, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation). See Knaus et al. (1995). The dataset is available from
Analyze acute disease subset of SUPPORT (acute respiratory failure, multiple organ system failure, coma) — the shape of the survival curves is different between acute and chronic disease categories
Patients had to survive until day 3 of the study to qualify
Baseline physiologic variables measured during day 3
19.1 Descriptive Statistics
Create a variable acute to flag categories of interest; print univariable descriptive statistics.
require(rms)options(prType='html') # for print, summary, anovagetHdata(support) # Get data frame from web siteacute <- support$dzclass %in%c('ARF/MOSF','Coma')des <-describe(support[acute,])sparkline::sparkline(0) # load sparkline dependencies
The fit for dzgroup is not great but overall fit is good.
Remove from consideration predictors that are missing in \(> 0.2\) of the patients. Many of these were only collected for the second phase of SUPPORT.
Of those variables to be included in the model, find which ones have enough potential predictive power to justify allowing for nonlinear relationships or multiple categories, which spend more d.f. For each variable compute Spearman \(\rho^2\) based on multiple linear regression of rank(\(x\)), rank(\(x\))\(^2\) and the survival time, truncating survival time at the shortest follow-up for survivors (356 days). This rids the data of censoring but creates many ties at 356 days.
A better approach is to use the complete information in the failure and censoring times by computing Somers’ \(D_{xy}\) rank correlation allowing for censoring.
# Compute number of missing values per variablesapply(ac[.q(age,,scoma,meanbp,hrt,resp,temp,crea,sod,adlsc, wblc,pafi,ph)], function(x) sum(
# Can also do naplot(naclus(support[acute,]))# Can also use the Hmisc naclus and naplot functions to do this# Impute missing values with normal or modal valuesac <-upData(ac, print=FALSE,wblc.i =impute(wblc, 9),pafi.i =impute(pafi, 333.3),ph.i =impute(ph, 7.4),race2 =ifelse(, 'white',ifelse(race !='white', 'other', 'white')) )dd <-datadist(ac)
Do a formal redundancy analysis using more than pairwise associations, and allow for non-monotonic transformations in predicting each predictor from all other predictors. This analysis requires missing values to be imputed so as to not greatly reduce the sample size.
Better approach to gauging predictive potential and allocating d.f.:
Allow all continuous variables to have a the maximum number of knots entertained, in a log-normal survival model
Must use imputation to avoid losing data
Fit a “saturated” main effects model
Makes full use of censored data
Had to limit to 4 knots, force scoma to be linear, and omit ph.i to avoid singularity
k <-4f <-psm(S ~rcs(age,k)+sex+dzgroup+pol(,2)+scoma+pol(adlsc,2)+race+rcs(meanbp,k)+rcs(hrt,k)+rcs(resp,k)+rcs(temp,k)+rcs(crea,k)+rcs(sod,k)+rcs(wblc.i,k)+rcs(pafi.i,k), dist='lognormal', data=ac, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)plot(anova(f, test='LR'))
This figure properly blinds the analyst to the form of effects (tests of linearity).
Fit a log-normal survival model with number of parameters corresponding to nonlinear effects determined from Figure 19.7. For the most promising predictors, five knots can be allocated, as there are fewer singularity problems once less promising predictors are simplified.
Note: Since the audio was recorded, a bug in psm was fixed on 2017-03-12. Discrimination indexes shown in the table below are correct but the audio is incorrect for \(g\) and \(g_{r}\).
19.4 Internal Validation of the Fitted Model Using the Bootstrap
Validate indexes describing the fitted model.
# First add data to model fit so bootstrap can re-sample# from the datag <-update(f, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)set.seed(717)validate(g, B=300, dxy=TRUE)
From \(D_{xy}\) and \(R^2\) there is a moderate amount of overfitting.
Slope shrinkage factor (0.90) is not troublesome
Almost unbiased estimate of future predictive discrimination on similar patients is the corrected \(D_{xy}\) of 0.43.
Validate predicted 1-year survival probabilities. Use a smooth approach that does not require binning (Kooperberg et al., 1995) and use less precise Kaplan-Meier estimates obtained by stratifying patients by the predicted probability, with at least 60 patients per group.
The fitted log-normal model is perhaps too complex for routine use and for routine data collection. Let us develop a simplified model that can predict the predicted values of the full model with high accuracy (\(R^{2} = 0.96\)). The simplification is done using a fast backward stepdown against the full model predicted values.
Z <-predict(f) # X*beta hata <-ols(Z ~rcs(age,5) scoma+pol(adlsc,2)+race2+rcs(meanbp,5)+rcs(hrt,3)+rcs(resp,3)+ temp+rcs(crea,4)+sod+rcs(wblc.i,3)+rcs(pafi.i,4), sigma=1, data=ac)# sigma=1 is used to prevent sigma hat from being zero when# R2=1.0 since we start out by approximating Z with all# component variablesfastbw(a, aics=10000) # fast backward stepdown
n Model L.R. d.f. R2 g Sigma
537.000 1688.225 23.000 0.957 1.915 0.370
Estimate variance-covariance matrix of the coefficients of reduced model
This covariance matrix does not include the scale parameter
V <-vcov(f, regcoef.only=TRUE) # var(full model)X <-cbind(Intercept=1, g$x) # full model designx <-cbind(Intercept=1, f.approx$x) # approx. model designw <-solve(t(x) %*% x, t(x)) %*% X # contrast matrixv <- w %*% V %*%t(w)
Compare variance estimates (diagonals of v) with variance estimates from a reduced model that is fitted against the actual outcomes.
Nomogram for predicting median and mean survival time, based on approximate model:
# Derive R functions that express mean and quantiles# of survival time for specific linear predictors# analyticallyexpected.surv <-Mean(f)quantile.surv <-Quantile(f)expected.surv
Knaus, W. A., Harrell, F. E., Lynn, J., Goldman, L., Phillips, R. S., Connors, A. F., Dawson, N. V., Fulkerson, W. J., Califf, R. M., Desbiens, N., Layde, P., Oye, R. K., Bellamy, P. E., Hakim, R. B., & Wagner, D. P. (1995). The SUPPORT prognostic model: Objective estimates of survival for seriously ill hospitalized adults. Ann Int Med, 122, 191–203.
Kooperberg, C., Stone, C. J., & Truong, Y. K. (1995). Hazard regression. J Am Stat Assoc, 90, 78–94.
```{r include=FALSE}require(Hmisc)options(qproject='rms', prType='html')require(qreport)getRs('qbookfun.r')hookaddcap()knitr::set_alias(w = 'fig.width', h = 'fig.height', cap = 'fig.cap', scap ='fig.scap')```# Case Study in Parametric Survival Modeling and Model Approximation {#sec-psmcase}`r mrg(sound("psm-case-1"))`**Data source**: Random sample of 1000 patients from Phases I \& IIof SUPPORT (Study to Understand Prognoses Preferences Outcomes andRisks of Treatment, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation). See @kna95sup. The dataset is available from [](* Analyze acute disease subset of SUPPORT (acute respiratory `r ipacue()`failure, multiple organ system failure, coma) --- the shapeof the survival curves is different between acute and chronic diseasecategories* Patients had to survive until day 3 of the study to qualify* Baseline physiologic variables measured during day 3## Descriptive StatisticsCreate a variable `acute` to flag categories ofinterest; print univariable descriptive statistics.```{r results='asis'}require(rms)options(prType='html') # for print, summary, anovagetHdata(support) # Get data frame from web siteacute <- support$dzclass %in% c('ARF/MOSF','Coma')des <- describe(support[acute,])sparkline::sparkline(0) # load sparkline dependenciesmaketabs(print(des, 'both'), wide=TRUE, initblank=TRUE)````r ipacue()````{r naclus,h=5,w=7,cap='Cluster analysis showing which predictors tend to be missing on the same patients',scap='Cluster analysis of missingness in SUPPORT'}#| label: fig-psmcase-naclusspar(ps=11)# Show patterns of missing dataplot(naclus(support[acute,]))```Show associations between predictors using a general non-monotonicmeasure of dependence (Hoeffding $D$). `r ipacue()````{r varclus,w=6.7,cap='Hierarchical clustering of potential predictors using Hoeffding $D$ as a similarity measure. Categorical predictors are automatically expanded into dummy variables.',scap='Clustering of predictors in SUPPORT using Hoeffding $D$'}#| label: fig-psmcase-varclusac <- support[acute,]ac$dzgroup <- ac$dzgroup[drop=TRUE] # Remove unused levelsvc <- varclus(~ meanbp+wblc+hrt+resp+temp+pafi+alb+bili+crea+sod+ ph+glucose+bun+urine+adlsc, data=ac, sim='hoeffding')plot(vc)```## Checking Adequacy of Log-Normal Accelerated Failure Time Model {#sec-psmcase-lognorm-gof}`r mrg(sound("psm-case-2"))````{r nikm,cap='$\\Phi^{-1}(S_{\text{KM}}(t))$ stratified by `dzgroup`. Linearity and semi-parallelism indicate a reasonable fit to the log-normal accelerated failure time model with respect to one predictor.',scap='$\\Phi^{-1}(S_{\text{KM}}(t))$ stratified by `dzgroup`'}#| label: fig-psmcase-nikmdd <- datadist(ac)# describe distributions of variables to rmsoptions(datadist='dd')# Generate right-censored survival time variableac <- upData(ac, print=FALSE, years = d.time/365.25, units = c(years = 'Year'), S = Surv(years, death))# Show normal inverse Kaplan-Meier estimates# stratified by dzgroupsurvplot(npsurv(S ~ dzgroup, data=ac), conf='none', fun=qnorm,logt=TRUE)```More stringent assessment of log-normal assumptions: checkdistribution of residuals from an adjusted model: `r ipacue()` ```{r lognorm-resid, w=7, h=5.5, mfrow=c(2,2),cap='Kaplan-Meier estimates of distributions of normalized, right-censored residuals from the fitted log-normal survival model. Residuals are stratified by important variables in the model (by quartiles of continuous variables), plus a random variable to depict the natural variability (in the lower right plot). Theoretical standard Gaussian distributions of residuals are shown with a thick solid line. The upper left plot is with respect to disease group.',scap='Distributions of residuals from log-normal model'}#| label: fig-psmcase-lognorm-residspar(mfrow=c(2,2), ps=8, top=1, lwd=1)f <- psm(S ~ dzgroup + rcs(age,5) + rcs(meanbp,5), dist='lognormal', y=TRUE, data=ac)r <- resid(f)with(ac, { survplot(r, dzgroup, label.curve=FALSE) survplot(r, age, label.curve=FALSE) survplot(r, meanbp, label.curve=FALSE) survplot(r, runif(length(age)), label.curve=FALSE)} )```The fit for `dzgroup` is not great but overall fit is good.Remove from consideration predictors that are missing in $> 0.2$ ofthe patients. Many of these were only collected for the second phaseof SUPPORT.Of those variables to be included in the model, find which `r mrg(sound("psm-case-3"))`ones have enough potential predictive power to justify allowing fornonlinear relationships or multiple categories, which spend more d.f.For each variable compute Spearman $\rho^2$based on multiple linear regression of rank($x$), rank($x$)$^2$ andthe survival time, truncating survival time at the shortest follow-upfor survivors (356 days). This rids the data of censoring but createsmany ties at 356 days.```{r spearman, w=4.5, cap='Generalized Spearman $\\rho^2$ rank correlation between predictors and truncated survival time'}#| label: fig-psmcase-spearman#| fig-height: 3spar(top=1, ps=10, rt=3)ac <- upData(ac, print=FALSE, shortest.follow.up = min(d.time[death==0], na.rm=TRUE), d.timet = pmin(d.time, shortest.follow.up))w <- spearman2(d.timet ~ age + + scoma + meanbp + hrt + resp + temp + crea + sod + adlsc + wblc + pafi + ph + dzgroup + race, p=2, data=ac)plot(w, main='')```A better approach is to use the complete information in the failure `r ipacue()`and censoring times by computing Somers' $D_{xy}$ rank correlationallowing for censoring.```{r rcorrcens, w=4.5, cap='Somers\' $D_{xy}$ rank correlation between predictors and original survival time. For `dzgroup` or `race`, the correlation coefficient is the maximum correlation from using a dummy variable to represent the most frequent or one to represent the second most frequent category.',scap='Somers\' $D_{xy}$ rank correlation between predictors and original survival time'}#| label: fig-psmcase-rcorrcens#| fig-height: 3spar(top=1, ps=10, rt=3)w <- rcorrcens(S ~ age + + scoma + meanbp + hrt + resp + temp + crea + sod + adlsc + wblc + pafi + ph + dzgroup + race, data=ac)plot(w, main='')``````{r }# Compute number of missing values per variablesapply(ac[.q(age,,scoma,meanbp,hrt,resp,temp,crea,sod,adlsc, wblc,pafi,ph)], function(x) sum( Can also do naplot(naclus(support[acute,]))# Can also use the Hmisc naclus and naplot functions to do this# Impute missing values with normal or modal valuesac <- upData(ac, print=FALSE, wblc.i = impute(wblc, 9), pafi.i = impute(pafi, 333.3), ph.i = impute(ph, 7.4), race2 = ifelse(, 'white', ifelse(race != 'white', 'other', 'white')) )dd <- datadist(ac)```Do a formal redundancy analysis using more than pairwise associations, `r ipacue()`and allow for non-monotonic transformations in predicting eachpredictor from all other predictors. This analysis requires missingvalues to be imputed so as to not greatly reduce the sample size.```{r }r <- redun(~ crea + age + sex + dzgroup + + scoma + adlsc + race2 + meanbp + hrt + resp + temp + sod + wblc.i + pafi.i + ph.i, data=ac, nk=4)rr2describe(r$scores, nvmax=4) # show top 4 strongest predictors of each var.```Better approach to gauging predictive potential and allocating d.f.:* Allow all continuous variables to have a the maximum number of `r ipacue()` knots entertained, in a log-normal survival model* Must use imputation to avoid losing data* Fit a "saturated" main effects model* Makes full use of censored data* Had to limit to 4 knots, force `scoma` to be linear, and omit`ph.i` to avoid singularity<!-- NEW Wald -> LR -->```{r anovasat,cap='Partial likelihood ratio $\\chi^{2}$ statistics for association of each predictor with response from saturated main effects model, penalized for d.f.',scap='Partial $\\chi^{2}$ statistics from saturated main effects model'}#| label: fig-psmcase-anovasat#| fig-height: 3.5k <- 4f <- psm(S ~ rcs(age,k)+sex+dzgroup+pol(,2)+scoma+ pol(adlsc,2)+race+rcs(meanbp,k)+rcs(hrt,k)+rcs(resp,k)+ rcs(temp,k)+rcs(crea,k)+rcs(sod,k)+rcs(wblc.i,k)+ rcs(pafi.i,k), dist='lognormal', data=ac, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)plot(anova(f, test='LR'))```* This figure properly blinds the analyst to the form `r ipacue()`of effects (tests of linearity).* Fit a log-normal survival model `r ipacue()`with number of parameters corresponding to nonlinear effectsdetermined from @fig-psmcase-anovasat. For the most promisingpredictors, five knots can be allocated, as there are fewersingularity problems once less promising predictors are simplified.**Note**: Since the audio was recorded, a bug in `psm` was fixed on 2017-03-12. Discrimination indexes shown in the table below are correct but the audio is incorrect for $g$ and $g_{r}$.```{r}f <-psm(S ~rcs(age,5) + sex + dzgroup + + scoma +pol(adlsc,2) + race2 +rcs(meanbp,5) +rcs(hrt,3) +rcs(resp,3) + temp +rcs(crea,4) + sod +rcs(wblc.i,3) +rcs(pafi.i,4),dist='lognormal', data=ac, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)fa <-anova(f, test='LR')```## Summarizing the Fitted Model`r mrg(sound("psm-case-4"))`* Plot the shape of the effect of each predictor on log `r ipacue()`survival time.* All effects centered: can be placed on common scale* LR $\chi^2$ statistics, penalized for d.f., plotted in descending order```{r plot, h=7, w=7, cap='Effect of each predictor on log survival time. Predicted values have been centered so that predictions at predictor reference values are zero. Pointwise 0.95 confidence bands are also shown. As all $Y$-axes have the same scale, it is easy to see which predictors are strongest.',scap='Effect of predictors on log survival time in SUPPORT'}#| label: fig-psmcase-plotggplot(Predict(f,, vnames='names', sepdiscrete='vertical', anova=a)````r ipacue()````{r}a``````{r anova,cap='Contribution of variables in predicting survival time in log-normal model'}#| label: fig-psmcase-anova#| fig-height: 3.5plot(a)````r ipacue()````{r summary, w=6.5, h=3.5, cap='Estimated survival time ratios for default settings of predictors. For example, when age changes from its lower quartile to the upper quartile (47.9y to 74.5y), median survival time decreases by more than half. Different shaded areas of bars indicate different confidence levels (0.9, 0.95, 0.99).',scap='Survival time ratios from fitted log-normal model'}#| label: fig-psmcase-summaryspar(top=1, ps=11)options(digits=3)plot(summary(f), log=TRUE, main='')```## Internal Validation of the Fitted Model Using the Bootstrap`r mrg(sound("psm-case-5"))`Validate indexes describing the fitted model.```{r}# First add data to model fit so bootstrap can re-sample# from the datag <-update(f, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)set.seed(717)validate(g, B=300, dxy=TRUE)```* From $D_{xy}$ and $R^2$ there is a moderate amount of `r ipacue()`overfitting.* Slope shrinkage factor (0.90) is not troublesome* Almost unbiased estimate of future predictive discrimination on similar patients is the corrected $D_{xy}$of 0.43.Validate predicted 1-year survival probabilities. Use a smooth `r ipacue()`approach that does not require binning [@koo95haz] and useless precise Kaplan-Meier estimates obtained by stratifying patientsby the predictedprobability, with at least 60 patients per group.```{r cal, cap='Bootstrap validation of calibration curve. Dots represent apparent calibration accuracy; $\\times$ are bootstrap estimates corrected for overfitting, based on binning predicted survival probabilities and and computing Kaplan-Meier estimates. Black curve is the estimated observed relationship using `hare` and the blue curve is the overfitting-corrected `hare` estimate. The gray-scale line depicts the ideal relationship.',scap='Bootstrap validation of calibration curve for log-normal model'}#| label: fig-psmcase-calset.seed(717)cal <- calibrate(g, u=1, B=300)plot(cal, subtitles=FALSE)cal <- calibrate(g, cmethod='KM', u=1, m=60, B=300, pr=FALSE)plot(cal, add=TRUE)```## Approximating the Full Model {#sec-psmcase-approx}`r mrg(sound("psm-case-6"))`The fitted log-normal model is perhaps too complex for routine useand for routine data collection. Let us develop a simplified modelthat can predict the predicted values of the full model with high\index{accuracy!approximation}accuracy ($R^{2} = 0.96$). Thesimplification is done using a fastbackward stepdown against the full model predicted values.```{r }Z <- predict(f) # X*beta hata <- ols(Z ~ rcs(age,5) scoma+pol(adlsc,2)+race2+ rcs(meanbp,5)+rcs(hrt,3)+rcs(resp,3)+ temp+rcs(crea,4)+sod+rcs(wblc.i,3)+ rcs(pafi.i,4), sigma=1, data=ac)# sigma=1 is used to prevent sigma hat from being zero when# R2=1.0 since we start out by approximating Z with all# component variablesfastbw(a, aics=10000) # fast backward stepdown``````{r }f.approx <- ols(Z ~ dzgroup + rcs(meanbp,5) + rcs(crea,4) + rcs(age,5) + rcs(hrt,3) + scoma + rcs(pafi.i,4) + pol(adlsc,2)+ rcs(resp,3), x=TRUE, data=ac)f.approx$stats```* Estimate variance-covariance matrix of the coefficients of reduced model `r ipacue()`* This covariance matrix does not include the scale parameter```{r }V <- vcov(f, regcoef.only=TRUE) # var(full model)X <- cbind(Intercept=1, g$x) # full model designx <- cbind(Intercept=1, f.approx$x) # approx. model designw <- solve(t(x) %*% x, t(x)) %*% X # contrast matrixv <- w %*% V %*% t(w)```Compare variance estimates (diagonals of `v`) withvariance estimates from a reduced model that is fitted against theactual outcomes.```{r }f.sub <- psm(S ~ dzgroup + rcs(meanbp,5) + rcs(crea,4) + rcs(age,5) + rcs(hrt,3) + scoma + rcs(pafi.i,4) + pol(adlsc,2)+ rcs(resp,3), dist='lognormal', data=ac)r <- diag(v)/diag(vcov(f.sub,regcoef.only=TRUE))r[c(which.min(r), which.max(r))]````r ipacue()````{r}f.approx$var <- vanova(f.approx, test='Chisq', ss=FALSE)```Equation for simplified model:```{r}# Typeset mathematical form of approximate modellatex(f.approx)```<br><br>Nomogram for predicting median and mean survival time, based on`r mrg(sound("psm-case-7"))` approximate model:```{r}# Derive R functions that express mean and quantiles# of survival time for specific linear predictors# analyticallyexpected.surv <-Mean(f)quantile.surv <-Quantile(f)expected.survquantile.survmedian.surv <-function(x) quantile.surv(lp=x)``````{r nomogram, h=6, w=6, cap='Nomogram for predicting median and mean survival time, based on approximation of full model',scap='Nomogram for simplified log-normal model'}#| label: fig-psmcase-nomogramspar(ps=10)# Improve variable labels for the nomogramf.approx <- Newlabels(f.approx, c('Disease Group','Mean Arterial BP', 'Creatinine','Age','Heart Rate','SUPPORT Coma Score', 'PaO2/(.01*FiO2)','ADL','Resp. Rate'))nom <- nomogram(f.approx, pafi.i=c(0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900), fun=list('Median Survival Time'=median.surv, 'Mean Survival Time' =expected.surv),,.25,.5,1,2,5,10,20,40))plot(nom, cex.var=1, cex.axis=.75, lmgp=.25)```| Packages | Purpose | Functions ||-----|-----|-----|| `Hmisc` | Miscellaneous functions | `describe,ecdf,naclus,varclus,llist,spearman2,impute,latex` || `rms` | Modeling | `datadist,psm,rcs,ols,fastbw` || | Model presentation | `survplot,Newlabels,Function,Mean,Quantile,nomogram` || | Model validation | `validate,calibrate` |: R packages and functions used. All packages are available on `CRAN`.```{r echo=FALSE}saveCap('19')```